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  • RMweb Gold

Won't the pc recognise the camera if you put the SD card in there and connect through the USB port? That's the way I usually transfer my pics over.


Just got back from Bursledon Brickworks and have to say I am impressed. It's like going back to the early days of preservation, on a shoestring, not many volunteers, a little bit chaotic, fabulously run down industrial buildings, loads of bits and pieces of machinery to strip down and renovate, a lovely working steam mill engine, just so much to get your teeth into. I'm glad I didn't get rid of all my Whitworth spanners, taps and dies etc., they will come in mighty useful.


I'm hopefully going to do a full day in two Thursday's time, I'd like to pick up a nice little project. There's no two ways about it, working on real machinery does it for me in a way that modelling doesn't quite reach.


I've never quite taken much notice of the stuff round where I live, for instance within a mile of my house we have a working windmill - I've been there once in twenty years. Time to rectify this I think and start some local exploring.


have a good one.

Edited by PhilH
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Sadly not Phil, otherwise I'd use it more often! I think it might soon be time to buy a new PC though, we've been having various problems with this one all year, with my other half's ebay account taking the brunt of it on occasion.


Sounds like you've got a nice new project on your hands there.... shades of (much missed) Fred Dibnah perhaps ;)

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Yesterday at 4:00am a local 48" Water Main burst causing absolute bloody chaos. Poor people close by it was like having the Amazon open up. Our pressure quickly dropped to nothing. Now I did not mind being without water for a spell because crap just happens but we had not one, not two, not three but four news choppers hovering in formation for about two hours. Bloody idiots.


Rant over.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Now I did not mind being without water for a spell because crap just happens but we had not one, not two, not three but four news choppers hovering in formation for about two hours. Bloody idiots.


There's just never an F-16 around when you need one, is it?

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  • RMweb Gold

I use a card reader - but some cards just don't wake the PC up. The PC has installed readers for SD and maybe a couple of other small formats, but not CF, which is now only used by bigger DSLRs, I think. Anyway, Deb's reader did the trick.


So. I am sitting outside a bar in Francorchamps, albeit it's called the Formule 1, when a lot of cars go past - something over 60, in fact. None is registered for the road, which is why the road has been closed, and there is a police escort all the way (6km) to Spa, where they will sit in the town square for a few hours to be admired. Here is an example :




For anyone who's interested, it's a Lamborghini Gallardo LP600, driven by Marc A. Hayek / Peter Kox / Jos Menten / Albert von Thurn und Taxis. Not many Smiths & Joneses in that driver line-up!

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


I should have been here earlier, but had a phone call from the hospital to say that the Orthotics department had a cancellation and I jumped at it - again, like last time, it was VERY low-tech - standing on a bit of wood, then adding bits until my hips were level with no throw to one side or the other - wow. Seems my leg is now 1/4" shorter, not 3/8" as before, so a new device is needed. I would not have believed that such a small difference in the length could result in so much pain, but apparently it can.


Yes, my BT Yahoo mail went pear shaped last night as well, but it's back and working now - unfortunately - all I ever seem to get there is spam anyway, as I have a private hotmail address which I use for personal stuff, as when I use the Yahoo one for anything like hotel bookings, Argos reservations, or anything else of that sort, my spam quotient increases, even though I am always careful to tick all the little boxes to say I don't want anything else.


Anyway, I'm off for my tea.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

"Albert von Thurn und Taxis"


Did he change his name to advertise his business?

Sportscar racing has always had its share of posh folk. After all, the Bentley Boys of the 20s/30s were all pretty upper-class. More recently, we had Jetalliance Racing headed up by Lukas Lichtner-Hoyer, former CEO of the company of that name. And in the classics world, Baron Irvine Laidlaw - in the Sunday Times Rich List 2012 ranking of the wealthiest people in the UK he was placed 105th with an estimated fortune of £745 million, says Wikipedia - is a fierce competitor, as here, and yes, it is a railway bridge http://www.flickr.com/photos/olddudders/5618823004/in/set-72157626365742159. In 2005 Deb and I found ourselves standing on the pit-wall at Le Mans while Baron Laidlaw and others practised for the LM Story weekend. He was in a Ferrari 312P formerly driven by Jacky Ickx, 6-time LM winner....
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I saw that Zagato at the last AML Owner's Club meet I attended (at a Pub in Brentwood, nowhere exotic)! I happen to think it is the most beautiful car I have ever seen. The twin head bulges on the roof have to be seen to be believed, all done by hand.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning troops...


