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  • RMweb Gold

The BMW version of the Mini is very popular round here. Don't see many deer though. There are some in a field near the M25 but they are farmed (for bambi-burgers?) rather than just passing through.

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  • RMweb Premium

The nearest I got to owning a Mini was when I bought a Fiat Cinquecento which was going cheap (ish).

I found out why.

It broke down twice, the clutch cable broke both times,

the second time killing the engine - dead.

It went to the carpark in the sky.

On googling Fiat Cinquecento, afterwards, most of the entries were: "Fiat for sale. New clutch cable." :cry:


Should've bought a Mini or gone to specksavers.

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold

No contest - but didn't the cams need re-shimming about every 1500 miles?

The local police (before it was Thames Valley ) ran three specially tuned Mk 1 Loti Cortinas, unmarked as copmobiles apart from certain illuminated signage on the back - they changed the engines every 2,000 miles and one of the blokes who used to drive them reckoned they could catch just about anything on the open road, E Type Jags included.

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The thing about the Lotus Cortina Mk. 1 was that it handled and cornered so well - better than an E type (which wasn't as good as the D Type). As you know when you reach 120mph or so all the straights disappear.....so it could catch them, unless the E Type driver was wearing brown trousers. Something like that, anyway....


Ah, High Beech - That pub; I had a Coventry Climax in the Car Park from the same girl that Ian knew (obviously)......


Best, Pete.

Thanks to Debs for reminding me of an old euphemism........

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I did actually consider a Mini for a while when it came to my getting my first car, twelve years ago. I was aware of them handling rather well, too. However, I went for a Renault Clio eventually, as I felt a bit more space couldn't hurt. It did me serve well indeed, but has since been replaced by a Mk.7 Suzuki Alto.


Oh well, I think I'll get up now...

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  • RMweb Premium

All this talk about the Lotus Cortina reminds me that the October issue of Classics Monthly has a feature about a guy who has three of these, each in fully restored condition and described as 'The Rare One', 'The Fast One', and 'The Everyday One'. I spent a long time looking at the photos and dreaming but the Lottery failed me again last night so it's back to the old VW Touran!



As for Minis, son has a 1978 standard 998cc which he bought for £250 a few years ago and paid nearly £5000 for a rebuild and respray. When finished with new MOT, I went to collect it (he was still too young to drive) and had an interesting experience driving it the 50 miles back - seemed very unstable and there was some vibration through the steering wheel. Got home and eldest son took it for a quick drive round the block and said he was never going to use it again as there was something wrong with wheels/steering. Quick look showed nearside front wheel loose as there wasn't a split pin in the castle nut and the whole hub was in danger of falling off. Had it passed the MOT like that or had it fallen out (I doubt it).


Further evidence of a bit of a botched job was when he had electrical faults/flat battery that seemed to indicate a poor earth somewhere - I suggested it might be the earth strap between the engine and body - quite right as there wasn't one! Problems come in threes as suspension was riding high with new rubber cones so they fitted adjustable 'Hi-Lo' which were fine until he tried to adjust them once the cones had settled a bit - to get the others to fit the end had been chopped off with a grinder and so there was no thread left to adjust. What a bunch of cowboys - at least the body work was first class!



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  • RMweb Gold

All this talk of cars reminds me that the Punto Mk2 in our garage really needs to have the new starter motor fitted(to get the old one out, first take off the inlet manifold!!) and putting the new discs on the front wheel hubs. This would enable us to wheel it out so that the Seat Leon my son bought .....sans gearbox, can be pushed in and ...............oh Lord.......the 6 speed gearbox he has in his VW Golf can be fitted into the Leon, and the Golf then broken for spares.


But is he up bright and early this morning, eager and ready to start?


No he has gone caving in South Wales. And next weekend he is away doing something else.


Meanwhile the drive to the house looks like the forecourt of some shady second hand car dealer.


'Got a nice Astra for sale mate, only one careful lady owner' (And seven careless boy racers).


It looks a lovely day outside, with hardly a cloud in the sky. We just need the sun to make an appearance.





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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning,


Very dull grey here today 9oC.

Why is when I have an extra couple of hours in bed I get up feeling rough and wishing I'd got up earlier. This does seem more prevalent on Saturdays-is my body still thinking it should be going to work even though I've been retired for a few years?

I have taken the mistress of the house her morning tea in bed but I suspect that I will need to do much more than that to get back in her favour.



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I have taken the mistress of the house her morning tea in bed but I suspect that I will need to do much more than that to get back in her favour.




