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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Leaking oktas in evidence. I thought what I did for a living was daylight robbery but looking at that link DD I clearly haven't been trying for the last 35 years! Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Hello all.


Gordon, glad you are back, I was worried that you had been chasing squirrels round the roof again.


Andel, have fun in Thurrock. I worked in Thurrock for about 10 years in the late 70s, early 1980s.


The weather here is warm and drizzly. I'm not planning to do too many multitasking things today. A haircut is apparently necessary. My wife will be back tomorrow and she suggested that I should find time to visit the barbers. She has given up telling me my hair is untidy and just says I look deranged.



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  • RMweb Premium

Well, back from the doc and all is fine with my eyes. Only thing which irritates me is that I cannot focus very well yet, as the check involved an ophthalmoscopic procedure, for which the pupils have to be dilated with some kind of eye drops. I think this effect should be gone in one or two hours. Also, with all the snow outside it was quite blinding!

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, back from the doc and all is fine with my eyes. Only thing which irritates me is that I cannot focus very well yet, as the check involved an ophthalmoscopic procedure, for which the pupils have to be dilated with some kind of eye drops. I think this effect should be gone in one or two hours. Also, with all the snow outside it was quite blinding!


I have learned to take my sunglasses with me when I have my pupils dilated. The opthalmologist I go to does warn you that it might be a good idea to bring dark glasses as well as telling you not to drive for 6 hours. When my wife has the retina photographed her eyes return to normal much faster than mine.



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  • RMweb Premium

I have learned to take my sunglasses with me when I have my pupils dilated. The opthalmologist I go to does warn you that it might be a good idea to bring dark glasses as well as telling you not to drive for 6 hours. When my wife has the retina photographed her eyes return to normal much faster than mine.



Yes, that's what I did when I once had to have a retina examination in summer. Thankfully, my ophthalmologist is located near a bus stop, so getting there and back was not a big deal - aside from the snow reflecting light rather blindingly, of course, even though it was quite overcast for most of today. At least my eyes are slowly getting back to normal by now.

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I have the eye thingy done yearly - a diabetic retinopathy test where they photograph the inside of the eyeballs after putting atropine drops in there - to check whether the NHS needs to issue a prescription for a white stick and a dog. I have learned that the answer is a pair of dark, wrap-around sunglasses, and a baseball cap

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  • RMweb Gold

I have the eye thingy done yearly - a diabetic retinopathy test where they photograph the inside of the eyeballs after putting atropine drops in there - to check whether the NHS needs to issue a prescription for a white stick and a dog. I have learned that the answer is a pair of dark, wrap-around sunglasses, and a baseball cap


My wife has the diabetes retinopathy test every year. I had the eyeball interiors photographed as the optician wasn't too sure about some pigmentation, it turned out to be "normal for my age". Seeing the computer assembled montage of the interior of the eyeball was rather interesting. I certainly wouldn't be able to use my dog to aid my sight, he finds it difficult to resist water and I'd end up drowning.

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03.33 and been wandering around RMWeb for an hour. Reminds me of the old days, waking up in some far flung corner of the world in the middle of the night with jet lag. That was 'sposed to stop when I retired....rolleyes.gif


On the bright side, I'm getting lots done on the layout, so mustn't grumble. Wandering down to the Alton show tomorrow to meet "the gang of five".


Looking forward to seeing Worcester Road..

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Morning, Gordon,


Looks like another insomniac!


Make it the Gang of at least eight and say hi at Lynnbottom (me), East Hants Light Railway (009Matt) and Cote-le-Stone (Claude_Dreyfus)!

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Morning John...Where are you off to today?


Apologies, I didn't realise your goodself and others were exhibiting...Sometimes I just read things and they just pass me by completely....icon_redface.gif


I shall look forward to meeting all you guys again. We'll be there about 11 on Saturday...

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No driving this morning; one of the machines that makes the printing plates I deliver is broken so nothing to do!


However, after a lay-in (if I ever do get to sleep before breakfast), I'll be taking the above plus Wallace and Gromit to Febex and setting up!


Catch us at the right moment and you might also happen across BenR, Wintonian and SouthernRegionSteam as well!


See you there - safe journey!

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Good morning!

I overslept! I NEVER do. Well I suppose I can't say that any more. I woke, looked at clock which I thought said 3:45 so snuggled back until the clock chimed, boing, boing, boing, boing - boing! YoIks FIVE! Decided not to hurry but do all the usual things and left home half an hour later than usual. Traffic was not too bad, but noticeably heavier than I am accostomed to, so will not change my habit and stick to leaving home at 5:45.


John, say Hi to Jam from me if he doesn't pop in here later.

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Morning All,


You must have needed your sleep Don! I very rarely oversleep - but I do find it easier to get out of bed some mornings than others.


The weather is a bit on the damp and chilly side this morning, but the snow has now pretty much gone.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


There goes another week...let's see what today holds in store.


Unfortunately, just before going to bed last night I read something which made me deeply furious, so I'm feeling a little tight around the chest even now :unsure: . Hope this'll fade away soon as it is not pleasant. I know I should not read up on - let's call it sensitive matters just before bedtime, but sometimes you just do not know what exactly to expect in a text.


Well, anyway...see you later!

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Don't know Dd - but the full moon was last week. Very spectacular it was too by all accounts - it was the brightest full moon of the year, and Mars is also currently very close to the Earth and could be seen next to the moon. Unfortunately, it was the full 8-oktas here and I saw nothing! :rolleyes:


Just arrived in the office, and looking forward to a quite busy day.


A word of advice to all of you - when looking at RMWeb at work, make sure there isn't a film crew interviewing one of your colleagues behind you, like that poor Aussie banker :icon_lol:


(Who wasn't looking at RMWeb :unsure: )

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  • RMweb Premium

A word of advice to all of you - when looking at RMWeb at work, make sure there isn't a film crew interviewing one of your colleagues behind you, like that poor Aussie banker :icon_lol:


Yeah, lest you be accused of ferrosexuality! :lol:

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Morning all. Happy Poets Day.


With various things which have happened over the last couple of months, I've had to take a good few days off work. If I make it through today, this will have been my first full working week since before Christmas! Suppose I should really go face it then...


Have a good one...

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