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Early Risers.


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Our Summer school hoidays were 6 weeks from 1st week of December through to January, Going back was ameliorated by the prospect of new books, new teachers new and old friends.. The only down side really was a resumption of HOMEWORK!!!!!!!

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Guest Max Stafford

There are still unconfirmed rumours of redundancy packages in our mob for over-48s. Reportedly 2 years's salary and pension when you hit 55. I do hope it's true...



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Somewhat overcast but quite warm here.

Aditi has decided not to retire until I need "looking after", whatever that may mean! Though she could of course change her mind. In colleges now I think the redundancy package is equivalent to a bus ticket to the next borough.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, nice and bright here. I have a week off from the nonsense, I intend to do a lot of my favourite thing which is not a lot.


As Mike alluded to, for some reason top management seem to think that chaos keeps everyone on their toes, where I work is heading towards this state. i don't think they realise that all it breeds is discontent and an almost anarchic way of working - it has to be as if we stuck rigidly to how we are supposed to work nothing would ever get done.


Dave - that sounds like a good deal if you can get in on it, only wish my lot would come up with something like that. 709 days to go.....


Right, latte to be made and drunk then I think it will be cracking on with the sticky paper sticking on the loft layout station building. The layout trainset is provisionally called Bishop's Stoke, so called because I was born and bred in Bishopstoke. Being a junction it will be 'Change here for East Lee', Eastleigh being the place just down the road from Bishopstoke where my interest in railways was awakened and fostered.


Have a good one.

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Morning all.


If you think going back on a Monday after a weekend is bad, try doing it after six weeks. It hurts.


Gordon, feel free to ignore this post.


I really feel for you BoD and others that may be nearing retirement. I know the last couple of years of my working life seemed to take an eternity. Makes me reflect just how long us ER's have been here and the things that have happened. Lots of fun, but sadness also from time to time.


Seems like yesterday I was logging on from some far flung place, but this Christmas will see me retired for five years. Jeez, where did it go....

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  • RMweb Gold

Early start for a blood test. Requires nothing to eat or drink since last night, so mouth like a Turkish tram-driver's jock-strap. Nurse's surgery opens at 8, so arrived at 7.50 and was fourth in queue! Tomorrow have a bi-ennial prostate scan. Let's hope all is still ok - don't need both of us ill!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


grey but dry , which is just as well as a ' very nice man ' is coming to replace

the rotten wood rear porch with a nice UPVC number , it will be nice to be able

to step out of the kitchen door and not have a puddle of water waiting when it's

been raining .


Other than that not much to report , but I will say ' great photos ' PhilH , looks like it was

a very interesting day .

Edited by Sidecar Racer
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  • RMweb Gold

Early start for a blood test. Requires nothing to eat or drink since last night, ...

The instructions here for fasting blood tests usually encourage water to be consumed. A mention of blood tests reminds me that I need to request some. Over the years I've gone from weekly to monthly and I'm now up to 3 monthly and they have stopped being of the fasting variety. It used to take over a week for the results to come back but they are at the doctor's surgery the next day now.

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  • RMweb Gold

The instructions here for fasting blood tests usually encourage water to be consumed. A mention of blood tests reminds me that I need to request some. Over the years I've gone from weekly to monthly and I'm now up to 3 monthly and they have stopped being of the fasting variety. It used to take over a week for the results to come back but they are at the doctor's surgery the next day now.

France is much more open with medical info about the patient. I expect a copy of the results through the post tomorrow or Weds! Similarly when I go for the scan tomorrow, I take the previous results with me, so the radiologue and I can compare progress.
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  • RMweb Gold


Belated Birthday Greetings, Tony.

Hope you had a good day and there will be many more.


Thank you. It was a very pleasant day. Most of my cards had dogs or trains on them We took Robbie for a walk across some nearby fields, He found the only muddy puddle for miles. We(but not Robbie) then went to Horndon on the Hill to a pub for lunch. Had a short walk round the village afterwards and read the commemorative plaques, home of Vincent motor bike designer, stake burning site etc.

Then we did nothing when we got home apart from watching the final Harry Potter film.

I shall fill out my discount form for B&Q today.


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..and belated greetings from me also..... :drink_mini:


A very Happy Birthday for yesterday, Tony.


Thanks to Debs reminder of Hill Street, I ordered the first series on DVD for old times sake. It almost pre dates PC's and mobile phones as it was made between '81 and '87, so it will be interesting to see if it survived the passage of time. I hope so as it was one of my must watch programmes.


Glad to hear you had a great day yesterday Phil. The pics looked great and you must be proud of your SiL. Not sure if you still follow The Saints but it was a great match yesterday other than the score. All credit to Utd though for coming back and never giving up..


Anyone else see the 1500m on Saturday? Omar Hassan from Djibouti finished seven minutes after everyone else and the crowd roared him home every step of the way...



Edited by gordon s
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SWMBO has just told me that our GB representative who came second is complaining that the winner had bigger springs.

I thought it was supposed to be a 'level playing field'.


It has slightly bothered me that folk with disabilities will have degrees of trauma etc., so to get evenly matched contestants must be difficult.

Anyway, good luck to them.

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Morning all,


Lovely shots DD, just the ticket!


It's official, I'm now addicted to facebook... never thought I'd get sucked in but having joined three specific railway groups over the weekend (mainly nostalgia relating to Old Oak, Hydraulics and Cl.50s) the last 48 hours have disappeared quicker than a rat up a drain pipe! I've made a promise to the other half that I won't join anymore groups, it's time consuming enough as it is.


Misty here at first this morning, looks like it's lifted to reveal a nice sunny day ahead.... enjoy your day folks ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

been here 25 mins so far!!


not looking good, they have just drawn the train forward to let another one into the platform behind us


this is where companies limited route knowledge gets let down, ideally the driver could change ends and head into walsall, change ends again and go via bushbury but the drivers don't sign darlaston to walsall (i know it but can't offer my services as its no longer on my card!)

Edited by big jim
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  • RMweb Gold

France is much more open with medical info about the patient. I expect a copy of the results through the post tomorrow or Weds! Similarly when I go for the scan tomorrow, I take the previous results with me, so the radiologue and I can compare progress.

UK is probably now more open than it used to be. The hospital send me copies of all correspondence to my GP. At the hospital the consultant has the PC screen turned so you can see all the test results. Once all my results were red or flashing colours. So I asked why one of them wasn't. She explained that was the good news, I wasn't diabetic! And I need not worry about all the red bits of screen as it might not be "normal" but it was for me.

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  • RMweb Gold

on a similar vain to DD's pictures above, this is one i took last week using the iphone!




ive done a screen grab of the iphone home screen as i'm using it as a screen saver hene the dots at the bottom, will upload a better version when i get home

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  • RMweb Gold

There are still unconfirmed rumours of redundancy packages in our mob for over-48s. Reportedly 2 years's salary and pension when you hit 55. I do hope it's true...



Dave if you are British Transport type pension fund are you still allowed to take a pension at 50 (or has some politico altered that I wonder?)

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


what a lot I've missed - looks like Phil had a tremendous day at Middle Wallop and many happy returns of whenever it was Tony. I'm slightly off-balance at present as I'm almost finished doing some fact checking for someone (which has been a struggle due to lots of duff stuff in the draft) then the next door neighbour wanted me to run through a builder's estimate. Some of you folk might be looking forward to retirement but I often wonder how I found time to go to work of the full time variety :O :scratchhead:


And our ship has vanished off the radar - last seen anchored off Lundy yesterday evening.

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