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A full range of weather on here this morning.


Seems like mid winter here but the leaves have only just started to fall.

Flowers still in bloom in the garden.


Don: I think Ashers has at least three roles to play and probably makes cakes and the tea too in between organising the future of Art in Devon.


Welcome to new ERs.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've just been for a swim (to the post box and back).


The overnight rain has cleared and there is lots of blue sky.


The sun is there somewhere, but as of yet has not made its presence known.


Whilst going through some documentation last night I came across my old FAI Parachuting licence: Obviously I am the only ER who has been certified insane!





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  • RMweb Premium

Rain? Sunshine and blue skies here. It can't last.


For those eagerly awaiting news of my grass seed, I can report that it is now finally growing. We had the first frost a few days ago and that seems to have set it going. Also the box said "sow from March to October" so presumably it knows it has only a few days left to get its act together. Clever how a speck of a thing like that knows more about the weather and the seasons than I do.



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Morning all. Started wet in the boring borough but now we have a misty sunshine morn. Today will be another day with the assclown circus. At least the ringmaster is away this week.





Started playing with the replacement camera. Here is the boring borough Monday morning. First chance I've had to d/l to the computer.

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  • RMweb Premium

Hi All.


Similar sky (#30901) here but wind picking up - our ash tree getting stripped of its leaves.


Two invalids at home, again, so do excuse my excentricities posted on the forum today.


Hope your day's better than this.



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Don: I think Ashers has at least three roles to play and probably makes cakes and the tea too in between organising the future of Art in Devon.



Thanks, guys, for your interest. Yes, I have three roles: Motorist Monica (posh!), Gypsy and a weasel. All are small enough to give me time to make the tea (and wash up!) It's the Alan Bennett version so good fun especially as the Director is enthusiastic and the cast a lively bunch.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Overcast and threatening here - but yesterday was really nice, so can't complain.


I worry that Ashcombe is doing too much too soon. Whatever virus I've been suffering from is trivial compared to shingles, but I'm still not fully fit. You must take it a little easier Ashcombe girlie!


Deb had the benefit of a hospital psychologist during both her cancer events - and welcomed the input. I share the horror of being a psychologist on a paediatric cancer ward - that must take huge reserves of motivation.

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Yes, I'm aware of supervision being available in many fields of occupation. But even so, I'm having the feeling that it cannot be easy to handle many of the things you encounter as a physician or psychologist.

I think that you compartmentalise and separate as far is as possible what you do as "the job" from your emotions. I have only ever been emotionally affected by one case that came through the ER and it was a young woman who had attempted suicide (which turned out to be, tragically, a successful attempt) and even then it was because the poor unfortunate woman looked very similar to my then girlfriend.


Strangely enough, I can't watch surgery or autopsies on TV, but have no problem in "real life".

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Morning all. Dry walk to work but it's now raining.


Feeling exhausted at the moment. Was running after work last night (and Monday) and pretty much went straight to bed after a bite to eat last night. Didn't try anything with the JMRI kit.


I'm meant to be climbing tonight but I think I should call off as I'm just too shattered.

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  • RMweb Premium


Feeling exhausted at the moment. Was running after work last night (and Monday)



Some people just never learn . :jester:



Morning all ,


it's a fine sunny day at the moment after an early hours downpour of biblical

proportions , well thats what it sounded like .


Hopefully will get some shed time today with the better weather , did not venture out

there last week as it was to wet and cold .


Now I better go and see if I can find my co-builder , he's been absent for a week now .


Have a good one all .

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  • RMweb Gold

Red sky in morning - school's on fire...

Shades of Manderley in Du Maurier's Rebecca, the fire scene for which gave me nightmares as a young teen. This was not helped a few years later when I discovered I'd been cleaning windows at a big house where some of the film was shot!
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


currently bright and sunny - it won't last (and that's official according to the Exeter necromancers). Oak tree fairly successfully 'trimmed' yesterday but the laburnum needs attention too I have now decided. I suspect the Reading local 'paper might have my less than complimentary letter about the new Reading station published tomorrow so I'd better start building the fence to keep the NR hitmen out.

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  • RMweb Gold

I take it it's not very good then?


Yes and no - the bit that gets me is that the 1989 built covered footbridge which connects the car park to the booking office and platforms etc area is going to be demolished - meaning you have to go out in the open to get to the new bridge - at the other end of the station - and then all the way back again, great in bad weather (not) or when returning from some far off model railway exhibition with bulging shopping bags.



In the pic you can see both bridges, about a 3-4 car dmu length apart - the 'old' bridge accesses the car park at Level 9 so people feed to it from the floors below and above and it gives access - via a barrier nowadays - to all platforms and the 1989 booking hall/shop area off scene to the right. In the new arrangement all people wishing to get from the car park will have to go down to ground level, walk across in the open to the new footbridge north entrance then cross to their platform (if they already have a ticket) or right over to the south side then either along Platform 7 or outside the station front to reach the booking hall etc. And a bridge erected to electrification clearances in 1989 plus three lifts and four escalators provided as part of it will be junked.



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Shades of Manderley in Du Maurier's Rebecca, the fire scene for which gave me nightmares as a young teen. This was not helped a few years later when I discovered I'd been cleaning windows at a big house where some of the film was shot!


Funny you should say that Ian - I hadn't made the connection until you said it.


My Girlfriends favourite Musical is Rebecca, and we went down to see it in Stuttgart and the beginning of this year. The scene in the musical and in the film is very reminiscent of a nightmare I had a number of times as a child. I think for me it was the helplessness of standing there watching somewhere burn down.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think for me it was the helplessness of standing there watching somewhere burn down.


I'm not sure if this might qualify as a nightmare, but I once had a dream where I was watching the crew from Star Trek TNG combat some kind of bloodthirsty creature by creating some kind of spatial anomaly in order to remove that beast from our universe. Oddly, this was taking place in a mediaeval setting involving a castle – not too unlike the Voyager episode, "Heroes and Demons", actually.

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  • RMweb Premium


... I suspect the Reading local 'paper might have my less than complimentary letter about the new Reading station published tomorrow so I'd better start building the fence to keep the NR hitmen out.


My only trip to Reading was in a group of 6th form music students to a performance of Bach's St Matthew Passion. We went west by train :locomotive: :yahoo:

Most outings were east on the Underground or worse, coach or minibus.


Sorry your footbridge is under threat.


So is the one at Southall, I gather, which goes right across the railway and is part of the so called Jacob's ladder, or so I read recently.


Your station plans are obviously made by non rail goers unaccustomed to "returning from some far off model railway exhibition with bulging shopping bags."


Hope you get a satisfactory solution.

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Never mind Mike. At least you'll have something nice to look at when postie comes to the office! ;-)




It's safely arrived, thanks Dave! I'm not going to open it yet, though, as it's chucking it down and I don't want it getting damp as I transport it home tonight, so will open it once I'm home.


I'm not sure if this might qualify as a nightmare, but I once had a dream where I was watching the crew from Star Trek TNG combat some kind of bloodthirsty creature by creating some kind of spatial anomaly in order to remove that beast from our universe. Oddly, this was taking place in a mediaeval setting involving a castle – not too unlike the Voyager episode, "Heroes and Demons", actually.


Less Bavarian Smoked cheese at bedtime Dom!


I had to go to a meeting at the Defra office in Reading in May 2010. It involved a flight to Birmingham, then train to Reading station. Only really strong memory of Reading station is chatting to an attractive Defra colleague while I waited for my train back. ;)

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