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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Foggy and cool this morning in my part of East Anglia, I've been up since 06:30, uploaded and backed up the 800+ photos and the videos I took yesterday, got all my camera batteries on charge, had breakfast and finally made my Jill a cup of tea, she's still lazing in bed - pfff.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Share the joy that Ashcombe is on the mend. BoD - I think buying models that you like but which don't really fit into your scheme of things can only be defined as "normal" - with an additional dispensation for it being your birthday, too!


I am, I discover, still a bit weak and wishy-washy. Taking a shower last night, which should invigorate, left me shaking (not shivering) and having what amounted to a panic attack, which is silly. Managed to calm down with a Lucozade and then had enjoyable evening chez English neighbour, eating lamb curry. The lamb was conceived, born, bred and culled within sight of both our houses!


I will probably visit GP tomorrow just to get a reassurance that nothing is seriously amiss.

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  • RMweb Premium

You didn`t answer the question of which way `round is Albert? :O ......so now, (seeing that picture) should we (and he) be really worried! :mosking:


Oops, forgot that one! He was facing the camera in that image as well, though.


Ian, I also did have occasional panic attacks in the past, but the last real one has been about four years ago and I haven't had any ever since. But, if in doubt, I guess you can't go wrong seeing your physician.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, DD2 had shingles when she was 14 'you are too young to have shingles' failed as a defence. She has been left with some nerve damage in her shoulder. The sun is shining but still too damp to contemplate grass cutting, leaf raking might be the only activity in the garden.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Good to hear that Ashers seem to be on the mend, my dad's bout of shingles seemed to go on for months so a relatively quick recovery is to be enjoyed I think. Weather here is not too bad with sunshine promised, and likely I think, today. And more sunshine from tomorrow as the management has posted culinary instructions for the week so at least son and I know which packets to open.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, DD2 had shingles when she was 14 'you are too young to have shingles' failed as a defence. She has been left with some nerve damage in her shoulder.

Ashcombe and I share a schoolfriend who also had shingles in her early teen years - and it then turned to meninigitis, with poor girl dangerously ill for a while. Now in her '60s of course, she has clearly put it all behind her, I'm pleased to say, although she has recently had back surgery.
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Commiserations to all ERs with their different ailments.

Get well soon.

I almost wish I had something to report.

The damage that falling over the cat did to my head is now on the home run.

Another 3-4 months to 'allow the bone to settle down' and treatment will be finished.

I shan't be doing that again - not even for a laugh.

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  • RMweb Gold

The damage that falling over the cat did to my head is now on the home run.

I'm sure I read somewhere that pet related injuries are quite common. My mother's schnauzers were always tripping people up. Robbie doesn't but I have have found that it is better to keep walking, he will avoid you, if he is running towards me, I don't change direction. I have had three bite related injuries but they really weren't his fault. Two of them were because I had my fingers down his throat removing something choking him and the other was when he was so excited that Aditi was home he ran straight towards the half open door and ran into the back of my leg. Unfortunately his mouth must have been open while he was happily barking. I must have said something critical as he hasn't pushed past me since. What was odd was that the back of my leg was bruised and cut but my trousers appeared to be undamaged. "Experts" inform that dogs can't show remorse or guilt but Robbie does a pretty good impression of it when confronted with evidence of (very very rare) misdeeds.

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I should have written "falling over trying to avoid the cat".

The 'feral' cat bites my hand in gratitude and affection.

She does this to other people sometimes but they make the mistake of trying to pull their hand away.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm sure I read somewhere that pet related injuries are quite common.

Horses can be quite a pain, too. In the first dozen years of horse ownership, Deb suffered a broken wrist (fell off after asking horse to do something it hadn't been taught), broken ankle (slipped off damp stile going to feed) and a broken leg (idiot on horseback careered across in front of her - his horse lashed out and Deb's leg was in the way). Then there's my broken kneecap when a haynet draw-string got caught round my boot in the dark and tripped me up on concrete. On the other hand, 29 years of cat ownership have wrought little to complain about. Famous last words.....
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Afternoon, all. Turned grey and ugly...


Our hairy house guest should have come with a Health & Safety warning, wherever you are, whatever you are doing, he's underfoot. He's Olympic Gold Medal Standard for getting in the way. Last night he managed to plonk himself right in the middle of the kitchen JUST as I was taking the Roast Pork out of the oven... (perhaps he was hoping I'd drop the joint and he'd end up with a BIG dog snack)


On another note, I'm migrating my main computer from PC to a Mac (the PC is being exiled to the workshop) so I'll only be an intermittent visitor to RMWeb for a bit. Fortunately I have both an iPad and a Netbbok - so I retain some minimal computer/internet capacity.


OD, it's certainly a good idea to get your malaise checked out, it's likely to be a sequalae of recent events, but you never know...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Strange event today - there is a bright yellow thing in the sky which has prompted me to venture out with a bucket of cement to sort out some pointing on the garden wall, and of course, I mixed far too much and wandered round the house and garden looking for things to cement up before the frosts get to the cracks and make them into holes.


I've also managed the short straw for Sunday dinner, as I've got to make it today (or at least help to do so) - that's where I'm going now, so


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all,


A misty start to the day and the temperature has finally convinced me that autumn is here to stay.

Family suffering from various ailments here but seem on the mend.


Spent yesterday building a village pump for my layout. Limbering up to do a series of buildings that will plonk in the middle of my layout's village. Think that several weeks of "strictly" will give me just the motivation needed to get on with them.


Anyway, time for a bit of baking, methinks. The last batch of flapjacks got a bit overdone, so a request has been put in for me to do shortbread instead. Then a couple of pints later with my neighbour.


Have a nice afternoon, Andy

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, after writing a few paragraphs for my paper, I then spent the rest of the afternoon tackling that HectorRail loco. Except for those ATC transceivers and EBICAB type Indusi magnets, it is now almost finished. I'm getting hungry now, so I guess I'll now shift to preparing dinner – even if a bit early.

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  • RMweb Gold

I never got back into the house until about 4pm after taking Robbie out this morning. One pruning job led to another. Gardening is an extreme sport for me so I'll be doing much complaining about aches etc for a while. Actually I don't mind getting tired if I can see the results, its getting tired when I have been idle that is annoying.

I did think about sorting out the wiring plan for the new simple layout I'm planning. It has a single slip, never used one before but I'm concerned as I think I understand it but Googling seems to return a lot of "I'm confused" posts.

It is still a nice afternoon here. Matthew is going to Banff and Jasper this weekend. I've had a text about Banff (walked round lake, went shopping!) but no news about the Jasper excursion yet. His mother is of course pleased he can see this places but envious as she has always wanted to go to there. I'm sure we will one day.

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You'd need to go some to save money on that stuff here - 'we' (meaning the management of course) have the stuff delivered as 'sunflower seed hearts' in 13kg sacks, two of 'em at a time).


....and our little "darlings" empty a seed feeder in an hour and a half!

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Gold

OD, it's certainly a good idea to get your malaise checked out, it's likely to be a sequalae of recent events, but you never know...

Funnily enough, by mid-morning I was getting the return of the muzzy head I'd had last week - so I took a Doliprane 1000 (4 a day max) and within an hour much better, less shaky etc, so I conclude it really is just a virus which is afflicting me, and it will go in due course. Had I not stopped taking the things last week it might have cleared by now. I know in theory viruses don't go away that easily - but symptoms that lift after one paracetamol are not to be feared methinks.
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