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  • RMweb Gold

Got up this morning with good intentions of doing some chores, but ended up doing a post of the completion of my scratchbuilt Burghclere Signal Box, by then the cricket had started, now lunch followed by Arsenal v Chelsea then who knows, maybe the chores might get done. Ideal time for doing chores is LATER! Have a good weekend everyone

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


I'm stuck with a Saturday in work - and am on a break, so RMWebbing is just about allowed.


So far it's quite dry here - though the forecast for tomoorw is for more of that we're had for most of the summer.


Talking of flu jabs, I was offered mine when I went to diabetic clinic earlier this week - seems that some surgeries had an advance supply, unlike some previous years when the vaccine turned up in late October - I think that for a couple of years there were supply problems, and perhaps this year, supplies are more plentiful, and also being delivered in time.


I'm off to see what else is happening outside the cloisters of ERs


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Ian, I hope your conversation turned out to be helping you both, as difficult as it will certainly have been. But, going by my own experience, I guess it's always better to be able to share feelings with one another in situations like these, rather than not talking at all and being alone with your thoughts.

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  • RMweb Gold

I hope your conversation turned out to be helping you both

I think it did, and will try to make it a regular event. Deb had seldom had a good word for her mother in all the 39 years we were together. A "last straw" event in February when Deb walked out in utter frustration remained unresolved - Deb never spoke to her mother again, never read the letters or cards that came. MIL and I have tended to get on rather better over the years, really - I suppose while I knew & accepted the reasons for Deb's disdain, I had no such baggage. Having lost both her daughters in a decade, it is hard not to feel a degree of compassion for her now.
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  • RMweb Premium

I think it did, and will try to make it a regular event. Deb had seldom had a good word for her mother in all the 39 years we were together. A "last straw" event in February when Deb walked out in utter frustration remained unresolved - Deb never spoke to her mother again, never read the letters or cards that came. MIL and I have tended to get on rather better over the years, really - I suppose while I knew & accepted the reasons for Deb's disdain, I had no such baggage. Having lost both her daughters in a decade, it is hard not to feel a degree of compassion for her now.


While I naturally do not know what had been behind those differences between Deb and her mum, I can well imagine that the realisation that nothing can now be done to attempt and mend them will probably be quite hard on your MiL. I myself would certainly wish that no matters of conflict would remain open between me and my family, once my time will come. I guess that may also be a reason for why I myself earnestly wish to be on good terms with any and all people around me at any time, at the same time knowing that this is most likely impossible.

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  • RMweb Gold

A friendly soul sent me an interesting link to an expat forum in France (not the one Deb frequented) on which there was a discussion a couple of years ago about snakes in and about your property. Apparently snakes in the walls are by no means uncommon, and one poster said she had venomous species as well - but wasn't bothered and had never had a problem with them over 21 years! Others swore cats, ducks and chickens would see them off, still others that they'd do no such thing. There is a snake repellant sold in my local Super U, but I guess this is to be left lying about outside to convince them to try their luck elsewhere - hardly suitable for my railway barn. I think I'll just have to grin and bear it. 1 sighting in 8 years isn't bad, after all.

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  • RMweb Gold

I have had a fairly productive day. I've done some more on the semicircular (fiddle track approach) board. Couldn't do anything too strenuous yesterday due to abdominal pains. In addition today I've cut the lawns, walked Robbie and been shopping.

I finally found out why I couldn't phone Matthew's room in Canada, he had disconnected the phone!

I had a parcel arrive this morning and it wasn't a train. My Raspberry Pi computer finally arrived. I have given up on Farnell or RS ever being able to manage the order. Maplin emailed to say they had them, ordered it Thursday night, arrive on Saturday seems like good service! I haven't done any programming for years so it should give my brain cells some exercise.

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  • RMweb Gold

Ian: The problem with potentially dangerous creatures is usually unintentional occupation of the same space.

