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.I need a small box of get up and go this morning mine has gone.


I know that feeling well just lately and it's not cured by TIB. Dark morns don't help but, for me today, it's not unconnected with the imbibing enjoyed in the theatre bar last night!


Enjoy whatever you're doing!

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  • RMweb Premium

Ello, ello. Theoretically partly cloudy today, but from my window a clear blue sky with a white table cloth on top of the mountain.

Pete, I think I was quoting the reader of the weather forecast who commented before reading the weather report that driving into the studio his car was buffeted by gale force winds

I must download the Beaufort scale so that I don't make a fool of myself again..


Good morning...or is it?

I've definitely got a weather system in the stomach. Lets's just say it's a bit windy down there. Don't want to go into too much detail but I do have a pack of antacids.... Looks like another day lurking on rmweb, then.

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Winds just reported by Mersey VTS at Seaforth: "Westerly; gusting 40-50 knots" :O ........I think it`ll be a 'hold onto one`s hat' dog-walk on the beach, this morning!


......though there is a certain comedic value in seeing other people chasing their less-secure headwear down the strand! :mosking:

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wish i was at the beach !! what ever the weather,been to whitby in the snow ....more than one time ! its cold and wet here,very poorly v50 awaits my attention,yet another thats been on petrol,and its a diesel.....we keep telling them there not duel fuel !!! bit late to work this morning,just made it,got carried away with jack watching kids programs....better than last nights viewing !!

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  • RMweb Premium

"it looks like some household related chores will be done"


Thought for the day:-

Does setting up laptop on kitchen worktop, reading RM web, drinking tea, emptying dishwasher, loading breadmaker, listening to radio, qualify as the above and also is it "multitasking" which according to the one I love men are not capable of?


"Puzzled" of Sutton


I think, before you can call this 'multitasking', you have to be listening to the kids / partner / dog ranting at you and solving their problems whilst getting on with everything else whilst going round and round in circles on the telephone to get to the only person on the planet who has the answer to why your machine's broken down or your MR magazine's not turned up (see thread elesewhere).


Any other definitions, out there?

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"Dd, can your MiL get a Dr's note"


No. She is utterly pixilated.

The solicitor acted correctly in that she demonstrated her confusion in his office.

One has to be of sound mind to make a Will.

Or to give power of attorney.

Situation further complicated by the manipulation and browbeating by SWMBO's brother.


I sympathise with anyone else in a similar situation.

Edited by DDolfelin
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Morning all.


DD - sorry to hear of the in-law problems.


At work now. The BBC tents are still up in the work car park. Not entirely surprising as Huw Edwards was broadcasting from there at 10 last night.


Horrible wet day here in Edinburgh and I've heard a rumour of snow or sleet...


Had a minor success against the technology this morning over breakfast, but also a further setback, so the current score is Tech 2, Mike 1. Anyone know how to factory reset a decoder in JMRI?

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Morning All,


I'm currently struggling to read through some scientific papers that I have to keep in the back of my mind when I give my presentation at a conference this weekend, Somewhow, my mind seems to always wander towards contemplating the best way to build the Oldbury Road structure I've promised the BCB folks.


I have very few memories of British school food, despite having had an English education from '62 to '69. Apart for an everlasting love of steamed puddings (whether savoury or sweet with skoolboy custard), my one abiding memory is of when the "dinner ladies" first encountered "Cod Balls" (batter coated Cod morsels from Birdseye or some such) and ordered about three times what they should have ordered for the school lunch. Unlike their chips (greasy and soggy), the Cod Balls were crisp and perfectly cooked (I reckon that - for once - the canteen followed the instructions on the boxes). There were so many Cod Balls, that I think all of us grubby skoolboys had at least three helpings each. A wonderful treat followed by spotted dick and custard.... After such a lunch, I think that I may dozed off during French in the afternoon...


One abiding English food memory of my schoolboy days that I have yet to try again as an adult, is hot saveloys and pease pudding from the local butcher. One didn't enquire too closely what was in the saveloys, but they tasted good and were a great 6d treat...



Edited by iL Dottore
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Surely we are all of sound mind unless documentary evidence says otherwise ?

Morning all


I had a colleague at one time, a signal engineer, who was able to prove to all comers that he was not insane. How? He pointed to a perfectly genuine framed certificate of relatively recent date on the office wall. This, signed by BR's then Chief Medical Officer, declared that Mr X had been examined "and in my opinion he is not insane." Clearly a former manager had been unconvinced and had sent him to be tested!


Dry here, but may not stay that way. Can see some hints of blue sky, though. Hope springs eternal!

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Ask Nigel Cliffe of this parish - he's one of the JMRI software authors, I think.



I'm just starting to learn how to use it - only got it set up properly this morning, but somehow managed to wipe the lights function from the decoder...

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Unfortunately no doctor will issue such a certificate for MiL.

My main, and somewhat consuming worry, is that the impact of being taken to the doctor's for such a purpose will impact further on her physical and mental health.

She can be lucid one moment and overtaken by rage the next with the blood pressure implications.

It could be handled in a kindly way but BiL is not known for his tact and sensitivity (but that's nothing a lamping alongside his head wouldn't cure).

It's not difficult to imagine the effect all this is having on SWMBO.


