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  • RMweb Gold

On holiday in Austria at first I thought Parking Frei meant free but it meant there were places free but you had to pay. Not quite as silly as when in France I asked Aditi why dogs with big tails were not allowed on a chateau tour. Lesson learned was just because words look vaguely similar they aren't the same!

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  • RMweb Gold

There are times I wished I'd done Domestic Science in school rather than Metalwork. This is one of them..... :D


Fish and chips, Indian or Chinese? Decisions, decisions....

All depends on who delivers to your door (and don't remind me about such things, Mrs S and daughter will be off to Rome in a couple of weeks time leaving me in charge - which means written instructions for the washing machine, Downy instead of the ironing board, and probably a trip round various local or almost local eateries in preference to starvation or food poisoning).

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All



Just not been around enough to use the computer when I get home - a virtual ban on internet access on the work machines, some less than decent shift patterns, and a totally whacked out 45156 as a result. All this talk of retirement and the like (mainly from Phil) reminds me that I SHOULD have been finished by now, as my plans were set to finish up at 60, but a change in job, then changes in the pension scheme mean that 65 is more likely.


As to everything else, the sun shone today, and Lily is making the most of it now, as she's only seen the sun about twice since she came to live with us.


This was how she reacted to some sunlight through the kitchen door...


Regards to All


ps glad to know that Ian is still with us, abeit that he is an internet-free zone at present - nowadays when that happens we feel as if we've lost an arm, whereas ten years ago the answer was more along the lines of the interwot?

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  • RMweb Gold
Decided I'd easily become a slob if I lived on my own


Welcome to my world.....it's great.


Good day today - mega shunt around the yard at Ropley with the class 11, trundle down to Alresford and back with the 9F and then the Schools, now it's curry and beer with some good telly.


Give me the simple life every time!

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I'm chuckling to myself Mike as I've never learned how to cook, nor do I want to. I know this is terribly dated and very sexist but I come from an era when the roles of men and women were very clear, so I've always gone out to work, fixed things and did all the manual tasks about the house and never got involved in matters of culinary excellence. Thankfully Mrs S is totally in tune with that way of living, so it works perfectly for us. I can hear the guffaws from here from the younger generation and I fully appreciate I'm a dinosaur, but that's the way my life has been....


Of course there is a huge hole in that strategy when your wife goes away.... :D

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  • RMweb Gold

I need hardly add I'm much the same Gordon (although I can cook somethings - provided I've got my specs on to read the instructions on the packaging. However this whole business about 'old fashioned' roles reminds me off my something or other assessment when trying to leave hospital back in 1998. I had a series of questions about my ability to wash myself and dress myself then it came to the hard stuff about cooking and ironing etc and I gave the same answer to every such question 'I've got a wife'. In the end the clearly modern minded woman asking the questions said 'well can you do those things?' to which I replied 'some of them, but I have got a wife and she can do them - or doesn't she count?'; form duly signed off by woman who was clearly puzzled by my way of answering her daft questions.

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Guest Max Stafford

Currently carrying out the evening walk-round inspection of 12A after a very enjoyable afternoon at Whitrope. Lots of silent locomotives across in the 1967 depot and a gorgeous golden sunset with a real autumnal chill in the air. Abi has gone ahead to see that the turntable well is in order. I think I shall spend a couple of hours in the shed attending to my pair of project B1s. Abi, I suspect will be content to flop in front of the fire!

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  • RMweb Gold

I do most of the cooking, baking and also most of the loading / unloading of washing machine / dishwashers. As Aditi is out earning money that seems quite reasonable. She claims to enjoy ironing which is good because I don't. My father always encouraged my brother and me to be able to look after ourselves with things like cooking. I think he felt that when he left home to join the army he was something of a "Mummy's boy" and had previously had everything done for him.


I notice from Dave's post that Abi is hoping to lie in front of the fire. I put our central heating on last night to test it but this evening it is still really warm and the windows are still open.

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  • RMweb Gold

I shall be ironing this evening, whilst watching the footy. The weekly shop was done this morning ( before 8am) and I prepared breakfast, lunch & tea (chicken stroganoff) for the five of us.

Inbetween, I did do some modelling.

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Morning all,


Spent the day going round the "Cabot Trail" on Cape Bretton. Just catching the start of the fall colours. Weather though was mix of Rain fog & sun.


Visited the Industrial museum in New Glasgow yesterday, GF fell in love with this "cutie" loco.(!) Nearly stuffed and mounted but you can "cab" it (so I did!)


Enjoy your Sunday,





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Morning all


I have an old Danish friend of mine and his wife visiting today. So once I have given the house its final clean we and they have arrived it is off out for a spot of Sunday lunch, a day off from kitchen duties for me then.


I doubt I'll get much modelling done but then I get a number of days like that.


Whatever your doing have a good day.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Overcast skies, but not too nippy at 10°C and with a gentle breeze would be the weather report at this moment. I believe some tidying up will be on the agenda first of all.


Enjoy your day, guys and gals...

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Before reading your most recent post I was going to ask you what you were doing about food, since I remembered yout total lack of cooking ability, except for making porridge! Now I know. Isn't there a take-away that does a Sunday roast?

Living here I now get a Sunday roast cooked for me. Saturday and Sunday suppers however are very basic. (Soup and sandwich/fruit/Yoghurt usually)

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Morning all...


No worries, Don, I won't starve. My local pub does a cracking Sunday lunch, but I won't be there today. Far too much sport on TV. The Singapore GP and Man City v Arsenal and Liverpool v Man Utd, all on Sky.


Great to see our ranks are swelling and others are joining us to amble gently through life.

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Morning all.


Martin, not sure then about your grass. Maybe its a bad batch of seeds. SWMBO generally justs rakes down the compost and broadcasts the seeds on top with excellent results.


Sore and stiff today. All of my arthritic joints are having a combined protest. For those keeping score, that's the neck, right shoulder, right hip, left knee, and right ankle. :umbrage: Spent far too much time standing and then hauling about baseboards yesterday. Much fun was had though. Congrats to Warbonnet for putting on a great North American modelling show yesterday. Today I will mostly be installing/configuring CML DAC20s.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bit nippy out but a lot to do Matt to Doncaster soon for a snake show for couple of hours then back home load up Student DD1 and kit and away to Carlisle should be back home between 10-11 tonight. Kids never think you get tired do they, they may think you are 'old' but inexhaustable just the same.

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