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  • RMweb Premium

Well I missed the morning deadline again , so good afternoon all .


Another grey and miserable day , damp but no actual rain so far , just

depressing really .


Morning chores were done well before getting here for a change , often I'm

found washing the breakfast dishes after lunch due to spending to many

hours on this machine seeing what is happening in the big wide world as well as

this comunity .


Now I better away and do something productive for a change .

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  • RMweb Premium

... Will spend the time in the chair distracting myself with mental modelling.


Most of your modelling always struck me as a bit that way Stu!


Afternoon All. Damp and dreary in these parts and that's before I start playing golf.


Have a Good one all.




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Morning/Afternoon all,


Thanks for all your best wishes regarding our favourite hairy houseguest


Doggy Update: The radiologist was not at the clinic and so no ultrasound was done (much to the distress and anger of Mrs iD and our friend), they did do a thoracic puncture and drew off fluid, and the vet said something about "spleen" or "water on the heart" or a "cancer" (sic). Unfortunately, neither Mrs iD or her friend know much about medicine, so what Mrs iD told me in her e-mail could refer to cardiomegaly, CHF, splenomegaly, endocarditis,,,, the list is extensive without considering any sort of malignancy. The vet has sent off a fluid sample for cytology, which will help in the differential diagnosis - especially if they should find a mass in the chest on ultrasound.


I am not optimistic and I am now starting to think about what the options could be (comfort care? if a tumour surgical cure if possible, surgery to debulk if not and then comfort care? immediate euthanasia?)


I just hope I see him one more time after I come back from my business trip....

Edited by iL Dottore
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I am not optimistic and I am now starting to think about what the options could be (comfort care? if a tumour surgical cure if possible, surgery to debulk if not and then comfort care? immediate euthanasia?)


I just hope I see him one more time after I come back from my business trip....


Try not to worry too much, and wait for that complete exam, scan and test-panel..........My big-fellow (Cody) was given "a week to live" (with suggestions of my considering euthanasia for him) about five years ago when he suffered what had been decided was a 'tumour' in his prostate and testicles; he was horribly ill, unable to eat and passing crimson pee for weeks.......t`was later decided that it actually was a severe prostate infection......surgery to remove it (and his crown jewels) combined with strong antibiotics eventually led to a wonderful recovery.

.....keep positive.



This is the big-fellow the night after his surgery, wearing his 'bucket'....oh the indignity!



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Thanks Debs, I'll make sure Mrs iD see that picture of Cody, who looks remarkably chipper for someone who has just had his nadgers removed. Belay that, looking at the photo again, his expression seems to be saying "why did you do that to me....?"


Strangely enough I'm not worried, I'm looking at Jordi's situation very dispassionately and clinically, and I know what will happen will happen, And yet I know I will be deeply affected by an unfavourable outcome -. and the silly thing is, he's not even our dog, just a regular houseguest.


It's amazing how you can get attached to some dogs. They say that man created dogs from the wolf, but I think that the dog has also helped shaped mankind. Humanity without the dog as companion and tool would not be the same

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Argh, poor thing....! Several fingers and toes crossed in our house for IL Dittore ;-)


That nice man from the GPO has been and left a package while I was at work in the form of another ITC DVD set from Amazon (other retail outlets are available, it says here ;) ) namely 'The Protectors'... does anyone remember watching this back in the early '70s, or is it too embarrassing to admit too?!! If I get time later I might have have a self indulgent wallow in the world of Jensen Interceptors, camel coloured polo necks and dry Martinis....!


Very foggy at work this morning, I brought 6Y48 up from Oxford (it had been working in the Reading blockade during the night) and it was so thick I couldn't see the girder bridge at Aynho Junction as I passed under it, not surprising really with the Oxford canal close by. Same job again tomorrow and Thursday - must remember to take my camera in again.

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  • RMweb Gold

Trip to the dentist in 30 mins for a tooth extraction..... Will spend the time in the chair distracting myself with mental modelling.


I suppose that is one way to transcend-dental medication.

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Try not to worry too much, and wait for that complete exam, scan and test-panel..........My big-fellow (Cody) was given "a week to live" (with suggestions of my considering euthanasia for him) about five years ago when he suffered what had been decided was a 'tumour' in his prostate and testicles; he was horribly ill, unable to eat and passing crimson pee for weeks.......t`was later decided that it actually was a severe prostate infection......surgery to remove it (and his crown jewels) combined with strong antibiotics eventually led to a wonderful recovery.

