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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Cold here too, so everything is a sheet of ice. It looks like the council are still holding back the salt for the summer months.


Moonset this morning was spectacular.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


I've been deemed fit enough to return to light tasks this morning so I was directed to vacuum my wife's car interior. It has to be tidy as she is going to Hampshire tomorrow (do they have inspections at the county border?). We will be going to see some friends this afternoon. They have 3 cavalier spaniels and a Yorkshire Terrier that seem to like my wife. Now although we have Robbie he isn't a lap dog but my wife doesn't seem to mind as she thinks our friends dogs are very cute! I assume she doesn't think Robbie is!


I did try and do some railway modelling yesterday but didn't get very far. I soldered a couple of wires on to some 9mm track so I can do DCC things to HOe/OO9 locomotives with my SPROG interface. I then tried positioning some trackwork to see if it looked like the photo of the terminus I'd like to build.

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For those of you who can read German: Twenty years ago on Tuesday (2 February) two suburban trains collided at Ruesselsheim


Thanks for posting that Dominik - I didn't know there was such a serious accident in Ruesselsheim. I only live two stations down the line but didn't move to Germany until 1999. I used to commute to work every day on that line, and it makes you think that a simple mistake, or lack of vigilance can lead to such a disaster.


It's interesting that the S-bahnen have been renumbered since then - There isn't an S14 anymore!

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for posting that Dominik - I didn't know there was such a serious accident in Ruesselsheim. I only live two stations down the line but didn't move to Germany until 1999. I used to commute to work every day on that line, and it makes you think that a simple mistake, or lack of vigilance can lead to such a disaster.


It's interesting that the S-bahnen have been renumbered since then - There isn't an S14 anymore!



The Ruesselsheim accident was one of the reasons why the Indusi train protection system was brought to its current functionality as it was found the collision might have been avoided had the train been prevented from reaching its impact speed upon SPADing in the first place. This was achieved by providing the so-called restrictive mode in the device software.


The S14 and S15 lines were created in 1980 - the S14 working the relation between Frankfurt Central Station (upper level) and Wiesbaden Central Station via Frankfurt Airport and Ruesselsheim, and the S15 between Frankfurt Central and the airport. When the railway tunnel through Frankfurt was extended to Konstablerwache in 1983 the S14 was routed through the tunnel as well. In 1990, then, the tunnel was extended to Frankfurt Southern Station, and in 1995 the railway tunnel through Offenbach was opened. At this point the S14 was renumbered as S8, and the S9 was created from the S8 booster services in 1999.

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  • RMweb Gold

Start of another week and start of another month.

Merry February to you all!

Got my final ticket vouchers! Farm booking confirmed, Jo'burg hotel booked and paid for. 59 days till lift-off :D


Happy travels

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Morning All,


Doesn't look too chilly outside (although I haven't been outside yet) and there has been no new snow overnight.


I'm off to work shortly.


Thanks for the additional information Dominik. I didn't realise the tunnel through Frankfurt had been constructed so recently. I have been here long enough to remember when there was only an S8, but it has always gone right through.


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,


it's -4 on the mercury and pitch dark outside - no news there, is it? :lol: Waiting for a package which might arrive later today - not related to my modelling, however ;) .



Thanks for the additional information Dominik. I didn't realise the tunnel through Frankfurt had been constructed so recently. I have been here long enough to remember when there was only an S8, but it has always gone right through.


The tunnel was originally opened in 1978 - at that time, Hauptwache was the terminus. The fact that that station and then Konstablerwache once served as termini actually has the bonus that there are crossovers inside the tunnel (one each between Taunusanlage and Hauptwache, between Hauptwache and Konstablerwache and between Konstablerwache and Ostendstrasse), which may be used in case of breakdowns.

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Had a very light frosting of snow last night, but nothing that will bring the world to a halt....


