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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning.


It has gone back to being tather cool here again, 1C at the moment. I'm just off to take Matthew to college, Geography and General Studies A2 modular exams today. Can't rely on the bus for something that important! Has Mike taken up bus spotting as an additional hobby?



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Full set of oktas again. I'm told by those that have ventured outside that there is also a biting cold wind. Have to venure into the office today as I seem to have a weeks worth of meetings in one day. Chinese language course at lunchtime preceeded by my annual assessment meeting with my manager. I predict the future career plans discussion section of the aforementioned may be short!




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  • RMweb Premium



Many thanks to you all for the kind get well messages.


Thought I'd have another go today and switched the PC on at 7 and just left it sitting quiescent for a couple of hours, and it seems to have done the trick. I'm beginning to suspect that there is some sort of incompatability between the anti virus and the motherboard which was replaced after a power surge with what was alleged to be a better model - as this was done under a service agreement with PC World, I'm going to get them back next week when I'm a bit more mobile to check it all out.


Had a surprise phone call from work yesterday, asking if a manager could visit. No doubt they wanted to see for themselves that I was poorly (two sicknotes signed by the trauma consultant presumably are not enough)- but hey ho, it was a bit of company, and she went away happy that I was genuinely unable to go to work. They have offered physio privately and paid for by the company as soon as the consultant gives the OK, and have also agreed to pay for taxi fares to and from the clinic which is going to help a lot!


Many oktas here in Lancaster this morning, but again quite cold - as I have been at home a lot, the boiler has been working for longer than normal,and I am not looking forward to the gas bill - but luckily as soon as I was injured, I got 100 kilos of coal delivered (they arrived despite the rotten roads) and with that and the logs still in store, at least we don't need the heating on full time and we get a nice cosy glow in the living room.


I'll try to get on again tomorrow, but typing is a pain so I'll probably just stick to reading and one or two posts.


There may be other posts about this (I'm sure there are) but I am enjoying the Michael Portillo Railway Journeys, but I do wish more care had been taken with the editing with the shots of the rolling stock - getting on a 156 and off an HST - 156/158 transmogrified, and on the steam lines, it seemed that anything with a chimney would do - a 45xx tank bunker first becoming a King chimney first and back again, and last night an industrial 0-6-0 becoming a King!


Also enjoying the repeats of Pete Waterman (who has the advantage of knowing what he is talking about) and drooled over the almost completely accurate scenes in the Kenneth More version of 39 steps where there is some good film of A4s in action - shame about the whistle in some places, but otherwise good depiction of 1950s BR Eastern.




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Hi Stewart,

Glad that you were able to log-on. Being in South Africa I haven't seen the Pete Waterman series and can't remember if I ever saw the Kenneth Moore 39 steps. I'd love to see more of A4 in action. Glad that your work are coming to your aid. They obviously miss you!

I broke my collar bone years ago but still remember the difficulty of getting into a pain free position to sleep so I hope you get better sleep and rest soon.

Keep your ###### up and think model railways.

Ha ha. I see I've been censored! I'm sure you can work out what word I used

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I see we have a gate crasher on here today.



I have been intensively trained in the art of falling (don't ask).

Unfortunately, the Instructors didn't include the bit about what to do if you have a large bunch of keys in your pocket.

When I came a cropper several years ago on icy ground, I landed on the keys.

Absolute agony and some physical damage.

Pleased to see that things are progressing for you.

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  • RMweb Gold

During the recent bad weather Matthew continued to walk home from college. It was less icy through the woods than on the pavements but he did fall over one day. As he looked a bit concerned when he got home I asked if he was hurt. He wasn't, as he had landed on his laptop computer.


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  • RMweb Gold
When I came a cropper several years ago on icy ground, I landed on the keys.

Absolute agony and some physical damage.


I suspect you could see the damage to the keys but how did you know they were in agony?


Full 8 oktas here, but a strange pink glow to the light, not the clouds, the actual light. Wierd.

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  • RMweb Gold

We used to go to Austria and people used to get very excited about Alpenglow or, Alpengluhen (the u should have an umlaut but I don't know if the non US character set is working) on the Zugspitz (the spill-chucker suggests I have just misspelt cesspit!). When we went to France, Mont Blanc seemed to have a pink glow every night but nobody got excited. Perhaps it was because we were self catering in France.



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Alpengluhen (the u should have an umlaut but I don't know if the non US character set is working)


And the efficient Germans have thought of that - no umlaut = add 'e': Alpengluehen!



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  • RMweb Gold

Thought I'd drop in to make sure everyone is OK. Not a lot going on chez moi, just seem to be tired all of the time. One of the joys of being in the evening of one's life I suppose. I've started my guitar lessons, which is good fun even if I do feel as if the tips of my fingers have gone through a pencil sharpener. I had a bl**dy horrible day trying to coax Lord Nelson up and down the Mid Hants on Sunday, still feeling the effects now. If I could vote for something to make razor blades out of that thing would get my vote for sure. Next rostered turn for me is at the Spring Gala on the MHR when we should have Tornado and Bittern running together - I'm hoping to get a last drive on Bittern as it is leaving the MHR in the next few months, if I do it will be a good one......

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Good morning all.

No special light effects here, fully overcast with a very light drizzle.

Head lights and wipers on coming to work, but it's still quite warm (25C)


I must go into town to the station to have the vouchers converted into tickets.

Roll on 31st March!

I hope everybody's keys, laptops, scapulas and any other appendages are healing satisfactorily and every body had a good night's sleep.

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Morning All,


This morning, it is officially pretty chilly. It was -11C when I drove to work - and that's pretty cold in my book!


Still feeling a bit tired this morning - I went for a Chinese with a friend last night, and very pleasant it was too.


Phil - you'll find your fingers will toughen up very quickly. It just takes a little time for your fingers to build up the harder skin and it will stop hurting. You will have undoubtedly heard Bryan Adams' "Summer of '69":


Played it 'till my fingers bled"


Many years ago, I learnt guitar (and like many who do, wish I hadn't given it up! :( )


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Quite cold outside, as Robert said - in my place it'd be -9.4?°. Still about to get sorted out, which always takes some time for me ;) .


Over the past two weeks or so I've been thinking about going for a doctorate, but am not completely decided yet. I am particularly unsure how I could find a topic where I could actually perform original research, as well as a supervisor.


Well, anyway...see you later ;) .

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