Sunny and warm right now, but the sky's turning ominously dark in the distance, so I figure we might yet see less friendly meteorological phenomena over the course of the day. Picked up several additional books yesterday, though as usual, I don't think I will need very large amounts of information from any one of them.


Anyway - weekend's nearing, so enjoy your day!

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Morning All,


Another morning has dawned hot and dry - although there is the threat of thunderstorms later on.


Not a lot to report around here. Another day in the office, but quite a lot to do which is good.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, the roof repair has been tested by torrential rain and passed. Today looks brighter and may reach 22C. I was starting to cut the hedge back when our neighbour offered to use his petrol hedge trimmer, it took all of 10 minutes to cut the hedge and an hour to pick up all the cuttings.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all from sunny Shrewsbury. A very interesting place. It certainly outyorks York in olde worlde type buildings, nooks and crannies. . Every street is a shambles.


Weather looks ok for the next couple of days. Thanks DD.


Only problem is the semaphore signals point in the wrong direction when off.

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Morning all!


I'd got today booked off for an appointment but then discovered I wasn't going to have to attend after all so I decided to keep the day off and enjoy the Olympics. I'm enjoying the first week more than I will the second, I suspect. I'm not a big fan of the track and field stuff, but enjoy the cycling, swimming and rowing.


Have got a small list of things to do too.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from sunny Shrewsbury.

the semaphore signals point in the wrong direction when off.

Looked OK to me when used to signal a Black 5 away last September. Shrewsbury is a great town for a mooch, but the town centre is a bit lacking in decent model shops, as SMC is out on an industrial park near Battlefield.


Morning All

Odd yellow thing in the sky, but it won't be there for long.

Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


the cumulus whatever it is overhead looks a bit threatening so it better be a trip to

the shop before it loses it's grip on any water content .


I ought to do a bit more fence painting if it stays dry , but probably wont . :jester:


Have a good one all .

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  • RMweb Gold

Many of the signs in Shrewsbury have lots of LLs and DDs on them. Dual signs must cost a fortune. Not just double in size but most Welsh equivalents seem four times longer than the English version. Whatever the guards said in their announcements bore no resemblance whatsoever to what was on the map or sign anyway.


Whatever you wrote worked DD. A little misty on the Cambrian coast to start but it soon cleared to be warm and sunny there, on the Ffestiniog line and in the Conwy valley. The high tops still had their heads in the cloud though.

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A'noon all,


Late on parade as usual. 'Grey and grimsalâ„¢' here again.... we were all set up to get some logs chopped up ready for Winter warming when suddenly the heavens opened, transforming me and herself into veritable drowned rats, I've never seen it rain so hard, so quickly!


Dried off now with the aid of a warm brew and some malted milk biccies, and whilst browsing on here am also trawling through a couple of old railway scrapbooks I knocked up eons ago from a hand me down collection of 'Railway Magazine', back when it was still in the old A5 format. Ah the stuff of dreams... yellowing black and white photos of pre-Tops blue Deltics thrusting northward up the East Coast with newly installed electric train heat apparatus.... Immingham (''where's Immingham Dad?')' Brush 4s in filthy two tone green with all yellow ends.... and York Roundhouse (now the NRM) full of class 03s and 20s ...all from the likes of Norman Preedy, Stanley Creer and David Percival... these from the days when a Thornaby split box 37 seen anywhere south of Doncaster was deemed newsworthy, and only the cover was in glorious technicolour.... ;)

Edited by Rugd1022
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