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........"Telford, or bust!"......... :yahoo:


I`ve gone all 'packy' this morning; trying to fit everything required (or likely to become-so) for Rhydwyn Fawr, safely into travel boxes........Our layout clearly does not "travel light".....but mercifully, my modest personal needs have been simply catered-for with a small zipped bag. :angel:

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morning all,cool but the suns out! wonderd what that bright orange thingy was this morning,tash is off today so ive left her and our jack asleep this morning,took a look at him this morning dont they get in some funny postions? face planted in the corner of the cot and bum skywards!! just about finished a v50 off for this morning,thankfully its friday,telford tomorrow! did you manage to get your car fixed debs?

Edited by martin1
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Hi Everyone,


I have made it into the office at last. There was an accident on the Motorway which delayed me today. There was a 16km traffic jam - although I didn't have to sit through all of it, having joined it half way along. Someone had managed to tear the front wheel off of their Audi following an argument with a Fiesta.


I've managed to read through the posts from yesterday afternoon. Hopefully Ian's Funeral Director will be able to find a legal solution to Debs wishes. Plus, it is not every day that you find a Yak tethered to your car!


Right - off to do some software testing!

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  • RMweb Gold



Nice day here. I'm glad Mick mentioned it was Friday, I wasn't too sure. Aditi is off to Debden for some sort of meeting today.

The vet confirmed my decision to put Robbie on a diet was wise. He had put on weight at kennels. I wonder if he had been stealing other dogs' food! In the past he has lost about 1kg in kennels this time he put on just over a kilo! Otherwise he is fine.



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Startling events in the small hours.

Wailing noises from under the bedroom window.

It was me trying to get out. (No it wasn't - I made that up).

On investigation, the cat you've seen pictured before had caught a vole and was in a face-off with ... a hedgehog!

As I opened the door, the cat broke off the confrontation and came inside.

The hedgehog ate the vole, not at all disturbed by my presence.

At 3am I couldn't raise the energy to get the camera but I'm now wishing I had.


At 11am on Monday, I'll be taking a pause for thought, too, Ian.

A very good idea, AndyB.

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I was wondering about Robbie... Our dog seems to be suffering from some kind of allergy that affects her feet. Everything suggested by the Vet is having no effect....


Mike's ship seems to be changing batteries on a selection of buoys....


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, lovely day here. Not a lot planned except a spot of grandson amusing while daughter takes granddaughter for check up.


I suspect he sampled a few ports last night.


They would have done if Mike was driving.



(See what I did there...)

Edited by PhilH
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Steveston, Trev, Steveston! I don't know how much time you'll have tomorrow, but the old loops at Loop Brook campground (just off the Trans-Canada on the west side of Rogers Pass) and the walk past the old showsheds just west of Rogers Pass summit itself are worth seeing.

Trev, if you get as far east as Field, stop off and take a look around at the CP facilities there. Last time we managed to blag a cab tour of an AC4400cw from the crew during a change over. Don't forget the spiral tunnels as well. Then there's Morant's Curve by Lake Louise. (take the exit at LL towards the ski hill then turn east on highway 1A the Bow Valley Parkway and look for the parking area and signs)
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Guest 838rapid

Long day yesterday.

went to see a friend in Chesterfield.

Just woke with a jolt,it's 11 am in my mind..

Have got to go to ?? forgotten..


Oh well and its only 0820..


Should I relish the couple of hours I have gained??


NO !!


Feel exhausted

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, The sun seems to be shining (still) but it was distinctly more autumnal when I ventured out of bed this morning.


Apparently I have to go to the beach today! That's after the builder has finished ripping up the plywood surfacing from the kitchen floor. This has to be done so that a different contractor can come in and assess the damp (and get rid of it) after the flooding from our recent leaking pipe. Joy!


Telford tomorrow! Repeat after me...


Leave wallet, credit cards and chequebook at home.

