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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

I was in T-Shirt and Shorts yesterday. It's going to be close to 70 on Saturday.


Best, Pete.

Matthew has sent me pictures of the snow in Calgary (-7C today). He passed his "Canada" exam. This was a compulsory unit for all Geography students. The only remaining exam is Economics and he said he isn't going to do the follow up module to that next term. He will do anything else!

If I don't post early tomorrow it is because we are leaving home early to get to the Barbican for 8am. Aditi is going to the degree ceremony. She hasn't been to one before and has just had her previous qualifications posted to her! We'll be having lunch afterwards before heading back into what will still probably be a foggy south Essex.

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  • RMweb Premium

Probably the one I thought was "When I'm six foot four"


Not the one I thought was "When I'm sixty four inches"?

Edited by southern42
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Ha! You beat me Tony. Enjoy the degree ceremony!

The weather forecast says the wind has dropped, but it's still blowing here, though not as strongly.

Max forecast is 24, so it's slowly getting warmer, but a single days rain promised for Friday

Happy Hump day all.

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All,


Dry so far and 13oC



Obviously young at heart if you're counting the weeks until your birthday!


It's only 38 sleeps till my 64th!

I have been told that if any parcels arrive from Liverpool,Sheffield,Ford or anywhere else I am not allowed to touch/inspect/peer at closely or even think about what may be inside.

Big kid-you bet-I wouldn't have it any other way. :locomotive:



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Morning All,


It is a rather damp autumnal morning here - but it isn't raining and it is quite mild for the time of year, so can't really complain.


The discussion on food prices is quite interesting. As Ian said, the price of food has risen quite considerably over the past few years in France, as it has here in Germany. However, Germany is still cheaper than the UK when it comes to food shopping - although not as significantly as it was. I think France and the UK and comparable for many things now.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Morning all, big rains in the night, which I guess will also make this mornings journey interesting. Just getting light but no sun-rise this morning.


Months till my next birthday. (then only two more before retirement?) But can guarantee there'll be no "train" presents.........


Oh well on-wards and up-wards as the saying goes,


Enjoy the day folks.



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Good morning to some very early risers today!


Back to full strength now, having fought off the Shingles and the ensuing cold so returning to participate in my Dance Exercise Class this morning.


Hope everyone else on here is well, inc DD with his e-cold! Have a good day!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Foggy outside, and I mean really pea-souper foggy! Been awake around 5 am, but managed to drift back to sleep, thankfully. I'll need to run a few errands later on, but first of all, coffee and something for breakfast...

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I can't think of anything in the 'States that is more expensive than the UK......oh, hang on, Branston Pickle is more expensive over here!


People forget just how the price of gasoline drives up everything deliverable.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Got up, Fed dog, saw son off to work, then made tea for two. Please note the priority of dog before tea!


A squadron of geese just did low 'honk pass' of the house, so no fog here.


It's grey and overcast at present; I hope it bucks up for our furniture shopping expedition to Chester later on to day.


Food prices are creeping up, and I sometimes feel that the time and effort we put into growing our own veg probably costs us more than buying it from the shops.


1216 025 will be pleased to know that I'm sitting here in a Tee shirt.


The dog in her post brekkie snooze, is snoring away at my feet.


I hope Ashers enjoys her prancing dancing this morning. But please don't overdo it! We don't want a relapse.


Bob, I think you will find the restriction on parcel inspections excludes bills!





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Morning comrades...:-)


When I'm 64? Made it a few months back, but GrandadBob sounds so much older with that name. I think of Grandad's being in their 80's but in my head I'm still in my 30's. It's just mirrors and aching bones that suddenly brings home the reality....


With the dark early mornings, we were rudely awaken by a knock at the door. Hadn't realised it was 7.45 as we sipped our tea and watched the news...


The one thing that has struck me about all these film clips of JS is how he related to young girls (and boys) on Jim'll Fix It. Bloomin' obvious now, but at the time I never gave it a second thought...


Edit: Suddenly realised I must have missed a page or two of postings so going back to catch up..

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Guys, do any of you still feel like wearing t-shirts at this time of year by any chance? ...


I have only worn a formal shirt a handful of times since I retired. Having worn formal shirts for 37-odd years of work a t-shirt is almost a badge of office for those of us no longer at the beck and call of mis-management.


Have a good day all.




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  • RMweb Gold




Yep-curiously enough I am allowed to deal with all the demands of the the various suppliers of goods, services, utilities, etc and if energy prices increase much more they will need a box to deliver their requests for an even bigger slice of my income.


Gordon-In the weird world that exists in my head I'm still a youngster but when I attempt any major physical tasks various parts of my body tell me that they have aged a lot quicker than my brain.


Dave-me too-suited & booted for 38 years - ties etc now only worn for christenings, weddings & funerals.




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I wonder how many of us are storing suits that no longer fit?

Mine are border line and I still have to look 'respectable' quite often.

Fortunately my ties still seem to fit quite well.

Unfortunately the black ones are getting too much use in the last few years.

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  • RMweb Premium

Mornin all,


Yes, the fog is back here but not as spectacular as yesterday.


Yesterday, I bought a bottle of Milk of Magnesia. Not had it in the cupboard for years. What have they done to it? It's runny (wasn't it quite thick, at one time?), tastes yuk, and feels horrible going down the oesophagus. And to think I used to quite like it.


Time for breakfast.

Have a good day.

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