My MiL told me that when she was young if you went into their kitchen (in what was then India but is somewhere in Pakistan now) before the servants had started work there would be snakes dozing on top of the oven. The snakes were encouraged to go away before breakfast when they got cold water chucked over them.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,


Well Gyles Brandreth was superb value for money at the Litfest and is thoroughly recommended to anyone who gets an opportunity to hear him talking live - 80 non-stop minutes of entertaining tales, jokes and repartee with a good Tony Blair story thrown in for good measure (the second good Tony Blair story this week as Richard Littlejohn also came out with a good one earlier). And the highlight of 'Poetry on The River' was Jeremy Childs and Sally Nesbitt doing a smashing version of 'Yes, I Remember It Well' - absolutely hilariousiy. Our last day of culture comes tomorrow with Lucy Worsley, who should be well worth the trip to the posh end of town.

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Guest Max Stafford

Turned out to be a pleasant day after Abi and I returned from our walk. A late breakfast was followed by a trip up to Whitrope with a leisurely couple of hours spent having a crack with some of the guys and entertaining visitors. We had a few call-ins from a passing MG 'rally'. Saw a nice smoke grey 'A' and a couple of really nice 'B's including a racing green roadster and a rather gorgeous GT V8 which sounded pretty hellfire as it pulled away later! Before leaving, I gave Abi another walk down Ninestanerig cutting. It really doesn't get much more idyllic up there than it was today as seen in the photo!

I've spent the evening in the shed, preparing a K3 to take to Tom F for Leaman Road. A couple of visitors will also be making an appearance from the ScR!


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I have an unusual problem.

As some are aware, I've put some of Richard's stuff on eBay, finishing today.

other items!


Among the items are:

i) A 7mm Narrow Gauge rural water tower I made for Richard,

ii) The shell of a 7mm Narrow Gauge scratchbuilt loco.


They are each heading towards the £50 mark.

I think I charged Richard £10 to make the Water Tower and I wouldn't value the part loco at over £20.

Throughout the project, I've insisted that the purchaser be pleased with their items and that it shouldn't be seen as a charity.


Now that I'm in the clutches of eBay, I can't reduce the winning bids because I'd still be paying fees on the final values (and it wouldn't be fair to the underbidders).


I hope I've explained understandably.


I'm playing with the idea of giving the winning bidders a voucher for £20 off any diorama they might order from me but they might not want anything!

At the moment, both items are being won by the same bidder who has immaculate feedback.



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Thanks, Pete.

As I said, I don't want to be running a charity.

The amazing thing to me is that there have been several different bidders to get those items to the dizzy heights they've reached.


No, I haven't used foam board.

Normally I'd work on 2mm thick plasticard unless I had been asked to match the base against something else.

I like filling those odd shaped scenic spaces on layouts and some of them are certainly odd (as are some of the instructions!).

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is a very pleasant morning. I didn't wake up until it was light.

I probably should take Robbie for a long walk this morning. Aditi is going to cook some fish for a pie to take over for lunch at MiL's today. Robbie is inclined to "accidentally" bump into us when fish is being cooked. I think he hopes we will drop some on the floor.


DD. I would assume that the bidder knows what they are doing.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Bright and sunny, but a touch nippy at just below 7°C as I'm typing this. I guess today will see me trying to move forward with my paper, though I admit that the subject's not from any of those fields I am best at. However, the course was compulsory, so what choice do I have...

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  • RMweb Gold

I guess today will see me trying to move forward with my paper, though I admit that the subject's not from any of those fields I am best at. However, the course was compulsory, so what choice do I have...

Thinking back to my PGCE I seem to recall that the compulsory modules in psychology, sociology and philosophy were fairly straightforward for those with first degrees in those subjects.


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Morning all....


Sun is coming up and a large heron decided to visit, but left empty handed. Mouth and stomach are still feeling the effects of curry with various chillies and a couple of Bangla's. Late night in the end watching Europe trying to salvage a point or two in The Ryder Cup, but apart from Poulter they seemed to lack fire in their bellies. Wish I did right now.....


As a simple grammar school lad, I salute those of you with degrees. It wasn't an option for me as I needed income...

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Good morning all from a rather overcast part of South Devon! A bit later this morning after a good night out at Brixham Theatre where we watched, in the company of about 12 others, a play called "Touched" by the Pilot's Thumb Co.

A brilliant production! Have a good day!

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