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Early Risers.


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Something which appeared in our Church bulletin a few years ago:


"The sun and the wind and the rain makes the cops grow"


I am particularly partial to St. Arbucks - that's a master stroke :icon_lol:


11am is a bit late for the Eucharist - that's half the morning gone :rolleyes:

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all


Not an early riser as I had a rotten night's kip - was up about half the night, and it was a bit parky, so as soon as Mrs 45156 popped off to work, I cranked up the heating and settled down to a sleep - not a lot of fun sleeping sitting up on a cold night (about minus 4 outside at a guess and about 14 in the bedroom at 03.00). Problem is that I feel the cold, and the temperature outside can be well into minus figures when Mrs 45156 will start to comment that it's a bit crisp, so heating can become an area of disagreement. GP has prescribed a relaxant for night use, and it does seem to help - without it, I doubt I'd get more than a couple of hours even on a warmer night.


Still got the sling on, but down to using it about 50% of the time, and starting to do some basic exercises to get the shoulder mobilised. Looks as if I am getting a bit more use - some simple tasks that I was unable to do are coming back. Still typing mainly with one hadn, though.


I am managing to get out now on my own, but I've still got to be a bit careful not to knock the bad arm - need to get out a couple of times this week, as fracture clinic review is due on Thursday and I need a haircut as I'm starting to look like the wild man of Borneo - problem is that I have used the same hairdresser for about 12 years, and she's having a day off on Thursday. But I'm getting used to the times of the buses to town as well - in fact it's not a bad service if only it ran better in the early morning, and after 7, then I would use it to go to work, but there's nothing that gets you to town before 07.50 (if on time) and I start work some days at 08.00 - and it's a ten minute walk from the bus station to work - also at night, same story, there's a bus at 20.10 and if I missed that (which is 99% probable) the next one's 21.10 hanging about a bus station or town centre - not a good idea these days, regrettably.


I'm off to light the stove now, and try to get the place a bit cheery, then can settle down to the last Pete Waterman on Trains episode, provided the PVR has worked properly.


PC still slow, so I'll try another post tomorrow - earlier if I get a good sleep.


Get well soon to all on here who, like me, are ailing in some way or another.



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  • RMweb Premium

St Ruth....


Surely St Reuth!




St Unning in the buff

St Orking in the woods

St Roll in down

St Inking in the pit

St Umping come St Joan




Dave (coat already on)

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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew just got home. It was the final exam day of the season and he went out with some friends to the cinema to see the new Sherlock Holmes film. His review was "I don't think Mum would have liked it!". Anyway as it was his first trip to the cinema on Canvey island, I asked him about whether it was OK, as he isn't very tolerant of audience's talking, eating noisily etc (he is prematurely "grumpy", can't think where he gets it from!). It wasn't a problem as he and his three friends were the audience. Monday night on Canvey would appear to be quiet. The rest of the evening consisted of a walk on the seawall, eating a kebab, and catching the Essex Pullman (a superior bus!) home. Matthew leads a much more exciting life than I did when I was doing A levels.

Although as he went out this evening he has completely altered the food planning my wife suggested before she departed for somewhere near Southampton. Although I do most of the cooking and shopping she does like to think she is still caring for us even at a distance by leaving menu suggestions. Matthew thinks his mum is convinced we won't eat vegetables while she is away observing education in Hampshire.



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tell him to make the most of the pullmans - the contract is now into the last stages - independent operation. I suspect regal might look to swap them soon...


I keep forgetting this thread exists at 6:30 in the morning when getting ready for work.

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  • RMweb Gold

tell him to make the most of the pullmans - the contract is now into the last stages - independent operation. I suspect regal might look to swap them soon...


I keep forgetting this thread exists at 6:30 in the morning when getting ready for work.


I'll tell him to appreciate the Pullman while he can. He used it even though it meant paying their fare as his First Metro ticket doesn't cover other bus companies. Public transport from Chelmsford to Southend/ Castle Point has always been difficult. Will that route still continue but with more normal buses?



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tell him to make the most of the pullmans - the contract is now into the last stages - independent operation. I suspect regal might look to swap them soon...


I keep forgetting this thread exists at 6:30 in the morning when getting ready for work.


The thread exists all the time. ;) You just get even less sense than normal at 6.30 am! :lol:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


I'm not a patient and it's -2.6 outside, but I will chime in anyway :lol: . Will be seeing my GP later today as I was having the impression my ear is clogged, which is annoying. Well...I guess I am a patient after all ;) .


Later ;) .

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Morning All,


My ears are not clogged - but I am feeling a bit on the tired side this morning. I went to Ikea with a friend yesterday evening and then we ended up going home, sitting and chatting half the night!


We didn't have too much more snow overnight - but it would seem that Rheinland-Pfalz (which is to the west of here on the other side of the Rhein) got it pretty badly. They were even talking about school closures on the radio this morning :icon_eek: which is rather humourous given my comment the other morning about how schools don't close here when it snows. :icon_lol:


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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