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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Weather's looking quite fair right now. I'll be off for a quick trip to the library later on, as I need a few more books for the next two papers I'll need to write. Thankfully, the second of the four-and-a-third I need to write is pretty much ready to be handed in - did I mention I've had mostly enough of writing papers by now?



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It's an early start for me today. I'm off to Berlin for a meeting.


I now have an earworm probably no-one else here will know!


"For Berlin / For Berlin / You won't catch one again / It's the 2.30 train / For Berlin / For Berlin / Tickets please / all aboard / here she comes / Platform 4 / it's the train that will take you from day into night to the wonderful, wonderful world of Berlin!"

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Morning All


Another action-packed day at the office where, yesterday, suddenly - and with great urgency - nothing happened.


Re. mortgages, I wish I could pay mine off - although for me it's a question of taxes as opposed to finance. Where I live in Switzerland if I own 49.999% of the house and the bank owns 50.001%, then I pay lower taxes. If conversely, I own 50.001% and the bank owns 49.999% then I pay higher taxes. So we won't pay off our mortgage (which, from various perspectives, I'd like to do)


Mind you, as Mrs iD and I don't have sprogs, when we retire we could remortgage the house, spend the dosh and after we've gone to push up daisies the bank can sort it all out.

Edited by iL Dottore
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Funny old day for me. Mrs S is off to Devon for one of her doggie courses and will be away until next Thursday. Years of business travelling for me meant we've often been apart, yet this is the first real time the roles have been reversed and I'll be here on my own. Seems really strange for me and makes me realise just how close we are after all these years....


Of course, I'll get bits done on ET and watch sport and drink beer, but it won't be the same without her pottering around in the background. Made me very conscious of Ian losing Deb and the hole it must leave in your life...

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The Dustmen are about to arrive.

SWMBO carefully sorts into three different bags for re-cycling, washing empty tins and bottles.

These bags are loaded onto three different small trucks.

Around the bend, the small trucks back up to a compactor lorry and unload.


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After the revolution, I am going to outlaw managerial consultants. Being caught in such a capacity in the public sector especially will be deemed a capital crime.
I think Dave, that the death penalty is far too severe for such a crime. Instead, there should be a mandatory sentence of 5 years imprisonment during which the convicted will be required to write out mission statements all day and every day (on vellum, using a Goose quill pen and hand made ink - with flogging as punishment for bad grammar, bad spelling, mistakes and overuse of buzz words [to be applied at the discretion of the warders]). Then, when back in the cell, they will have to listen all night to "the greatest hits of business jargon" which will be followed by a quiz on that jargon. Those failing the quiz will have their breakfast "downsized"...


It's a funny old week in my profession, hearing all these platitudes from politicians and the press. Of course in two weeks we'll be back to being the motorist bugging, black-clad fascist, gold-plated pension brandishing scum of the earth and ripe for privatisation.
Like all organisations, the Police have members who abuse their position or are complete idiots and certainly these are the ones that get noticed - to the detriment of the reputation of the rest. Unfortunately, it takes a tragedy like this to remind the British public about how lucky they are to have the sort of police force they do have (unlike the police in some other European countries).


However I think the Police are guilty in having senior officers ("management") many of whom willingly and whole heartedly embrace all the political correctness emanating from the "right-on" Home Office and who throw common sense out of the window (and there was a time once when the Police were encouraged to use their discretion, experience and judgment...and valued for it). When a member of the public is stopped and ticketed by Traffic Officers for being a few miles over the speed limit and when the same member of the public can't get the police to immediately come to a break-in or reads how someone protecting their own lives and property from criminals gets arrested, they of course will view the Police negatively. What they don't see are the Civil Servants, Senior Police management (and even the CPS) setting "priorities" that determine what the front line does.


Truly, as G&S wrote, "A Policeman's Lot Is Not A Happy One"


edited for spelling and punctuation

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for all the supportive replies re my friend's predicament. No 5th floor managment consultants here, we are a small firm of 30 staff, most of whom are in the same single large office, MD & Fin Dir as well. The company has an ethos (supposedly !) of a 'no blame' culture - if anything goes wrong, it gets fixed. What is most annoying in this situation is the statements and agreements made about the IT upgrade (which is at the heart of this issue) were then denied and used as lack of ability accusations.


On a lighter note, there have been no more issues with my son - so tonight he is off 10-pin bowling with his PA, SWMBO will be out at work all night, so I can get to do some modelling & listen to Alice Cooper on Planet Rock.

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Guest Max Stafford

Oh, Dottore. You're a real Torquemada you are! LOL.

I think your assessment of where the police are going wrong is a pretty good one though and although I'm naturally a bit biased in viewing it from the coal face as it were. It really is from the top that the trouble comes for most of the reasons although I would also throw in a fair measure of self interest and empire-building megalania at those levels too.

