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Early Risers.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning everyone (just to add a bit of variety to the greeting...)


Bit hazy outside, but the sun's visible and the forecast's quite good, actually. Now for some breakfast first – rabbits have received theirs already.

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Morning all,


Apologies Don, "Environmental" day here today....so no movement on the roads till 10:00am. So I took the chance to catch up on my sleep.! Just had a couple of fried eggs on toast....then just remembered theres bacon in the freezer......oh well!


Enjoy your day.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning. Not a bad start to the day, but now a mist has come down. Will need to do some shopping today - horsefeed and catfood in short supply here, and I daren't risk a mutiny. Youngest cat trotted up late for breakfast as usual - narrowly avoided her bringing a live mouse in with her. She dropped it, but one of the others quickly finished it off for her, which was nice.

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Lovely layout - lovely chaps. Give them my regards if you get a chance, please John!

Will do Ian. I've only seen in once before when the fiddle yard boards were repainted (Tackyglos) and as Chris said that other hings have taken its place more often on the exhibition circuit then this is a chance to show SWMBO more of an interpretation of Cornwall. At members day she was mightliy impressed with BCB.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


clearly they jab early in Wales - ours aren't until November. Bright sunny day here today so it should be nice on the river this afternoon even tho' it is in an enclosed boat. And I'm at last getting stuck into sorting the holiday snaps - with one folder to do a dvd for the crew, another to do a dvd for Trinity House (they like to receive pics of their ship - saves money for the brochure) so finger crossed that will work ok but I did burn a dvd yesterday for another RMweb member and my first use of the Mac's inbuilt dvd burner seemed to go well, only hope it will work as advertised in his PC.

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Guest Max Stafford

Just walking Abi in the woods. On the way here we go through a field where today we were treated to flocks of Goldfinches working their way through the tall stands of grass and reeds. I've never seen them do that before. I always had them down as tree birds. By the looks of them it may be an autumn stocking up exercise. Suggesting that they've already seen the winter forecast. I'd better get out and buy some bird food!

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  • RMweb Gold

I was up bright and early to take my son to work for 7.00am. (His car was in for a service).


As usual the bright and sunny start at 6.00am is rapidly turning into 7/10th cloud with only fleeting glimses of the yellow orb.


I suspect rain will follow, which is usual after i have hung out the washing.


Post man has just delivered a very nice Bachmann 37/5 off flea bay.


All I need now is a suitable layout to run it on.





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Just walking Abi in the woods. On the way here we go through a field where today we were treated to flocks of Goldfinches working their way through the tall stands of grass and reeds. I've never seen them do that before. I always had them down as tree birds. By the looks of them it may be an autumn stocking up exercise. Suggesting that they've already seen the winter forecast. I'd better get out and buy some bird food!


Filled our feeders yesterday for the first time in some months but the only visitors so far have been a squirrel (thinking of greasing the pole that he shins up!) and magpies! Give it time.

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  • RMweb Gold

Bit slow to get going today. Just had a chat with grieving Mother-in-law, which is hardly fun for either of us, although she seems to appreciate my call. Sun has now broken through the mist. Will do lunch shortly, then go shopping, putting some clothes in the recyc on the way.

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  • RMweb Gold

That must have been difficult, feel for you Ian.


I'm doing not a lot at the mo, bacon butty and tea consumed, then it will be Arsenal and Chelsea on the telly before wandering up to the Mid Hants ready to play with the beast tonight.


Have a good one.

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