Depending on the severity of your "crime", breakfast in bed might help.

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Never really liked minis (the vehicular version that is) and only ever drove two. One was a 15 year old clubman that a mate and I toured Eurpoe in for 6 weeks. We had to change a wheel bearing and chose to do it in the middle of a campsite in Spain surrounded by a bunch of baffled French and German campers. The other mini was one that I borrowed on quite a number of occasions when one or other of my Alfa Romeo Alfasuds was in the body repairers after tangling with other vehicles!


Unfortunately neither of the minis had a (working) sun roof.


Have a good one all.




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Thick "pea-souper" type fog here.

I can't see my neighbour's house across our road - about 25 yards away but can see the shapes of the tops of his trees (about 100 feet high). Similarly I can see stars if I look straight up. So it is very dense at head height but not very deep.

I also proved why spot lights on cars are worse than useless, with my Maglite. A narrow focussed beam was reflected straight back at me whilst maximum diffusion did provide some penetration of the fog.


Supposed to be breezy later which should shift it off to sea.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Depending on the severity of your "crime", breakfast in bed might help.


Unfortunately not, she doesn't do breakfast in bed-even now she is scurrying around making beds & stuff. Unlike me she finds it difficult to take it easy even when not at work.

My best bet is to do something stupid (not difficult) that makes her laugh & actually finish the unfinished DIY "crime"



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Dave, You didn't need to hit anything to get an Alfasud into the bodyshop.....Lancia Beta's were similar.


Today's rust prevention is incredible compared to the '70's (or earlier). My Nissan Pathfinder is seven years old, I had it cleaned yesterday and it looks like new (literally, the body style has not changed at all in that same period).


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Another dreary start, with a few showers overnight and since. My back is a bit achy, probably due to wrestling with a recalcitrant gate yesterday. Recovery is likely.


Need to ring MIL this morning - deep joy!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, dreary start here but looks like it could be brightening up.


Nothing planned this weekend as I'm on call which the way we work it virtually means house arrest as we have to be on the road within 15 minutes of the phone call day or night.


However...I might plead lousy phone signal for an hour and nip into Southampton and get the Ipad I've promised myself. I can get them from establishments nearer to me but John Lewis offer a two year guarantee which I don't think other places do.


Anyway, have a good one.

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Morning all...I'm with Ian in the aching back stakes this morning. Removed the remains of the last ET yesterday and boy, was it heavy. There were thoughts of 'what idiot built this' several times as I staggered down the stairs. Still the other side of the room is now clear and I can get on...


Talking of mini's and suspension. There was always a need to get them as low as you could without rubbing the widened wheels and tyres onto the arches. The old rubber suspension had an alloy funnel shaped casting that controlled the ride height and 1/2" off the small end of the funnel dropped the suspension a good inch. The front end was a bit more difficult, but still within the capabilities of a home mechanic.


Worst job of all was replacing a small bearing between the clutch housing and the gearbox and then that was the small hose, no more than a couple of inches long that sat between the head and the block at the back of the engine. Virtually impossible to change without taking the head off....


....and these days, I can't even change a plug. It means taking off loads of bits just to get access to them.

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The first time I got pulled over for speeding, it was in a standard Mini - many years ago - about 2am.

Apparently it was clocked at 96mph in a 60mph zone.

As the passenger seat was occupied by someone very beautiful, no further action ensued (wouldn't happen these days - either the speeding or the lack of consequences*).

Years pass.

Stopped by the Thames Valley police on the A3.

Estimated at 96mph in a 60mph zone. No consequences.

Oh the shame! I was in a yellow Vauxhall Estate.

That was the end of my speeding career.

Now I live in an area covered by the traffic taliban.


* or someone very beautiful come to think about it.

Edited by DDolfelin
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  • RMweb Gold

The only time I've been 'cautioned' for speeding I was on my (push) bike. I'll admit it was down hill with a following wind and I was going some. The policeman, probably out checking motorists, was laughing his head off and just made palm down gestures to slow down.


I didn't dare take my hands of the handlebars to make appropriate gestures in return.

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Morning all


It's been a while since I was on as I have been kept busy with my other duties at home but have a bit of time now.


Just reading through and like BoD the only time I have been warned for speeding was on my racing bike downhill - 34mph in a 30 zone apparently - and I was only 14 at the time and got even quicker later in life when I joined cycling clubs. Now preparing for an early lunch before heading off to toy auction where there seems to be plenty to bid for if it stays within my 'mean' budget.

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