I feel completely helpless so thanks for allowing me this outlet.

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  • RMweb Gold


If you want to reset the decoder to factory settings. Look up the decoder manufacturers list of CVs and write the reset value into it.

Eg it could be CV8 and a value of 2 is needed .

Otherwise if you have a loco with an identical chip put it on the track, read all values and go to the lights tab on JMRI, note down the settings. Then remove the good loco, repeat the procedure for the other one but this time enter the light settings for the good one and write all changes. If you were fiddling around with function remapping I suspect that may be your problem. However if the lights are flashing as your loco moves you have done dsomething else! If that is the case report back and I'll tell you what to do!

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  • RMweb Premium

DD - my own grandma had been only a shadow of her former self in her final weeks due to severe dementia, which certainly was not pleasant. It's difficult at best to offer any helpful advice without knowing your MiL, but I certainly sympathise...

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Thanks Tony. I was trying to programme the address, accidentally clicked the update all sheets button, then it spent 10 minutes programming without finishing so I aborted it. It then ended up with a different address to the one I'd asked for and the lights won't work, though it does move!


I'll try again tonight. I couldn't find the exact decoder in the list either so I may have picked the wrong decoder...

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  • RMweb Gold

It's not difficult to imagine the effect all this is having on SWMBO.


I feel completely helpless so thanks for allowing me this outlet.

These situations are so difficult. My mother refused to make a will. She was quite content to give my brother power of attorney though she was very fortunate that he carried on with it even when she was "never going to talk to him again " (at least twice a year).

There seems to be a gap between where one is not rational enough to make a will and being sufficiently bad enough to be cared for against ones will.

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Morning all ,


weather is going through the full range at the moment , sun , cloud , dark cloud ,wind , back to sun .


On todays to do list , papers bread and milk to get , then ...........................


Oh the stress of life when retired is enormous .


Bye for now .

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Guest Max Stafford

Abi is curled up on the setee, showing no interest whatsoever in going out in the heavy rain. Neither am I for that matter.



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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Tony. I was trying to programme the address, accidentally clicked the update all sheets button, then it spent 10 minutes programming without finishing so I aborted it. It then ended up with a different address to the one I'd asked for and the lights won't work, though it does move!


I'll try again tonight. I couldn't find the exact decoder in the list either so I may have picked the wrong decoder...

Write all changes is propably what you wanted rather than all sheets. It can be slow! What decoder is it? The DCC questions section of RMweb is quite friendly and if you post a "can you confirm the reset for a Bloggins V1 decoder is write 33 to CV8, I'm sure you would get an answer. If it is a sound decoder you may need to be more careful, definitely ask. It isn't an area of competence for me.

Some JMRI actions do take a while. If there is a fault you usually get an error message eg no loco detected. If it is writing and the loco is twitching, all is usually OK. On a very short programming track like mine I've had to slide the loco back a bit sometimes!

I suspect that as I've never had to do a decoder reset I haven't ever tried anything complicated enough to upset the chip!

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  • RMweb Gold

DD - you have my sympathy with that problem. We were very fortunate in that altho' my mum was 'a little bit funny occasionally' she was in a good sound state when we took her and dad to the solicitor's office and sorted Power of Attorney (still on the old and far simpler system back in 2002) plus altered their shares in their house to 'Tenants In common' and rewrote their wills. It made everything so much simpler when she died just over a year later and dad went 18 months after that. Equally tho' it showed the advantages of being an only child - might sound a bit harsh but it is all so much simpler when there is nobody to argue with over who gets what.


Anyway today we have sunshine so once things have warmed up and the Tesco visit is disposed of daughter and i will be 'trimming' the little oak tree which graces our front garden and is in definite need of topping (and having its sidegrowth trimmed back.


And Ian's story above reminds me of a Secondman we had at Newport. He had a habit of accosting strangers (i.e. from other depots) in the cabin (Western talk for messroom) and carefully asking them if they were mad. His conversational examination of their sanity would continue as long as they tolerated him and those who couldn't get shot of him or didn't walk out got the full treatment until he finally asked them to prove that they weren't mad. This, of course they couldn't do so in a flush of triumph he would take an envelope from his pocket and take out of it a letter which would be waved under the victim's nose with the accompanying words 'Look, I can prove I'm not mad - read this, it proves that I'm not mad'.


The letter was his formal discharge from in-patient treatment at a local mental hospital. I've often wondered if he ever passed for driving?

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"it is all so much simpler when there is nobody to argue with over who gets what"


Yes - that would appear to be the main subject once the mention of a Will is made.

Rest assured that their health rather than any prospective inheritance is uppermost in our minds - although BiL has got them to buy him a new car and that grates a bit.


Spoke to the Solicitor this morning to thank him for the sensitive way he handled them yesterday. Very understanding chap.

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although BiL has got them to buy him a new car and that grates a bit.


It's been many years since I studied Inheritance Tax, but if anything happens to them within seven years it could be treated as a gift and hence liable to tax.


If this does come to pass make sure the solicitor is aware of this gift at the time.



Edited by Danemouth
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Well, how about this... We now have p*mped locos, too:




114 009 is the new guise of 143 873 after her upgrade to be capable of a 140 kph top speed. I could not take a suitable full-view photo of her yet, though.

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