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Early Risers.


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I'm sure SWMBO will want a round the world cruise with a place on the Captain's table every night.


No fear, I've watched these antique buying programmes on TV so I know how it works. I'll start by offering to take her on one of the rowing boats on the Wear at Durham.

Go on, BoD, push the boat out and go on one of the Prince Bishop sailings. :)

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Great to hear about your cruising or cruise to be stories. Love water and love boats, but my idea of a cruise would be a boat on the Thames/Shannon/Lock Ness or The Broads. Bum around all day in T shirt and shorts and rarely far from a pub.


Took my mother off to London to stay with her brother for a few days. I swear blind the roads were busier and overall traffic worse. Really had to concentrate on the NCR and only had one lorry trying to ease itself into the passenger seat. A gentle hoot to let him know I was there was met with a two finger salute and a torrent of abuse. It's easy to see why blood pressures must by sky high and aggression rife when you have to drive in conditions like that. Really glad to get back to home, where the traffic is easier, but then, so much worse than when we first moved here. Bit of a loss to know where to find that last bit of tranquility in this sceptered isle of ours...

Edited by gordon s
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Morning all. Sunny and rainy in Edinburgh. Sometimes both at the same time. Interesting weekend, Jamie and I met a hedgehog, some heavy horses and some highland cows. Jamie was petrified of the (extremely gentle) heavy horses.


Annoyingly coming to the conclusion that I'm going to have to go and get my right ear jet-washed again. Had the left done last July (seriously? Seems like only last month) but the right's in need now.




Nidge - I saw that thingy a few weeks ago on the Newcastle-Carlisle line near Brampton and wondered what the heck it was, thanks for mentioning it as I googled it and now know! It looks very strange, like the wagons behind are piggybacking on each other.


Evening Mike,


From the front end, looking out of the side window checking all's well behind, the damned thing just seems to go on forever! On arrival at Bescot yesterday the shunter there was apprehensive about accepting it as it won't fit in any of the roads without fowling any of the others.... to make sure we'd got it in clear at the back we ended up going past the stop board where the Down Tower is, with the leading loco standing just a few yards from the points which lead into Bescot Shed! The trickiest part of the journey though was on leaving Kenilworth as once I'd got it going, the whole train was stradling three changes in gradient which needed careful use of the throttle.... one false move and the whole caboodle could have locked buffers somewhere in the middle.... not a good idea on a single line ;)

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Great to hear about your cruising or cruise to be stories. Love water and love boats, but my idea of a cruise would be a boat on the Thames/Shannon/Lock Ness or The Broads. Bum around all day in T shirt and shorts and rarely far from a pub.


Bizarre coincidence, the Broads being discussed on Tetley's thread too...


Bit of a loss to know where to find that last bit of tranquility in this sceptered isle of ours...


Try here: https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?q=achiltibuie&hl=en&ll=58.056176,-5.356264&spn=0.025885,0.076218&num=10&hnear=Achiltibuie,+Highland,+United+Kingdom&t=h&z=14&layer=c&cbll=58.056363,-5.355921&panoid=MAxsrYxiGC0QriaMayQd9w&cbp=12,337.62,,1,7.39




Evening Mike,


From the front end, looking out of the side window checking all's well behind, the damned thing just seems to go on forever! On arrival at Bescot yesterday the shunter there was apprehensive about accepting it as it won't fit in any of the roads without fowling any of the others.... to make sure we'd got it in clear at the back we ended up going past the stop board where the Down Tower is, with the leading loco standing just a few yards from the points which lead into Bescot Shed! The trickiest part of the journey though was on leaving Kenilworth as once I'd got it going, the whole train was stradling three changes in gradient which needed careful use of the throttle.... one false move and the whole caboodle could have locked buffers somewhere in the middle.... not a good idea on a single line ;)



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  • RMweb Gold

That will be the next step in meeting her half way(ish)


You mean she can do the whole cruise and you'll fly out and meet her in some far away port! How romantic!

One of the reasons Aditi preferred our ferry or tunnel and drive holidays was the 500kg payload of the car (makes those "which shoes shall I take " decisions so much simpler). I did direct attention to the 23kg limit for the cruise but she noticed that it was per case not per person!


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  • RMweb Gold

Bit of a loss to know where to find that last bit of tranquility in this sceptered isle of ours...

As long as you don't mind a bit of occasional low flying RAF and the passing tractors and other farming type thingies I can thoroughly recommend Herefordshire beyond Hereford. Far enough from motorways and railways to discourage commuters and all but the most daring or foolhardy of 'country weekend' types. plenty of railway history to explore, nice pubs, good eateries to suit all pockets, very occasional 'bus services, no model shops west of Hereford but get near enough and Hay can be quite useful for bookshops IF you know where to go. Shopping is a longish distance endeavour but all the big supermarkets deliver and you have to be very careful to keep on the broadband map.