Was sitting watching TV yesterday morning and heard the patter of feet run across the ceiling of our single storey extension. Bigger than a mouse, so it was clearly a squirrel had managed to get into the roof void. Thankfully as I opened the hatch and switched on the light, he legged it across the ceiling and out the way he came. That was handy as I found a gap of around 3" around the chimney which I wasn't aware of....All blocked up now and peace has returned.


Did find a huge wasp's nest up there though that must have been used last summer. I gently pulled it down, but this thing is a sphere about 15" across. Had no idea that was there either....That could have been fun if the occupants were still in residency.





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Pretty serious frost out there today. Good day playing trains down in Bristol yesterday and I even managed to return home with my wallet unscathed. Quite an achievment given the vast array of droolworthy and expensive toys on display!


I believe wasp nests should be fine this time of year as the residents all die in the autumn. The queen legs it off somewhere to hide out till spring then starts the whole colony off again. Feel free free to correct me if the residents of your nest are still in!


Had squirrels in our loft one year and they did quite a bit of damage to cables and stuff. The noise of the young ones playing was incredible. Unfortunately they didn't nicely signpost their entry point so it took me some while to find it. I did manage to bag one with an air rifle though!




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


-2 but sunny here. I put my wife's luggage and work stuff in her car for her week away. I did wonder from the quantity if she would prefer the Scenic instead of the Clio but the offer was declined.


Gordon. You did well to persuade the squirrel to go. Someone I know about didn't rush to prevent squirrels entering their loft and then had rats using the same entrance. At least it wasn't a Glis glis (edible dormouse). I don't think you can evict those.



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Morning all. Been a very busy weekend, so haven't been on the Internet at all. Been busy moving Paula into a new house. Got to bed at 2 this morning and up again at 7.30. Mind you, for the first time I can remember, I slept from my head hitting the pillow till my alarm went off.


On 2 days of training today and tomorrow across town so I'm on a bus across Edinburgh now.

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When SWMBO was young, FiL kindly brought home a huge 'paper' wasps' nest for her to admire.

Which she did until the warmth of her bedroom revived the occupants!


They make good fire lighters for the wood burner, Gordon.


Pleased that Don has finally sorted his holiday though didn't understand the reasons for all the impediments.

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The holiday booking problems were all related to available train accommodation. My chosen holiday dates are within school holidays, hence full trains. I insisted upon sole occupation of a coupe(two berth) or compartment(4 berth) on specific trains. All three trains had to be on specific dates in relation to each other, and there always seem to be one that was out of sync with the others. With much patience synchronised bookings were managed to be arranged. Transnet, the Govermnent controlled rail system have decided that their primary business is moving bulk goods - coal, maize, iron ore, containers, etc. and that long distance passenger services are very low on their list of priorities. Long distance passenger services have been pared to below minimum and many routes completely discontinued. They used to lay on extra trains for the holiday periods but no longer do so and of the trains I wanted, one travels 4 times a week, one twice a week and one only once a week! Hence my problems. However after two full weeks of trying a successfull conclusion was eventually achieved :D

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Nasty things wasps - I had the wretched things in the attic the year before last, and then a nest in the garden last year. I didn't realise there was a nest until I was watering the plants and a cloud of them attacked. I got stung a couple of times, and the little guy (who was helping me) got stung once while we were beating a retreat. According to one of my neighbours, you are supposed to phone the council who will come and re-locate them to a more suitable location (and charge you for the privilege) - forget that! I hit them with wasp nest killer. I know they were only protecting their territory - but even so.


Years ago, when I was at Uni, I had a weekend job. One of my customers was a very nice chap who was always in early on a Saturday morning. Having not seen him for a few weeks, we made enquiries - turns out, while mowing his lawn on a garden tractor he sliced through a nest of European wasps. He didn't survive the onslaught :icon_eek:

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Another humerous offering Dd, especially "I will return"

Another "Well done"!


St Arbucks "meet for coffee after services"

St Uffing

St Aple "we will keep you riveted"

In the humour section is a list of hilarious church notices.

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