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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Ah, but there's the thing. This thread is addictive and I, for one, spend ages catching up in case I've missed anything important.

How can I put this nicely? I love ERs because it is warm and sociable and evinces Olde Worlde courtesies and caring. "Important", however, is not a word that comes to mind.....
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ER's is my local. A place to meet some mates and natter about everything under the sun. You never know what subject will come up each time you log in, but with 100's of years experience on here, someone will be able to give some guidance or an answer to your problem....and you don't get an ear bending for coming home late!

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

You know, I am thinking of ERs of something like an electronic pub that's open 24 hours a day and where you can have a chat on most anything that might come up. May it remain thus forever - says me, raising a glass of wine (for real).

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  • RMweb Premium

You know, I am thinking of ERs of something like an electronic pub that's open 24 hours a day ...


I can't get the hang of this e-beer though. Or should that be small beer?




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  • RMweb Premium

I rather like those alternate opening sequences for several of the Star Trek series - each of them with footage taken from numerous episodes and combined with different themes:












That must have been rather an awful lot of work...

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We live in a typical urban area and our place adjoins a new estate. Our immediate neighbours are part of that new estate and because we have different access roads our paths never cross. Nevertheless it came as a bit of a shock yesterday to hear the husband had died of bowel cancer three weeks ago, aged just 58. I'm not sure what has impacted me most. The loss of someone so young, the loss to his family or just the fact that modern lifestyles often mean we rarely see neighbours in the way we did as kids.


Our house in those days was one of a whole row of identical of terraced properties with a 6' front garden and a street that doubled as Wembley when it hosted 20 a side endless football matches every evening after school. We all knew everyone and there was a great community spirit. Now we have neighbours we know little about and probably see once or twice in a year. Certainly food for thought....

ER's is my local. A place to meet some mates and natter about everything under the sun. You never know what subject will come up each time you log in, but with 100's of years experience on here, someone will be able to give some guidance or an answer to your problem....and you don't get an ear bending for coming home late!


It's interesting, I now know only 3 people in my stair (of 15 flats). I was friendly with others but they've since moved away. I've lived here 9 years, very nearly 10 now and know 3 people, and not even very well.


Yet with ERs, I know Dom and his rabbits, Robert and his wee fella, Tony, Aditi, Matthew and Robbie, Gordon and Jackie, the dogs, Sam hiding in the outbuildings, and the fish, DD and his in-laws, Ian and his horses, Mike and his strange fishing trip hunting the Greater Canadian Buoy, Stewart and Lily... and the list goes on. I know you all so much better than my own neighbours, yet we've never met.


Oh, and DD - about the trump in Scotland, sorry, that was Jamie. She's had terrible wind since we went to the Chinese at lunchtime.

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Good Monday Morning all,


Just getting light but no sun-rise here this morning.. yesterday seemed to fly by, so by the time I thought of getting round to cake making.....it was near bed time.. Oh well.


What ever you're up to try and enjoy something!



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Good morning!


A new week during which, we hope, our new granddaughter will arrive. Her family live in Crewe so we shall be heading North to care for her older brother, William Prince (yes, really!) who is two.


After more than 30 years in our last house, we knew most of the neighbours in our cul de sac and were pleasantly surprised by their sadness when we moved! Now, we have no immediate neighbours apart from pigs and new born piglets in the field behind us. This may change now that the derelict restaurant on one side of us has been sold.


Will be up and out early to see Nurse for results of routine blood tests and GP re trigger thumb! Joys of ageing!


Have a good week!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all - only got up, so not able to report on anything as of yet before my usual coffee intake. I should get used to again getting up at silly o'clock next Monday...


Rumour has it, we could have an Indian summer also this week. Fingers crossed.


We've been having just that over the weekend, which is lovely. Forecast says it's to remain sunny and fairly mild till at least Thursday, too.

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Rumour has it, we could have an Indian summer also this week.


`Best get our wagons in a circle then! :mosking:


Breakfast, dog-walkies and then (if the weather holds fast) an engine oil and filter change for our 'pup-mobile'........made easier with my latest "find": a pair of brand-new car ramps, which I spotted in a skip recently, they were being chucked away as part of a house-clearance; not even the "man in the van" wanted them! :O ........this really is a throw-away society! :no:

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