Leave wallet and chequebook at home.

Leave chequebook at home.

Leave home.



Where was I going?




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  • RMweb Gold

I was wondering about Robbie... Our dog seems to be suffering from some kind of allergy that affects her feet. Everything suggested by the Vet is having no effect....


Best, Pete.

My friend has been boarding a cockerpoo recently that has lots of allergies. The one that affects the feet appears to be a grass allergy. The poor dog is also hypersensitive to most meat and has to get its protein from fish. A couple of people with small terriers told me at this time of year their dogs get sore feet from walking on the grass in the park, perhaps from insect bites? The only paw problem Robbie has had has been caused by grass seeds piercing the webbing between his toes.

If vets here don't seem to know what the problem is the treatment seems to consist of steroids, antibiotics and NSAIDs on the basis that one will work!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


hazy overcast sky with hints of sun behind it , and noticably cooler today .


A trip to the re-cycle centre is a must do , then re-site the collecting box's in the

rear porch now that it is finished .


Other than that it will be a quiet day I hope .


Enjoy yours whatever it may bring .

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Hi all. Dragged back onto the project from hell that wouldn't die once again. Another 3 weeks of a complete three ring, big top, travelling, Assclown Circus.


Haven't had any free time over the past few weeks for any modelling. That makes me grumpier than usual. Hopefully a quiet weekend locked away in the shed will make up for lost time.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mostly stuff like antihistamines (sp.) and cortisones so far.


That's interesting about sharp seeds, our grass is extremely tough compared to the soft English grass.


Many thanks, Tony.


Best, Pete.

The dogs that had seasonal paw problems, it was definitely a late summer early autumn problem. Del the Yorkie (a small one not George the giant Yorkie) had a rash on his abdomen as well. So I'm not sure if it was the grass, some fungus( or similar) from the grass or seasonal insects. Robbie gets treated monthly with Frontline to repel insect attack perhaps that helps. Though yesterday the vet changed the monthly application to a newer product that protects against lungworm infection, now that it is more established. At one time it wasn't found this far east.

The grass seeds that have caused Robbie problems are about a cm long with spiky tufts from long grass in fields not lawn stuff. He can't shift them by himself and it is quite a battle to do it for him!

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Just been given the date of my last day in work in High Wycombe after what was a possible reprieve until I found another job - 28th September. After that I will be working from home for a week and will be made redundant shortly afterwards.


I've been applying for jobs everyday just to keep myself and Charlie afloat until (perhaps if) my business starts making enough to make it my sole job, but I am reminded that it's easier to get a job whilst you're in a job than it is when you're not.

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That was a rotten commute though, wasn't it, Simon? Crappy management practices too, if I remember.

My Wife took two years in her business before she started covering all her expenses but her income increased exponentially from then on in.

Besides you have a great "product".

Good luck, but you'll be happier in the end, I'm sure.


Best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

Abi gets sore eyes at this time of year from running through the long grass. I guess there's just no getting away from it. Hope things work out for you, Simon.

Kind of grey and wet here today. I'd really like to go for a bike ride but I'll see if it improves any before I commit myself!

Glad you're getting through that huge procession of tasks Ian and extra glad you are still able to smile at things. A little hint of better times ahead.



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That was a rotten commute though, wasn't it, Simon? Crappy management practices too, if I remember.


Absolutely: job started off very well but descended into madness once they made twenty in High Wycombe redundant, my line manager Roland and then started putting everything on me. What's crazy is that I've grown very fond of the area. I love the town's market, the railway station, and the fact it has an exceptional model railway club nearby!


My Wife took two years in her business before she started covering all her expenses but her income increased exponentially from then on in.

Besides you have a great "product".

Good luck, but you'll be happier in the end, I'm sure.


Best, Pete.


Thanks Pete - fingers crossed. I hope to announce something very exciting soon! :) But we'll see how it all goes with the paperwork first.

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