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  • RMweb Gold

Matthew and his friends did some travelling on the New York subway recently. One local doing the muttering got himself even more personal space by also defecating on the seat.

Matthew said while doing their research interviews that people in Manhattan had a superpower that rendered everyone else invisible!

He said that in Queens and Harlem people were much more prepared to talk.

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Just taken BiL and SiL to Gatwick to get their flights back to Spain. It was 16 degrees in the car but thought we were in Malaga when we got out. 31 degrees at the airport!


Back home now and a cool beer is going down a treat!

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  • RMweb Gold

Just taken BiL and SiL to Gatwick to get their flights back to Spain. It was 16 degrees in the car but thought we were in Malaga when we got out. 31 degrees at the airport!


Back home now and a cool beer is going down a treat!

I know there are people who complain about the complexity of modern cars but I do appreciate the ability to drive somewhere in a comfy seat and not being parboiled. I shall delay my cool beer until after I've collected Aditi from the station.

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Matthew and his friends did some travelling on the New York subway recently. One local doing the muttering got himself even more personal space by also defecating on the seat.

Matthew said while doing their research interviews that people in Manhattan had a superpower that rendered everyone else invisible!

He said that in Queens and Harlem people were much more prepared to talk.


Anti-sociality is becoming widespread here too......


Sat on the back of my estate-car`s boot today enjoying a sandwich and flask of coffee in the sunshine after our dog-walk, and just two feet from my ear, came a torrent of the most repulsive and offensive profanity; I turned to see it originated from a 12 or 14 year old boy (whose own staffordshire bull-terrier had evidently just urinated on his leg)........as an unconscious reaction to his horrid-outburst; I recoiled with the simple and firmly said words: "Oi!....Language!!!!!"

...his mother (walking just behind) proceeded to rant about "this being a free country.....you can say what you like....don`t mind what anyone 'sez', son......just tell that ******* miserable old cow to **** off!"......which he then did, to the commendment: "good on ya, son...well done!" :O


.......those souls whom struggled and died for our real freedoms, must be spinning in their graves like turbine rotors! :cry:


I reckon the boy`s dog was 'passing' a valid comment!

Edited by Debs.
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  • RMweb Gold

We were taking Robbie for a walk in the park at Christmas and a one of a group of 14 year olds started running up to his friends and swearing loudly at the same time as screaming into his phone. When he approached me I asked him if he knew any other words and he answered much to the amusement of his friends "Yeah, the". At this point Aditi took over and told him his behaviour was totally inappropriate for a public place where little children were playing (New bikes, etc). His friend then came up and told us we should leave him alone as he had "issues". Apparently the issue was dyslexia.

I don't judge all teenagers by the behaviour of a few yobby ones and I suspect the one who swore near Debs wasn't set much of an example at home.

Did I ever mention that Matthew was on the train and some people older than teenagers got on and started shouting and playing music from their phone. Matthew politely asked them if they were aware it was the Quiet Carriage. They told him it was a free country and they could do what they liked. Matthew said they were also free to go elsewhere. They were about to retort but Matthew said the man sitting next to him (Morgan Freeman lookalike) said "Do what the boy said". He must have looked scary because they did!

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all, it's been an absolute scorcher round here.


That sort of encounter sounds scary Debs, glad it was only a verbal assault.


Days like today make my job one of the best there is (if the bosses butt out..). My patch is deeply rural, with reservoirs in places where you can't hear a mechanical or human sound, the only sounds being the doppler buzzing of winged insects as they nearmiss your head on their busy way.


Some sights around the 'office' today, all mobile phone shots with the first two stitches using the amazing (IMO) Microsoft ICE :






One of the long tracks up to a res:



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Matthew and his friends did some travelling on the New York subway recently. One local doing the muttering got himself even more personal space by also defecating on the seat.

Matthew said while doing their research interviews that people in Manhattan had a superpower that rendered everyone else invisible!

He said that in Queens and Harlem people were much more prepared to talk.


Was the chap naked? How could he tell what he was doing? I've never noticed that with Queens people and Harlem is part of Manhattan.


I was going to add that the NYC subway has been very much cleaned up of freaks (obviously not enough).


Here is a system that actually runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year for the benefit of passengers NOT staff. No closures for Christmas or any other holidays. Every subway train is now air-conditioned.


It is remarkable, indeed.



Best, Pete.

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I forgot to add foul, obscene, lewd or blasphemous language in the Street (or Subway) will get you arrested in NYC and most of the suburbs. Further if you do any of those at a Policeman or other Official (like a Subway Guard) it is considered an Assault. To be fair if a Cop has other things on his mind it will not happen but the sanction is available.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

It sure has been a scorcher in this-here country! We went shopping in the afternoon anyway, which was bearable only as long as we stayed in the shade, and inside the shops, of course. Meanwhile, I but did opt for a dish of Chicken Madras for lunch.


