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Smashin' Autumn walk today along part of the former Cromford & High Peak railway between Hopton and Longcliffe in bright sunshine. Too young to have travelled by train along this route but the character of the setting is alive and kicking! Luckily I have several clips of original workings over this line on DVD or video...in fact I'll look one or two out now.



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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  • RMweb Premium

Our loss rather than yours! Sorry the W-word has got in the way of your ER contributions, but no doubt it pays for the Internet access!


Hopefully an extra hour's sleep tonight will give you a little more me-time tomorrow?

Possibly, though 30747 has other ideas as will have Lily - work does pay for the Internet access and the TV service, as I work for a telecoms operator and as part of my salary package I get free unlimited broadband, and a full on demand TV package (they charge £1.00 to set them up, so they are not regarded as a benefit in kind for tax).

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  • RMweb Gold

Dom's photo of the bunnies and the comment that Albert chased Trude off the carrots reminded me about the rats that Matthew had. We usually made sure that Norah and Smudge had a treat each but on one occasion there was only one chicken bone. They both went for the middle, had a little fight, backed off and then delicately nibbled from opposite ends. This was what they then always did.



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all ,


I did'nt have time to check in this morning before a trip to Rail-ex at Taunton ,

a nice day out and not to much expenditure .


Weather today was absolutly great , wall to wall blue sky and a blazing sun , just

slightly spoilt by the chilly wind .


Off now to check out the rest of the site for interesting items , see you all back

here tomorrow morning .

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening ladies and gents,

Can someone put the kettle on? I'm exhausted!

What a long, long month it's been. Too long a story to tell it all, but I've never been so stressed in all my life at the behaviour of fellow course-mates. I use the term 'mates' very loosely!


Anyway, enough negativity already, at least I now have a job, a car and a busier life (which is somewhat better than a quiet life but I'm not sure to what extent). Forgive me if I don't look through what I have missed, and apologies for not showing my face around here recently but I'm sure you'll understand!


On a side note, our internet (wireless only) goes off now every night after 7pm. I thought it must be interference when something automatically comes on at 7 but I can't think of anything that does... strange.


I'll be on tomorrow, so I might try and catch up unless one of you could put all the recent ER happenings into some sort of synopsis - but I don't think anyone would have time for that. Haha.


Now, time to blow off the dust from my railway plans and do some modelling...

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.thginot kcab og skcolc ehT .tegrof t'noD


On first reading, I thought it was Welsh! Very clever!


We must have had some similarly quick witted folk attending the Poetry Festival session on Shakespeare. Excerpts from our theatre company's production of "As You Like It" were very well received with responses that showed their ability to pick up the subtle nuances of humour, lost at times on our theatre audience back in March. Gossip over lunch with a friend and beautiful sunshine made this a good day.


Hope other ER's also had some enjoyable times.

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  • RMweb Gold

If I have trouble sleeping tonight, I may get up before I went to bed.


I just put the clocks forward by 23 hours. As I often don't know what day it is, it seemed the easiest thing to do.


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Hello all and a very warm welcome back to Jam! Do you also get a 'half term holiday at Uni"?

Congrats on the car. What is it?


Clear blue sky here too.. The Sun's been up for 40 minutes already and it looks set to be a lovely day.

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Morning All,


We set the clocks back during the night and whilst my body tells me that I stayed in bed until the late hour of 07:30, the. Clock actually says 06:30.


Foul day yesterday, mixed rain and snow and right brass monkey weather too. So good model making weather, I started on the Oldbury Road building cutting out the shell and building the framework, I hope to post pics by tonight.


Our hairy houseguest (Jordi) and his owner came by yesterday. He is NOT a well dog, very subdued - almost as though he is resigned to his fate. But he was still his friendly self, still bringing to us his "schenkli" (little gift) upon arrival (he has a squeaky lamb toy that we keep in the sitting room for him, upon arrival he dashes to get it and brings it to us for our approval) and whilst he's not eating much, he still retains an appetite for chocolate bourbon creams. Three vets have examined him, but no one is quite sure what it is, but lymphoma remains the most likely diagnosis.


Given the continuing foul weather, I'll be making a large "Kate and Sidney" pudding for lunch today,, giving me time to work on Oldbury Road and and make final arrangements for our delayed Autumn Hols while it steams. I'll probably make a Jam Pudding as pudding for Dinner tonight (with skool custard, of course).

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


...and good to hear from you, Jam! :yes:


Looks like we're indeed below 0°C outside, though from what I can see through the open slot below the shutter, the sky's clearing up. Tomorrow by that time, I'll be at school again and mentally preparing for pupils who I'm sure will still be stuck in their autumn break.



On first reading, I thought it was Welsh! Very clever!


Looked more like Klingon to me! – jIlajneS. ghIj qet jaghmeyjaj!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all - car looks to be iced up this morning.


Like ID, my internal clock says 07:xx even though the actual time is 06:xx, very rarely sleep beyond 06:45 these days so it causes "panic" looking at the time, gave up and got up for a nice cup of tea.

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Hoping trains are running better today after yesterday's trip to Liverpool. We should have been there before 9 am but with the wires down we didn't get there till gone mid day so never made it to the Birkenhead, show. It was lunch and a few beers before heading South again.


This morning it will be breakfast in Wetherspoon in Birmingham.

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...peeing down in the Staffs Moorlands...remnants of last nights Indian to clear away...being a 'fair weather' cyclist no 'constitutional' this morning....servers rota to finish before church at 11.


Have a great day everybody!



Edited by Torr Giffard LSWR 1951-71
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All quiet on the western front as the first Lemsip of the day arrives. Saddened to read about Jordi, Doctor. Animals have a way of really pulling at the heartstrings, particularly those that have been part of the family for years.


SiL is coming over this morning for some career councelling. I think he's reached a point in his career where he may have realised he's in the wrong one. As always, the further you go down this route, the harder it is to change, so it will be interesting to hear what he has to say.


Keep those hatches well and truly battened down if you are in areas of weather turmoil...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning,good morning & a very good morming to all & sundry!


It is fine & dry day so far, there is blue in the sky & it is a fresh 3oC-birds have been heard tweeting and all seems to be well in my little corner of this sceptred isle!

Today we have been invited to our neighbour's daughter's 16th birthday celebration. As this is a family event rather than a teenagers thrash we are very honoured.


Hello to Jam-we haven't met here before as I am fairly new to ERs but as far as I can see since you've been away stuff has happened as follows:

1,There has been a lot of trivial stuff.

2.There has been some not so trivial stuff.

3.There has been some stuff that is actually very important to some of the great people on here.

Hope this helps,



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Rather a late start after being awake in the night for no particular reason.


Need to be out early as we have a family friendly service called "Prayzone" in the church hall, led by a music group of which I am part. A more traditional service takes place in the church.


Hope it's a good day for all, with special thoughts about Jordi and friends across the Pond.

Edited by Ashcombe
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