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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It isn't too cold here today and I think it has been dry overnight, Robbie's fur was dry when he returned from his dawn patrol.

I think there are a few routine tasks to be completed today and I have a blood test later this morning, no fasting required.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all


Heavy rain overnight and it looks like it is set to continue for a while yet.


A busy weekend looms. Theatre tonight to see Oliver. I will try to get over to Shildon tomorrow to see the A4s and there is a model exhibition going on there too. Sunday will see a trip across to the Lakes to view wedding locations (not mine, I hasten to add).

Add to that a pile of marking and preparation........

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a rainy and drizzly looking one here in Hampshire. Don't envy the dog walkers among you today!


So, it's SWMBO's birthday on Monday and we're extending celebrations over the whole weekend. Well, she'll be working on Monday so why not...

Little does she know in about 3 hours time her mum will be turning up on the door step to join in the fun.


Hoping to get to the Farnham show this weekend if time allows.


Yesterday was predominantly spent comforting my little lad who has a nasty tummy bug. Think we got through the entire "Home Alone" trilogy+1 of films plus some Thunderbirds and CBeebies. :)



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Add to that a pile of marking and preparation........


I used to hate the way the job encroached on weekends. The only time I ever felt I had caught up was the day before the Autumn Term began. Within hours I was back to square one!


Enjoy "Oliver!"! One of my favourite shows.

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Morning all.


It started raining in Edinburgh at about 1.30 yesterday afternoon and it hasn't stopped since as far as I can tell. Lots of puddles, and I suppose I should look out my waterproof trousers for the walk to work.


Picked up Lady of the Lake from Harburns on my way home and chipped it last night. Lovely model, thought the wiring loom makes it a wee bit of a pain in the bum to chip as you have to have the loco upside down too to remove the screws from the tender.


Thank crunchie it's Friday, though I need to make a batch of curry for Jamie tonight before I can relax.

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Morning all


It rained overnight but is now brightening up so looks like a nice day. All is normal in the house today with cat helping to type so all is well with the w orld Whoops! cat hit space bar.


Bye for now.

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" Theatre tonight to see Oliver."

Cheerio but be back soon.


I was concerned in the National Publicity for the Roy Hudd revival years ago.

Many happy memories among the street sellers.


Trev: Could do with a larger version of your pic. to pass comment.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Much nicer day with lots of blue sky and the sun. A gentle breeze, too. Still haven't quite shaken off whatever has been ailing me, hope to get test results today. Appetite is improving, though, which is a good sign.

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  • RMweb Gold

Theatre ticket recent conversation by email

Aditi, Mother Courage is on in Chelmsford, there are two seats left in the front row. Please book.

Me, OK


Later after struggle with website booking.

ME, Tickets booked.

Aditi, Thank you, Why did you book the front row seats?


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


bright sunshine but not much help as today is 'tidy up the house before she gets home' day. Had to do the washing up by hand last night as I couldn't find the dishwasher tablets - no sweat as such but the rest of this family just puts dirty dishes etc in the dishwasher ready for it to be turned so some of it was 3 days old. However I managed the shirts and got most of the creases out with Downey after they came out of the tumble drier - it definitely works better if you don't tumble dry them first.


Much better day forecast for tomorrow - off to the Farnham show at Aldershot although I suspect it might not be quite as good as last year.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Premium

Good day all , made it well before mid-day today .


Weather is still drismal though so no change there .


Trying to get out for the papers but everytime I get ready it's

started raining again . I really dont want to have to take the car

for such a short trip .


Now I need to get something to eat .

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  • RMweb Gold

A lovely typically autumn day. there is a breeze in the air and the sun is shining, but it is tinged with sadness.


I've just got back from the vet's having said goodbye to one of my staffies.


I'd had 'Bron' since she was a puppy back in 2000, so she'd had a good innings


She'd been unwell for sometime, and it was an inevitable outcome.


Definitely not the Happy Hippo this morning.





Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry you've had that horrid vet-trip, Richard. 12 years is a good time to be together and the loss is actually worse the longer they live, I've found. Give the others a good dose of warmth and they will return it, I bet. Rushing out for a replacement is a traditional cure for these blues - but is not always appropriate, and only you can decide that.


I've had my blood and urine test results in this morning's post - and I cannot see anything in the 20+ measures that isn't within the stated norms, which is nice. Will not be able to discuss with GP until Monday, but shan't be worrying too much, either!

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  • RMweb Premium

I'm sorry to hear this, Richard. I myself would certainly wish for our rabbits to be around indefinitely, but that, of course, will not be possible...


Ian – relieved to hear there does not appear to be any cause for worries. Do have a nice weekend in any case – nothing wrong with taking care of your own well-being.

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Hi one and all....Sorry to read about losing one of your Staffies Richard. Pets bring so much into the home and rarely ask for much in return. No matter how old they are it's always a hard time when you have to say goodbye. Thinking of you...


Spent all morning sticking A4 sheets of paper together which is actually quite therapeutic. Highlight of the morning was a mail offering the opportunity to play with a McLaren MP4-12C. Very tempting, but I have loads of stuff ahead of play time....


Thanks guys for reminding me that Farnham show is on this weekend. Might take a wander over there...

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