It is as you correctly state, high level diktat that is eroding our ability to use our own judgement 'out there' and with the emphasis on hyper centralised command and control it's getting worse by the day. We're currently getting stick in these parts because 'not enough crime is being reported'. In their twisted world that assumes we're not doing anything. And yet to Sir Robert Peel; "The most visible measure of police effectiveness is the absence if crime".

Policing and 1980s Wall Street business philosophy do not make for comfortable bedfellows.


Anyway, so much for the long and winding rant. That's more than enough for today. It's a bright, sunny one after yesterday's downpours. Just about to walk Abi and drop her at the outlaws before my shift. And then; leave time!



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

As the Clio didn't pass its MoT yesterday I took Aditi down to the station. Very pleasant here this morning. I've got a dental appointment this afternoon (routine check) so I remembered to stop at the cash machine on the way back.

Hopefully the car will be sorted today. It failed on a couple of gaiters and "emissions". It has done 140000 miles so I expect it is entitled to the occasional fail. Aditi really likes her car and would definitely like to keep it as long as possible.


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  • RMweb Gold

I think Dave, that the death penalty is far too severe for such a crime. Instead, there should be a mandatory sentence of 5 years imprisonment during which the convicted will be required to write out mission statements all day and every day (on vellum, using a Goose quill pen and hand made ink - with flogging as punishment for bad grammar, bad spelling, mistakes and overuse of buzz words [to be applied at the discretion of the warders]). Then, when back in the cell, they will have to listen all night to "the greatest hits of business jargon" which will be followed by a quiz on that jargon. Those failing the quiz will have their breakfast "downsized"...


Like all organisations, the Police have members who abuse their position or are complete idiots and certainly these are the ones that get noticed - to the detriment of the reputation of the rest. Unfortunately, it takes a tragedy like this to remind the British public about how lucky they are to have the sort of police force they do have (unlike the police in some other European countries).


However I think the Police are guilty in having senior officers ("management") many of whom willingly and whole heartedly embrace all the political correctness emanating from the "right-on" Home Office and who throw common sense out of the window (and there was a time once when the Police were encouraged to use their discretion, experience and judgment...and valued for it). When a member of the public is stopped and ticketed by Traffic Officers for being a few miles over the speed limit and when the same member of the public can't get the police to immediately come to a break-in or reads how someone protecting their own lives and property from criminals gets arrested, they of course will view the Police negatively. What they don't see are the Civil Servants, Senior Police management (and even the CPS) setting "priorities" that determine what the front line does.


Truly, as G&S wrote, "A Policeman's Lot Is Not A Happy One"


edited for spelling and punctuation


Multiply that by ten for the 'management' of our armed forces serving in conflict zones......


Morning all, not sure if I'm on my backside or my elbow this morning, bad last night on call plus everyone round here seems determined to stop me from sleeping today. Bottle recycling collection day, meter readers, neighbours mending things (tap, tap, tap - hit the bl**dy thing...) and so on. Never mind, nice little relief turn on the MHR tomorrow then it could well be beer and pizza.


Have a good one.

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Morning all,


Hope not to offend anyone who might actually work for G4S here, but what the hell.


If I only did half the job I am contracted to do, I wouldn't be in a job long. I am appalled at G4S' assertion they should get full payment for not fulfilling a contract. If it was me in government I would tell them where to go, and by the way, here's the bill you owe us for having to call in the military to cover your sorry asses.


One of my best friends is in the royal engineers and was one of many thousands of our excellent servicemen and women working at the Olympics, and the gulf between their quiet dignity and Mr Buckles of G4S' outrageous comments earlier is great. Add into that, my sister who was an unpaid Olympics volunteer (who took part in the opening ceremony, and looked after many of the overpaid fat cats who had the top tickets to the events), and you can probably tell I am spitting blood at this particular news item this morning.


Outrageous behaviour by G4s - have they no shame? (No, probably not).

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  • RMweb Gold

The Dustmen are about to arrive.

SWMBO carefully sorts into three different bags for re-cycling, washing empty tins and bottles.

These bags are loaded onto three different small trucks.

Around the bend, the small trucks back up to a compactor lorry and unload.



If we get yet another bin we might have to start parking the cars on the road tom ake room for all the different recycling bins which we dont need as we already recycle all that stuff. What we need is a recycling bin for all the recycling bins!!

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The problem is that Councils have been set recycling targets which are subsequently published.

They made good progress when the Chinese were buying our trash but that stopped a couple of years ago.

(I wondered at the time if the burning of fuel by a ship loaded with rubbish wouldn't impact on any environmental benefits).


The Public tips are now tightly regulated too (eg Four wheel trailers are charged/not allowed etc) with the obvious result that lay-bys along the country lanes become fly tips. However, the Council response here is very good and it will be cleared within an hour of reporting).


I'm in the middle of a task (Compliance) for our County Council and the mileage allowance is something like 55p.

At that rate, I could earn a living with a small car driving around all day.

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