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Ello, ello, ello Wind down to 7kph, temp up to 25C.

Halloween is pretty much ignored here and Guy Fawkes is very much fading out so no stress here.

When I was a kid I collected fire works for weeks in advance and handled them so much that by the time the 5th arrived they had shed much powder and only fizzed instead of going bang or sparkling!


Our TV receiver system suffered damage at the power failure on Monday and as a result we have only a handful of channels available instead of the multiplicity we are due. Technicians are still trying to rectify.. I don't watch daytime TV so am only affected after supper


The only News channel available is SKY so have been able to keep track of Sandy.

Happy Hump day all..

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Morning all, I'll echo what others have said Ash & hope all goes well? Debs your Collie pic's remind me of my "Lassie" that was my constant companion in a previous life.( though she could never differentiate between a 1"Whitworth and 1 1/8" AF spanner!!)


No fireworks or Halloween here.....thank goodness.


Well enjoy your hump day all,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

an early-ish start for us today as we're heading south. Back on ER on Sunday.

Have a good week everyone.

Expect Pete will be back on by the time I get back, so hope all went well with him.

Ashers - tell her to "PUSH!!!" Expecting to get back to read good news from the Crewe crew! :)


Edited by AndyB
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Hi guys, funnily enough I was just thinking the opposite last night, that thankfully there has been an absence of fireworks this year. They really upset one of our dogs and in previous years he's been aware of them for at least a couple of weeks before the 5th Nov. Touch wood, this year has been so much better.


Tea is brewing so now it's back to bed with Sandy.....

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Morning All,


There is no November the 5th here, but Halloween and/ or Trick or Treat is becoming more popular. I wish they would adopt the unwritten American rule here - if there's no Halloween decoration outside the house, don't knock.


The little guy and I hollowed out a pumpkin, but that's about it as far as Halloween goes in our house.


The weather is much improved on yesterday - cold, but with blue sky and sunshine.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Weather's quite like around Robert's, which does make a nice change from the clouds and fog of the last few days. I'll be off to uni in the afternoon, though I don't expect it to be very demanding.


Enjoy your day, everyone!

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Thanks very much for the warm comments on here. No progress to report other than that Mum has been in hospital since just after midnight.


Time to organise our journey North with updates on here as I receive them. A Hallowe'en baby! My suggestion re a rethink of names in honour of the day was not well received!!


Have a good one, everyone!

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Halloween in Canada/US: kids having fun dressing up and going door to door. People getting into the spirit of things by decorating their houses. Parties, etc. Vandalism is limited to the odd bog roll and a few eggs.


Halloween in the UK: very few if any kids on the street. Decoration is limited to shops and the odd pub. Fireworks damage, noise, anti-social behavior, vandalism, etc etc etc.


Spot the difference.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Weather is OK here. Bin bags have been neatly arranged.

I'll be waiting for news about the car repair (though I realise that isn't anything like as significant as baby arrival news).



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Another stonking day dawns, with clear sky and frost, but everything just looks beautiful. Most leaves are still on the trees, and indeed most are still green.


Hope Ashcombe's drive up M5/6 is easy and all goes well - and soon! Keep us posted!

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Would you welcome some name suggestions from ERs, Ashers?


Every good wish for a happy outcome.


Certainly! I would welcome anything to relieve the tedium of the journey. (Have iPhone to access RM)

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There doesn't seem to be many boundaries when giving babies names these days.

However, best not to lumber the child with one that involves getting beaten up in the playground.


?Railway connections.

How about 'Sleeper' to reflect the delay (re. Sleeping Beauty).

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Morning all


Looks pretty windy outside so I think I'll stay in. Hands not working too well this morning and I have already dropped coffee and sugar all over the worktop. Mrs A gave me one of her looks and asked if I will be OK carving pumpkin.


Great pictures Debs

All the best to Ash, daughter and new arrival.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


An interesting start to the day, got 5 miles from home only to be summonsed back to solve a water leak - a blanking cap had come off. Unable to switch off the mains so water everywhere whilst it was forced back on. Then off to work again, wringing wet, but still made it in before 09:00. The local plumber has fitted a new cap - it was going to come off again and I couldn't take the day off at short notice.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good mornin' all

First thoughts are with baby. Hope all goes well.

And hope that all you out on the West side of the Atlantic are safe.


Fireworks started going off in our village last week (if not sooner) and no doubt will continue 'til Easter, at least. You only know, of course, because you hear the bangs and whizzes - we don't SEE anything. I pity the sheep, not to mention pets and other animals, and the birds - hope they don't fall out of their trees in fright.


And one of our favourite cafes is so full of ridiculous Halloween junk hanging up that I won't go there till it's all over - it just puts me off my coffee. Forget lunch: you might mistake the ketchup for the blood dripping from the severed head's neck!

By the time it's all taken down (well, nearly all), it'll probably be closed for winter not opening up til Easter.


Then the staff in another of our favourite cafe's decided to call everyone 'my darling' every time they speak to you. Urrrrghhhh....


Oh, dear, and I hoped to cheer you up. Another day, perhaps...Oh, yes. Today is wet and windy. That maybe good, though - it might keep the trick or treaters indoors tonight. :mosking:


Enjoy your day.

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  • RMweb Gold

For the first 16 weeks of pregnancy Aditi was for some reason convinced that the baby was going to be a girl and was only thinking about female names. After the 16 week scan I was confident that the child was male and at 24 weeks the amniocentesis results confirmed this. Though Aditi did ask the person from the hospital to repeat as she was convinced that she had just been told test results showed she was having a baby bear.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


bright sunshine at the moment but heavy rain forecast. Unlike many on here we fully enter into teh halloween 'thing' as the local little folk go round in groups escorted by mum and/or dad with even some of those from the former colony in the west wearing weird fancy dress. So the porch is decorated and made to look a bit spooky and herself will be carving a couple of pumpkins to go with various little candle lanterns and the bowls of sweets will be made ready.


All rather nice and if one of the little 'uns fails to say 'thank you' mum at the gatre will issue suitable instructions and a slightly embarassed child will return. Fortunately we don't seem to have problems with larger ones although egg throwing got quite bad where we used to live and that was not at all nice.


We had some fireworks nearby on saturday although they did observe the finishing time and no doubt they'll be some tonight but things are better here than they were in Tilehurst where it seened to be just one thing after another with halloween, Duwali, 5th November and any excuse the dumbos could think of, then New Year.


Will be late entrant tomorrow as I'm off to an 'old boys (and girls)' lunch in Taunton at the cricket ground; officially called 'The Bristol Commercial Manager's Lunch' it actually got a bit nearer its title a couple of years ago when we acquired a past member of that organisation - the first time we had seen one for several years. Nowadays it is basically anybody who worked on the Western Region at some time in their career (and yes Debs & Dave - Dennis will be there, he has said).

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Morning all!


Got part of the way to work and remembered I was meant to have a load of kit with me for a meeting after work... Choice was to go home and get it or abandon the meeting. Have decided to abandon the meeting instead (unlikely anyone will notice).


I realise now that my comments yesterday on not wanting to go to Disney may now have to be reconsidered in the light of their purchase of Lucasfilm... I might be more persuadable if there's a Star Wars exhibit...

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  • RMweb Gold

I think I played once at Taunton years ago, Mike.

No real memories of the ground.

It has changed enormously in the few years since we have been going there for our lunches with two new stands plus a lot of flats or whatever they call them overlooking one side. The food is now pretty good but not exactly cheap although the drink prices aren't bad and they seem to like off-season customers like our lot.


And yes - will do Dave (while he's still sober, Dennis has a habit of 'having a good time' at this event ;) ).

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