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Morning all....Bit of a day yesterday. Found a dead snake in my pond filter area, which was bad enough. It was the live one neatly coiled on top of the air pump that really gave me the creeps. Quite clearly the heat and shelter from the air pump made a very comfy home. Mrs S thought it was a hoot and there were loads of aahs and of course it has to stay there as she is potty about wildlife. Unable to tell at this stage if it's harmless or an adder as it's slightly hidden from view. Either way, it made my blood run cold.


I know, I'm a wus.......

I think I'd have been running for the hills! I've only had one encounter with a snake, and that was a Royal Python. I had it round my neck at a place in Poole when I was little. Anything that bites, though, like an adder, and you wouldn't see me for dust! What was the dead one?

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Handle it? You 'avin a larf! The stick would need to be 20' long for me....


Impossible to say. It was very dead. Just a black, stiff body. At first I thought it was just a skin but then realised it was more than that. Seems it's mate has moved on this morning, but there was no doubt the open fronted, roofed enclosure plus the heat from the pump, was a very comfy place to call home.


I'll have to rethink the box. The pump has to be sheltered from the elements, but then has to be open to shift 80 litres of air per minute...Mmmmn?

Edited by gordon s
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I've got about 250+ Chipmunks living in my backyard - you're welcome to collect a few! Actually I like the little critters my Wife (well, she is Italian) does not. We also have Salamanders and Garter snakes, Skunks, Woodchucks and (American) Foxes.


I don't mind snakes - it's giant spiders that give me the creeps...


Best, Pete.

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I've got about 250+ Chipmunks living in my backyard - you're welcome to collect a few!


I loved having chipmunks as a kid. We were told when we got them that they normally had a lifespan of 2-3 years in the wild, and up to 5 in captivity. Our two both lasted well beyond that, I think the oldest lived till she was 8. They were terrific fun, and used to climb up the curtains, run along the curtain rail, and back down the other curtain. On several occasions I had one land on my head. They really will find a way through any hole though. One went up inside of the gas fire and got her tail caught around a bit of metal inches away from the pilot light. Needless to say we very quickly constructed a chipmunk-proof fireguard that got put in place every time they were let loose!

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I missed the NYC weather report. Quite nice to day with lowering humidity.


Yesterday was totally gross with 90f under clouds and a strong wind which felt like someone had left the oven door open.

Then, of course we had severe storms with 60mph wind and torrential downpours - sky went black etc., etc. Power outages, trees down blah.


This week today and tomorrow nice increasing heat and humidity starting Wednesday then more severe storms Thursday and Friday. Typical August weather (Dog Days, stormy nights).



Best, Pete.

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Afternoon all,


'Late on parade' should be tattooed on my forehead methinks, as penance for general tardiness, anyhoo... I was actually awake in the wee hours though, thereby being in full compliance with ER doctrine, awaiting my fate at Brent Curve Junction, Cricklewood... I was just about to get down on the 'phone when a double headed Hanson aggregates job came wafting past... even at the regulation 10mph for the junction ahead it was still too quick for me to grab the numbers, though I suspect it was a 59 / 66 combo ;)



Edited by Rugd1022
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon/evening All


This morning, the weather was diabolical - torrential rain from 5am to coming up to 8, and Lily would NOT go out to answer nature's call, and eventually 30747 decided to get a coat on, and take her on her lead for a walk down the road - what a sight they made when they got back, and wet puppy smells just the same as wet dog.


May be AWOL for much of the rest of the week, as I've been put onto a training course at short notice, and accessing t'internet on the training computers is seriously frowned upon, so I'll probably just have to visit late on. Also the course finishes each night at 5, so my short hours return to work has gone by the board.


Anyhow, it's nearly dog walking time again, so

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Cloudy and somewhat cooler right now and intermittent rain has been forecast. Thankfully, I again made significant progress on my paper, and am hopeful I will complete it by the end of the week.


Enjoy your day...

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Morning All,


The weather seems quite reasonable here this morning - but it is quite a lot cooler than it has been of late. Not that I am complaining!


With regards to your box Gordon - have you considered closing the front of the existing box with a fine mesh? It would then be inaccessible to slithery guests, but still able to shift the large quantities of air that it needs to do.


I bet the grass snake was in seventh heaven - warm, damp and with a ready supply of food nearby!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all. Off to work now, although retired I go in now and again to cover for emergencies, sickness and so forth. Usually can't get on the computer because the passwords have expired and it's a parp to organize a new one for one day. I looked out of the window and can't decide whether or not to take a mac. Best err on the side of caution.


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Thanks for the suggestions guys. Fine wire mesh will be the favourite, although it will have to be hinged/removable to allow me to service the pumps. I'm hoping it was just a one off....really hoping, believe me.


Looks like another couch potato day is on the cards...


Had a few splutters with the new Mac. Not enough to put me off, but just a few niggles I wasn't expecting. The screen size changed overnight and the font changed on certain web pages, plus a single line wave when scrolling through web pages mysteriously appeared about 4" from the bottom of the screen. Apple support sorted it by various forced reboots. Switch off and then switch on and immediately hold down cmd/alt/p/r at the same time. Try doing that with just two hands....


It also seems Apple have blocked Adobe Flash Player with Safari as when you try to update you get 'blocked plug in' message. Had to get round it by removing Flash Player and then installing the latest version as a new install. Irritating and not the end of the world, but not the PC Nirvana I dreamed of.


Mind you, my Windows PC still crashes out far more often, so mustn't grumble....

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Looks prickly Dd!


Morning all. Bright and sunny in Edinburgh (more than can be said for me as I didn't get home for the Blues Brothers till gone midnight). A good evening was had though (despite getting drenched on my way to meet my friends).


Not a lot to report, aside from that... Kingfisher got a third coat of Klear on Sunday and it really does make a difference. I'm using the new formula stuff and it seems to work just as well as the reports I've read of the old formula variety. Also did a bit of ballasting on Sunday while watching the Olympics. Good day yesterday and we might just equal or even pass our Beijing total today...

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  • RMweb Premium

A latish good morning , tried earlier but the system was reluctant to get me where I

wanted to go .


Grey and damp , a short shower but drying now .


A spot of modelling to do before the cycling events come on on the TV later , I just

cant believe the power and speed that these riders have , and thats just the women .

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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all (well it is now past midday - it's taken ages to get through a flood of new posts),


Not bad weather so far but we are promised heavy rain, again, although it is supposed to improve later in the week. Not much else on really but nearly time to go on a Tesco trip for the 'paper.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all (eh?)


In Yorkshire Ales for a few days. Sunny but just had a couple of heavy showers. Forecast for the rest of the week is very good.

Considering the year we have had up to now I have been exceptionally lucky over the last couple of weeks, weather wise.


Edit: have just read that if Yorkshire were a country it would be 10th in the medal table, equal with Germany in Gold medals.

Edited by BoD
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