PS Friends currently have their cottage on the market ;)

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Morning All,


It is a quite pleasant 22°C at the moment - but the temperature is forecast to creep up later, and there will probably be thunderstorms this afternoon.


However, it is pretty much business as usual, otherwise.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Bit hazy at the moment and after nightfall yesterday, we did have a brief shower. Thunder is now forecast beginning this afternoon, following which tomorrow's maximum will be just around 27°C. Which will be more than sufficient, IMHO, considering how hot and humid it had been yesterday.

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Still a bit grey looking outside with a 12% chance of rain, so not a day for wandering out too far from shelter.

Max temp forecast to be 16C.

The home has a library, so I think I'll sit near my heater with a book.

I hope it remains fine where ever you are.


Which is the number ONE cricket test nation?!!!!!!

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Sounds good to me Mike and thanks for the plug, but parental responsibilities would rule out any move for several years.


When we first moved here it was a relatively small town with few real traffic issues. 17 years on and it now compares to North London back in the early 90's. My vision of North London yesterday was something else altogether. Every suburban road was full of parked cars on both sides of the road, so weaving in and out of gaps in alternate fashion was the order of the day. The NCR was a racetrack with tail gaters who in three lanes of nose to tail traffic all doing between 30-40 would suddenly cross to a single gap in the inner lane, zoom past you and then force a way back in two cars ahead....and I'm not a hat wearing, sit in the outside lane at 40mph kind of motorist. I do drive as fast as conditions allow and leave plenty of space behind the car in front, but how often that space was immediately filled forcing you to slow and generate another space.


Nah, London living, you can keep it. Add to that I scraped one of my alloy wheels on the kerb after keeping them unmarked for the best part of two years so yes, it wasn't a great day. :D


At least today is another day and a hospital outpatient visit awaits. That will be uplifting...

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Depends what they do, Don. I've got a lump appeared on the outside edge of the ball of my right foot that makes it painful to walk on hard surfaces in bare feet. I know, don't do it then... :D


Doc seems to think it some kind of cyst buried deep in the flesh, so it may be very minor surgery to remove it.


I'm not an avid cricket fan, but wondered how long it would take you to remind us....and so you should!

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  • RMweb Premium

My vision of North London yesterday was something else altogether. Every suburban road was full of parked cars on both sides of the road, so weaving in and out of gaps in alternate fashion was the order of the day. The NCR was a racetrack with tail gaters who in three lanes of nose to tail traffic all doing between 30-40 would suddenly cross to a single gap in the inner lane, zoom past you and then force a way back in two cars ahead....and I'm not a hat wearing, sit in the outside lane at 40mph kind of motorist. I do drive as fast as conditions allow and leave plenty of space behind the car in front, but how often that space was immediately filled forcing you to slow and generate another space.


Nah, London living, you can keep it.


I could say much the same thing about most German cities nowadays! Having automatic transmission does make it quite a bit easier to be going in urban traffic, but I certainly do everything but enjoy driving into Frankfurt, for example.


Conversely, it was quite noticeable how much more relaxed it was to be driving on the North Sea coast last year, where kamikaze drivers like those you described were in the minority by far, unlike around here...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Well done to SA, Don (mutter mutter). They deserved it though.

Bright and sunny this morning. House guests have left but will return again on Saturday for a few days. Keeps me fit and on my toes.


I'm sure you know quite a few places similar to Mike's photo Gordon. I know it very much depends on the sort of person you are, but I for one would far rather be somewhere like that than in the situations you have described. Even the thought of being in a big city or town fills me with dread. Each to their own I suppose.


Have a good day all.

Wherever you are.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Quite warm and overcast here this morning. I will need to go shopping today as we are about to run out of lamb kibble for Robbie. I thought we had another sack but either he has been helping himself or I am delusional! Almost certainly the latter.


Gordon, Hope all goes well at the hospital. Junior doctors change their jobs in August so you could see someone with about 3 weeks experience with feet!

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Good Morning all, Gordon your description of the North Circ, sounds just like Lagos, (except here theres the added attraction of motorbike taxis, potholes, and people who insist against driving against the traffic!


Country living for me any time!


OH well work beckons, enjoy the day,



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As my early working life was spent negotiating the rat runs of the rush hour in London, I have every sympathy with those dealing with the mess that the system is in today.

Epsom to the City and back every day meant an education in all sorts of road signs.

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Morning all.


It's been raining in Edinburgh and there are big black threatening clouds but it's watery sunshine at the moment.


Yes, well done to Don's nation on getting the mace back from England. Though I've got to say Bairstow, Prior, Broad and Swann in particular put up an excellent fight after the top order went awol.


Gordon - good luck with the foot. My suggestion for somewhere away from the rat race has other traffic problems, but the white fluffy roadhogs tend to move fairly quickly with a peep of the horn!

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