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  • RMweb Premium

Most of the signs were from other drivers, Dom....


I see... Well, as Robert said, you should be rather careful with this kind of "signs" over here.


I but admit I often do find myself wishing for a James Bond style suite of "extras" on my car, precisely to be prepared for city driving... :bomb_mini:

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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks Deb, very informative. Now if I could just shift this vision of you in your head girls uniform........ :D


Well that's alright then. At least it isn't her gymslip.



Dave (Fetching coat even though it's too warm for one)

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  • RMweb Gold

I don't think I was taught English grammar much beyond noun, verb, adverb and adjective. This made learning German difficult as the teacher assumed that we understood the English equivalent of the German grammar.

I think Aditi's school must have been special as she is very good at grammar. I wish I were.

We were in France once with Aditi's sister and her family. My BiL had been puzzling over a notice outside a supermarket. Eventually he asked Aditi what grammatical construction was being used on a particular word. She said it was a spelling mistake. BiL spent three days researching obscure French grammar in an attempt to prove that she was wrong. We don't go on holiday with them any more.


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Good Morning all, after several days of public hols, it's back to normal this morning... Somebody has got a very loud cockerel around here, he's even drowning out the "call to prayer" from the local mosque!


Other than that, not much else to report,


Have a good un all,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


There was a thunderstorm moving through the area last night, but too far away from us to bring any kind of rain, it seems. However, it is much cloudier and hazier this morning, and a bit breezy - so I guess the worst of the heat is over.


Not much to report at this time, so I'll just say "later"...

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Morning All,


It is thankfully cooler here this morning. There were thunderstorms nearby last night, and although we didn't get any rain there was a bit of flashing and banging going on.


Another busy day today. I am being audited.


Have a good day everyone...

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Hello ALL,

Read the debate on specialty and speciality - Too obtuce for a 72 year 360 day old senior citizen.

I'll stick with specialty for general purporposes though I do understand the difference defined by Debs.


Still rather greyish, bur Sun won't rise for another 20 minutes so it may be better, but temperature still a chilly 16 - 17C

All residents complaining they don't remember a Winter as cold or as wet

I think that aqe has increased the power of their forgettary.


I leave my room for meals a good ten minutes before the bell to avoid the traddic jam of slow moving 'walking assists'


T ime to leave right now!!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is quite cool here and I had to remove condensation from the car this morning. Though I suspect by the time Aditi goes to work it would have evaporated naturally.

Now that the excitement of putting the bin bags out is over I'm not sure what else is happening today. Patio cleaning perhaps?


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  • RMweb Premium

Still rather greyish, bur Sun won't rise for another 20 minutes so it may be better, but temperature still a chilly 16 - 17C

All residents complaining they don't remember a Winter as cold or as wet



I guess many people up here wouldn't mind 16 to 17°C in winter, Don! :lol:

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It's always the toast ... and probably the language.

We have sensitive alarms of two different types and they set each other off.

So, too much steam coming out of a bathroom will set off all the alarms in the house.

Better that than the alternative.

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Have the raging elderly hormones subsided on this thread, yet? Sniff, sniff. Yep, apparently...


Today we'll be at a nice 28C for high. I was think of how chilly it was getting in the mornings too but at 16C quite mild for the UK.

What I'm saying is that one quickly gets used to warmer climes. The wife and I took the dog for a walk at 9:30pm yesterday, it was delightful...


Best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

Phew, that was a long, long drag guys but I've got three proper days off now. Lay in until 09:00. Just had my obligatory two scrambled egg rolls and my tea so it's looking like time to take Abi out. Grey and damp here today but who's bothered, the day's all mine! I have some stuff to parcel up and despatch. A re-painted and weathered A4 is heading back to the model shop for its (hopefully satisfied) owner to collect and a large O gauge Crab is on the bench nearing completion for a friend. Daytime today is for these 'contract' jobs but tonight I shall get stuck into my first V2 that I've slowly been working at this last couple of weeks, despite the limited opportunity!

That, however, is quite enough about me. Good to see you're settling in to the new place Don. Hope your flashing and banging problems and raging hormone issues are all under control, gents and may all your dogs be delightful!


P.S. Hope your knee displacement improves, Mike! ;-)



Edited by Max Stafford
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