.....keep positive.



This is the big-fellow the night after his surgery, wearing his 'bucket'....oh the indignity!



At least he can still play the piano!

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi All.

Misty here again. Had sun then rain, though I didn't know it had been raining until someone paid for her purchase with a rather soggy (dripping wet) £10 note pulled out of her rather soggy purse with other bits of soggy paper and notes all stuck together. The boss dried said £10 note on his computer.


Time to put pies in the oven so.

Have a good eveining and if you post here I'll pop back and have a read.

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold

Sun never made an appearance, and on higher ground on way to bank there was some damping mid-afternoon, although 15.5 degrees isn't bad, either. Bank must be quite high up, as we are about 300' up here, and I think Belleme is probably higher. I have to go there because it is in Normandie, and thus a different part of the bank, which includes the Brit-friendly (English-speaking phone support) portion. One concludes that Credit Agricole is really just a collection of local banks with a joint marketing image, as we discovered very early when the local branch indicated little interest in our doing business there as our account was in a different Region.


All that said, a very smartly dressed young lady helped me with my cash deposit, and I now know what to do in future!

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  • RMweb Gold

Guys, do any of you still feel like wearing t-shirts at this time of year by any chance? Call me odd if you like, but I am still feeling like it's too warm for anything with long sleeves.

The weather looked a bit dodgy when I went down to the bank this afternoon so I wore my waxed jacket. By the time I was on my way home I was far too warm so took off the jacket and walked home in my shirtsleeves - and was still plenty warm enough.

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  • RMweb Gold

Sun never made an appearance, and on higher ground on way to bank there was some damping mid-afternoon, although 15.5 degrees isn't bad, either. Bank must be quite high up, as we are about 300' up here, and I think Belleme is probably higher. I have to go there because it is in Normandie, and thus a different part of the bank, which includes the Brit-friendly (English-speaking phone support) portion. One concludes that Credit Agricole is really just a collection of local banks with a joint marketing image, as we discovered very early when the local branch indicated little interest in our doing business there as our account was in a different Region.


All that said, a very smartly dressed young lady helped me with my cash deposit, and I now know what to do in future!


Seems they do things just for us http://www.britline.com/

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  • RMweb Gold

Seems they do things just for us http://www.britline.com/

Exactly. Would recommend them for the attention to our British needs. And anyone who owns property in France just has to have a French account - electricity and water companies won't deal with you otherwise! French banking costs real money - not much is free, and a bank card costs £50 or so per year! That's why cheques are still much used, especially by the older generation, paying in the supermarket etc.


Oh, well - at least the wine's cheap! Slurrrrp!

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Ian, how expensive are foodstuffs in France, actually?


We visit France regularly and find our food bill is similar to what it is in the UK. Some things dearer, others cheaper, esp wine. Is that a foodstuff?!


Diesel is cheaper, clothes are dearer. Eating out similar to the UK but quality usually better.


Hope that helps.

Edited by Ashcombe
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Guys, do any of you still feel like wearing t-shirts at this time of year by any chance? Call me odd if you like, but I am still feeling like it's too warm for anything with long sleeves.


I was in T-Shirt and Shorts yesterday. It's going to be close to 70 on Saturday.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian, how expensive are foodstuffs in France, actually? Been too long ago for me to have been vacationing there to remember...

I dunno - you don't notice prices as they creep, but food prices have risen here, as everywhere else, and particularly since 2007/8. As Ashcombe - who no doubt knows current UK prices, unlike me - says, it's not too bad except that of course the £ is now worth 15-20% less than when I moved here in 2004. If lunching out, you can still get a 3-course set lunch for about 10-11 euros at a lot of places, which is pretty good, let's face it.


It's going to be close to 70 on Saturday.

I shall be 64 in three weeks - does that count?
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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks, Ashers and Ian! Up in Denmark a couple of weeks ago, I found things like meat tended to be a bit more expensive than in this-here country, while other staples like bread, eggs and stuff were about the same - and fish and seafood mostly were dirt cheap! Nothing quite like fresh fried plaice and chips or smoked mackerel with rye bread...


If lunching out, you can still get a 3-course set lunch for about 10-11 euros at a lot of places, which is pretty good, let's face it.


That is rather good indeed!

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  • RMweb Premium

I shall be 64 in three weeks - does that count?


On your tail, friend. Edit: but add another 52+ weeks

Do you know the song?

Edited by southern42
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