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  • RMweb Premium

Right, I did paint those pantographs earlier this afternoon – so the HectorRail 241 will follow tomorrow, if nothing should get in the way. Dinner tonight will be minestrone with Savoy cabbage, carrots, kohlrabi and tomatoes.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have just spotted on page 70 of this month's The Railway Magazine, the unbelievable sight of a Gresley V2 with a copper capped chimney... :O


Seems the myth has finally been proved true!

Hmm - unbelievers always need a good shake up :beee: (that picture was first published years ago and I'm sure it's in at least one book) .

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Sorry, but due to circumstances beyond my control, I've had to take a RMWeb break - two days off, and such a list of jobs, and trips to here and there left me just too cream crackered to even bother to switch on the computer except to complain to Amazon about a book purchase that went wrong, and the book that I got was one that I've already got, and the one that I ordered is presumably still in the shop.


First off, late but still sincere birthday wishes BoD.


I've been over the multitude of pages since Wednesday- and I can remember when a couple of days off of ERs just meant a page or so (maximum) but now, I think I had about six.


Lovely to see a few more doggy pictures - I hope you will allow me one of Lily taken during the daily monsoon - and NO that isn't a waxed jacket she's wearing, the glossy finish is because the coat was so wet.



Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

This site is really quite cool. http://www.flightradar24.com/ if you ever wondered where all the flights going over your house were going to.


Been working on building a village well today. For the layout, not our village. Just waiting for the glue to dry.


Battle of Britain film is on Channel 5 later....


"They've bombed "The Crown".

"He'll have to drink at the Red Lion"

"That's if they'll have 'im!"


Probably got the names of the pubs wrong. Any excuse to watch it for the umpteenth time!!

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  • RMweb Premium

This site is really quite cool. http://www.flightradar24.com/ if you ever wondered where all the flights going over your house were going to.

Oh great - just what I need - another website that I can waste hours and hours watching - what with RMWeb, the various railway webcams, how many old cars are left, and all the others that I've been pointed at recently, I'm really getting to the stage of spending my entire life on the computer!

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  • RMweb Gold

Thank you for the birthday greetings.


To be honest I don't feel much different to yesterday but my wallet does. I have bought a couple of models that I don't need, that don't fit in with any of my plans, but that I like vey much.


Now, what shall I do with them.......



Dave: I very nearly bought Coronach just to put on my desk and gaze at when I shoud be working.

Edited by BoD
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  • RMweb Gold

Back home after a non-shopping trip to see MiL. Thia morning she rang to say there was a power cut where she lived and that she wouldn't be able to go on a shopping trip as the lift wasn't working.

We said we would come over later or tomorrow. She then phoned to say that the power was back on so off we went only to get another call when we were nearly there to say the lift wasn't working. We coped with the stairs but MiL couldn't have, especially as the only light on the stairs was the glow from my phone screen. For some reason although the power was on the security lights, the stairwell lighting and the entry door security were all dead. Then later on the power went off again. MiL said we should go home as she intended to cook something using the gas hob and then go to bed early.

We'll take her shopping next weekend!

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  • RMweb Gold

This site is really quite cool. http://www.flightradar24.com/ if you ever wondered where all the flights going over your house were going to.



I've long found it quite useful for checking out 'unusual' airliners - i.e. ones that don't fit the expected colour schemes we normally see or to check exactly whose A380 it was (especially when visibility is not good enough to get a decent view or to save the bother of getting out a telephoto lens to take a picture of the aircraft reg number and then enlarging it on the 'puter. But most of the time I do far less sad things than that - it's just an occasional amusement.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Just use a new recipe/flour to make a different type of bread - yeast levels may need attention - says he having scraped the residue off the lid of the breadmaker.

That happened to me once, I'm sure it was the Waitrose Super Strong Canadian bread flour rather than a change in yeast! The bread when sliced was too tall for the toaster.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


First traces of daylight visible outside, but still too dark to tell much of anything. It must be wet, though, as I heard rain during the night. Be off to the bakery by eight. Other than that, nothing of notice as of yet...

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Didn't venture out yesterday although I'm starting to feel better. Keep taking the tablets! Weather was lovely too, so looking at the clear view to Dartmoor was therapeutic.


Hope everyone has a good day!

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Is it true that to get Shingles one must have had Chicken Pox at sometime? I've never had either, thank God.


best, Pete.


Yes, 'tis true. The Chickenpox virus lies dormant until something causes it to wake up! I hadn't realised that one could have Shingles more than once; since I've had it before (43 yrs ago!) I think this attack is less severe. Also, anti-viral tablets were not available then.


Thanks to you and other ER's for kind thoughts.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning to all,


It is yet another clear fine dayin Shropshire: There is a bit of high cloud, but the sky is blue, we just await the appearance of the sun.


The alarm call today was one of the staffies (the big one) going into 'yip and grumble' mode.


Those who have had the misfortune to hear such a low volume cacaphony will know how intensely irritating it is.


Fortunately it is cured by going down stairs, and being bounced over.


But why is she so fickle? As soon as I give her a bowl of food, I am definitely so yesterday!


I managed to pull a muscle yesterday: Over exertion is not to be recommended in your mid 50's! The cause.............hanging out the just washed sofa cover on the washing line!


the upside of this was I got myself a long session on Templot, and I was able to put off painting the TRMG front door (again) as I couldn't lift my arm properly.


Lunch today is a trip out to meet up with my mother and all the other female family members, so the conversation over the table will not be of a railway nature.


Fortunately, Nyda has said she will drive as I cannot lift my arm properly, and the place we are dining at keeps 'Black Dragon' cider which I will lift using the other arm (before anyone asks).





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Morning all...Couldn't try it last night as I was on an iPad, but just wasted a load of time on Andy's flight radar. Wow! Panning out over Europe really opens your eyes as to just how many planes are in the air at any one time. Picking out one and switching to cockpit view to view the Google Earth simulation wasted another chunk of my life. Thanks for that!


One eye on the F1 whilst enjoying breakfast, but no comment for those unable to see it live. Quite misty here this morning, so a typical November morning. Just a shame this is still October...


Enjoy your day!

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A late good morning from me.

The kitchen staff arrived late today so had to go to Church on an entirely empty stomach. Not even a cup of coffee.

Managed to get a cup on my return, but otherwise "break fast" will not be until lunch time. There may well be cake with morning tea, but I don't plan to go down for it as I think Tim may call and he won't know where to find me.


Still cloudy and cool (16C max).


F1 is on in the background. No comment yet.


Happy Sunday all


Yes BoD , let's see your presents to yourself!

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Morning all. glad to see that Ashers is recovering, I seem to have a heap of work related tasks in front of me today...which really do have to be done .Trouble is at the moment I cant get going...may be another cup of strong coffee will help.


Don, I'm surprised you've not got the "makings" in your room?


What ever you're up to try and enjoy something today.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very sunny here, no fog.

I think I will probably be encouraged to do some pruning today. The two small pear trees have some leaf infestation that needs removing before the leaves hit the ground. The nearby juniper shrubs has some part to play in this situation. I rely on simple instructions like, cut there, compost that, or remove from site.

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Guest Max Stafford

Last day of freedom today. I'll be heading round shortly to pick up Tony Graham and head for Whitrope. Intend to make the best of it as I have no more leave until Jauary unless I can win 70k on the lotto. That's all I want!

Abi is still in bed!

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