As we were just walking Charlie through the neighbourhood, we met this little chap:




Hedgehogs are among my favourite animals, I should add!

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  • RMweb Gold

I forgot to add foul, obscene, lewd or blasphemous language in the Street (or Subway) will get you arrested in NYC and most of the suburbs. Further if you do any of those at a Policeman or other Official (like a Subway Guard) it is considered an Assault. To be fair if a Cop has other things on his mind it will not happen but the sanction is available.


Best, Pete.

Matthew is very keen to go back to NYC again but as a tourist not as a student with tasks to complete. He wants to see museums, go up more tall buildings and see a hockey game. He thought it was (even with the study) a great place to visit. One student got punched and another got chicken pox so very uneventful as field trips go. One reason for visiting US cities is that most of the students are underage for drinking so are less likely to create mayhem.

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  • RMweb Gold

Mine too. I miss them over here!


Best, Pete.

Matthew used to run a Sonic the Hedgehog fansite with a girl in California. She was desperate to have a pet hedgehog but they were illegal in California. We used to have pet hamsters and the hamster forums had lots of people from the states wanting to know what the permitted status of various hamsters was. Some states banned Chinese and Russian hamsters but allowed Syrians. Some banned all exotics, some required a permit.

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  • RMweb Gold

I added to the effect by muttering to myself in a barely audible Serbo-Croat...

Matthew and his friends did some travelling on the New York subway recently. One local doing the muttering got himself even more personal space by also defecating on the seat.



he couldn't ………

he wouldn't ……


Very enjoyable day today. Woke at five ish just as the train was passing Murrayfied. Spent the rest of the journey in the lounge car watching wonderful scene after wonderful scene unfold before me. Thought things couldn't get better but took the train out to Mallaig....... And what do you know, it got better.


If you have a 'list of things to do before you die' put the West Highland Line on that list, you won't regret it.


Fantastic sky over Glasgow tonight. I'm on the sixth floor so can appreciate it. From up here and in this light I suppose cities aren't too bad.

Pics to follow when I get home

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Of course we do have Chipmunks..................I have about £1,500.00 worth (to the average English Pet Store) in my backyard alone.


The Museums are superlative, imo the best are MOMA, the Met and the Guggenheim - Worldclass. The Museum of Natural History has suffered due to that awful movie and is stuck in a fifties rut. For the best museums you have to go to Washington but the Art ones in New York are better.


Washington is way more dangerous to the average visitor than is New York which is now one of the safest cities in North America. As you know Harlem is safe to walk around (with the right attitude).


I love both cities and countryside - being in one makes you appreciate the other, staying in just one forever makes Pete a very dull boy. Then I could criss cross London without the aid of any map by the time I was 15 (and nearly could Glasgow), I like the energy, you can subvert it to your own use.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

The only US city I've been to is Boston and I enjoyed our few days there. The "T" subway looked ancient but the trains were air conditioned. We were there when it was really hot and moved from air conditioned place to place. Visually I was fairly prepared for the stay but the sounds, smells (not bad ones, lots of street food scents) and the heat made it unlike any British city. Friends told us that many people think Boston is the most "European" of US cities but they suspected it was a slur on driving standards or something.

Matthew's holidays at university in Canada are quite short and I suspect we will try and meet him somewhere in the US. I'm sure if he has a study visa for Canada he should be able to sort out whatever he needs to get in and out of the US for what would effectively be a holiday. It could be Christmas in California this year (Aditi has relatives there). I may even go to New Orleans early next year. My brother is getting married there and I do have an invitation but he won't be upset if I can't go. He did just want a quiet no fuss ceremony but all his partner's children want to attend. They seem to like him!

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Morning all, not much off a city boy me, (mind you by the time I was 14 I had "done" most of the North London Sheds!) Most trips to the "smoke" though where to W & H to collect 0 gauge rail & white metal chairs for the clubs out door railway. But here I am now living on the edge of one of the worlds "Mega Cities" .............

No hedgehogs here, but we do have some black squirels in the village. Off early now as on one of the projects I am having 14 containers delivered this morning .......and the site isnt ready...for once they have come early.


Enjoy your day,



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Morning All,


I am surprised to be first on today - edited to say, I'm not. Trev beat me to it. I'm just waiting for a guy to turn up and fit a new window. Hopefully it won't take too long and then I can get myself off to work!


It is only seven o'clock here - and it's already hot.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I don't think there'll be a lot of difference in weather between West and East Germany today as we got a blue sky and sunshine. I'm sure we'll see to staying in the shade as much as we can!


Have a good one - after all, it's Hump Day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Captain's Log: Stardate: what is the date anyway?


On train from Glasgow to Inverness and then across to Kyle. Station name list brought hairs to a stand. My old stomping grounds when young. Clear blue skies.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather a pleasant morning here. I've successfully completed task one (put out various recycling bags) and I'm ready to start task 2 after breakfast and start packing for our holiday.


Edited by Tony_S
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