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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All,


I am late! This is because after chauffeuring management to work my back (which was working to rule yesterday) has now gone on strike. Consequently I had no choice but to come out in sympathy so went back to bed!

When I eventually got I up decided to breakfast on coffee & painkillers & go for a short walk to loosen myself up. This has failed miserably so the rest of the day will be spent doing as little as possible to aggravate the situation and hope to negotiate a return to work tomorrow.

We have had some sunshine but sky has now clouded over-chance of rain yet again.

As far as "trick or treat" we seem to be quite lucky (like Mike) & parents supervise the little ones so we don't mind joining in. I was admonished by one parent for making her kid cry with my scary mask & I said- "But I'm not wearing a mask!)


Have a good one



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  • RMweb Gold

I was a guest player with a Government team euphemistically known as The Stationary Office.

Would my memory of short boundaries be accurate?

I'm no expert on that game but one of my past colleagues did say something like that and as he spends a lot of time at Lords I think he ought to know something about the game, probably.

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Was supposed to have a 5 hour round trip for a 90 min meeting called by someone with previous for last minute cancellations. Told her it would have to be via teleconference as I couldn't afford to lose the tavel time. She had a temper tantrum but finally agreed. Guess what just got cancelled by her 10 mins before it was scheduled to start?


Result for me. Dilbert once again provides my guidance. "Always postpone meetings with time wasting morons"

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  • RMweb Premium

It occurs to me that Pandrol might be quite a nice railway-related name for a girl


Didn't the Slovenians call their French-built class 363 locos Brigitte? Of course, there's also the Soviet-built series of diesel locos operated as classes 232, 233 and 241 here in Germany and nicknamed "Ludmilla" ...

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.........and yes Debs & Dave - Dennis will be there, he has said.


Please pass my sincerest regards to Dennis. :good:


I`d always hoped he`d write a book about his railway-experiences; such is his broad knowledge and breadth of his railway career........it`d be a very entertaining and interesting read. :yes:

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  • RMweb Gold

We got quite a bit of baby name advice.

From Aditi's Dad, give them short names in case they are stupid and can't write long names on forms.

From my Dad, under no circumstances give the child any of his names (Reginald Herbert), and make sure initials don't spell anything rude.

Aditi's Mum kept suggesting popular Indian names but Aditi said for middle name use only. Then MiL didn't like the Indian name Aditi chose anyway.

There were plenty of names we liked but had negative associations with students (or "colleagues").

Matthew doesn't seem too unhappy with his name, his friends call him Matt, family still say Matthew.


Aditi didn't get her name (needed it for travel to UK) until she was 5, and was asked if she liked the name. In her family children didn't get official names until they were older (teenagers) usually and had baby names. Aditi was Ruby and her sister was Sweetie (a misnomer according to Aditi). Now I believe Indian bureaucracy is such that babies names need to be registered at birth.

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  • RMweb Gold

Please pass my sincerest regards to Dennis. :good:


I`d always hoped he`d write a book about his railway-experiences; such is his broad knowledge and breadth of his railway career........it`d be a very entertaining and interesting read. :yes:

Will do Debs - I will then probably get most of your railway life story of course ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


First off, thanks from me and 30747 for the good wishes for her medication and tests. Loved the doggy pikky Debs and 30747 is suggesting that all dogs should learn this task as part of their basic training.


The two days off were meant to be a "take it easy" exercise for both of us, but as the medication so far has not caused too many adverse effects, I was bidden to get in the car and head for the food emporium to exchange a quantity of my salary for little luxuries like dinners and a selection of offal to supplement the puppy's diet - she's totally gone off tinned food for now, so offal, eggs, biscuit, and a think about possible vitimin supplements that might be needed - mentioned this to 30747 as I went out, and when I got home, got the "she's booked for a puppy check at the vet's at four today" - so much for that quiet day that was in prospect.


Still no Pete online, but that is no great surprise as his neck of the woods seems to have been hit quite hard - he will not be alone, though, as he and many million other stateside residents are experiencing Sandy induced lack of power.


Ashers - as to girl's names with a railway connotation there's a few in the King Arthur class, though I don't think that Sir Gawain would work so well, but then my missus was lucky that they named one after her!


Oh yes, and it's about to start raining (what a surprise).


On a final thought about the legalised demanding with menace Haloween, I am fairly confident that we won't get too much trouble here, as we are in a village, and most of the kids are local. Of course, there is also now the chance to work out the "revenge" treats like toffee onions, chocolate dipped peppers, and candied chillis.


I'm off as today one of my tasks is to make my own dinner.


Regards to All


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Been there. A day out on the coach one summer when I was a kid. :sungum: :sungum: :sungum:


Cor, Worthing. Went on a week's course there in 1973. Blisteringly hot and we stood out as the only folks wearing suits ! Still, all the residents drove round at 5 mph and the pubs were empty after 9 pm. It must have been cheaper than Bournemouth in those days.

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  • RMweb Premium

Grey sea is also the normal colour where I used to visit as a kid - Scotland's West coast


Nowt wrong with Worthing - it's positively vibrant when compared to boring Goring up the road....


Now for the main reason that I'm back. For those who are needing a puppy fix, here's Lilypops relaxing with 30747 and unaware of where she's going this afternoon




I've just been told that she needs a walk at two - now where's my wet suit and flippers?

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Was supposed to have a 5 hour round trip for a 90 min meeting called by someone with previous for last minute cancellations. Told her it would have to be via teleconference as I couldn't afford to lose the tavel time. She had a temper tantrum but finally agreed. Guess what just got cancelled by her 10 mins before it was scheduled to start?


Result for me. Dilbert once again provides my guidance. "Always postpone meetings with time wasting morons"


Don't be so hard on yourself, she cancelled, not postponed! :sarcastic:

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At last our new granddaughter is here! Born at 1245. Weight not yet known. Named Alice Marie. Beautiful, according to Mum. Both well; Dad too!


Heading for Crewe, doing 80 mph on M5 near Worcester.


More anon!

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