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Never in the history of ERs has the 'like' button got such a working over.


Debs: Thanks for the pics. and the commentary - is that a permanent track set-up?


That's a grand little pup! Definitely Border in the face. (put it on YMR for Doofer!). Will you have to 'pull' the coat?


Dave - those pics make all the labour worthwhile - well done.


Natural calamities in the US are making headline news here, Pete.

The fires are the latest.


The last of my bargain food has gone on the bird feeder. That's three carrier bags full in about ten days.

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Morning all,


That's some achievement Dave, Welcome back Stewart......sounds like you got a lot of reading?


Lets all try to enjoy the day (and keep our fingers crossed for Don)




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Congratulations to you and all the team on your magnificent achievement, Dave! It's wonderful to see all that hard work finally come together...


Had a mail last night from 'darling daughter' with an 8 page schedule of wedding timings. Everything seems to be covered other than pee breaks so I'll just need to keep thinking of England should the need arise. I was a little concerned with two entries with times listed as 'eye lash extensions' and 'eye brow shaping'.


Will it hurt?.....

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  • RMweb Gold

For Dave's post there should be another button 'Like very much indeed'.


On a more practical note; will the person who, on hearing of the hose pipe ban, said "I wish it would rain", please wish for it to stop now.

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Morning All,


It is a rather gloomy morning here - but thank goodness it is a bit cooler than it was on Saturday.


Saturday brought some quite violent thunderstorms, three golfers were struck by lightning on a golf course and a motorcyclist was seriously injured when he was struck by lightning. I am always amazed by the power of nature.


I must admit, I hadn't thought about motorcyclists getting struck by lightning. Us car drivers are surrounded by what is effectively a Faraday Cage - but you don't have that on a bike.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Saturday brought some quite violent thunderstorms, three golfers were struck by lightning on a golf course and a motorcyclist was seriously injured when he was struck by lightning. I am always amazed by the power of nature.


I understand the fourth golfer remains in critical condition and may not make it either. It's just terrible for four families having been thus stricken at the same time... :(

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Morning All,


It is a rather gloomy morning here - but thank goodness it is a bit cooler than it was on Saturday.


Saturday brought some quite violent thunderstorms, three golfers were struck by lightning on a golf course and a motorcyclist was seriously injured when he was struck by lightning. I am always amazed by the power of nature.


I must admit, I hadn't thought about motorcyclists getting struck by lightning. Us car drivers are surrounded by what is effectively a Faraday Cage - but you don't have that on a bike.


Have a good day everyone...


I remember reading a fascinating article about the 'people/situations' that lightning strikes commonly favour.

In the U.S (evidently) lake-fishing whilst in a aluminium skiff is the most common place to get struck,,,,,,followed by golf and baseball players whilst at play..........'Ships at sea' were also said to be routinely/repeatedly struck.


The article said that the downward (visible) bolt of light is actually the second event; for, the ion-charged 'streamer' forms in the top of the person (or item) upto it`s highest state of charge, then leaps upwards toward the oppositely-charged cloud; then (milliseconds later) the visible-bolt travels back downwards along the charged streamer to the unfortunate person or item.

Meaning (effectively) that you would get a millisecond`s warning of an impending lightning strike, as the charge formed and reached upwards, from the top of your head: not nice! :no:


Truly awesome nature! :O

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  • RMweb Premium

The article said that the downward (visible) bolt of light is actually the second event; for, the ion-charged 'streamer' forms in the top of the person (or item) upto it`s highest state of charge, then leaps upwards toward the oppositely-charged cloud; then (milliseconds later) the visible-bolt travels back downwards along the charged streamer to the unfortunate person or item.

Meaning (effectively) that you would get a millisecond`s warning of an impending lightning strike, as the charge formed and reached upwards, from the top of your head: not nice! :no:


Yep, I read the same thing some time ago. Given proper conditions, you could - theoretically - also observe several of these leaders (as I think they're also called) reaching up from several closely spaced high objects, but predicting which one the actual lightning bolt will then "capture" might be next to impossible.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is overcast and looks as if it could rain at any moment.

I don't know quite what I'm doing today but I'm sure I'll think of something (eventually).


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, That's it then I'm not going out playing golf this morning! Nothing to do with lightning though it's just that it is absolutely hissing it down in these parts. Looks like I'll have to waste time on the forums then. Seems to suit the puppy though as he is currently curled up asleep on my feet. Makes getting anything done a little tricky.


Looks like two deservedly chuffed chaps stood in front of a railbus in the photo.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


it's raining steadily here and my garden makeover man is out in it and working ,

must be the power of money doing it .


Well done to Dave and team , it must be great to see all the hard work pay off .


Right time to get things organised for the day , shop first for papers then some

breakfast . Then ????


Have a good day .

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


I too have a puppy asleep at my feet. I had forgotten about the puppy activity cycle - play, rush about manically, sleep, wake up, pee, eat, play, rush about.......

I've been given a "Puppy Plan" to follow for the first sixteen weeks and the first seven weeks appear to have been completed well by the breeder, then it's up to us to personalise it to cover what WE want Lily to learn, know, like, etc. It does seem quite a sensible approach to puppy care, and I'll stick with it I think. If Archie might benefit, (or indeed any other RMWebber thinking of a puppy, there's an online version at http://www.thepuppyplan.com/ .


Sorry to hear about Don's absence due to recurring illness - sorry I missed getting a get well message on in time, due to too many other commitments both four legged and online!


Dave/Debs - love the photos of your recent activites in 7mm and 12" to the foot scale.


Lily now showing signs of coming awake, so it's off to the pee part of the cycle!


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


and it's tipping down so we're combining a shopping trip with collecting daughter off her early turn. And Pete seems to have started the day well - got a thread locked before my contribution could be added (which would no doubt have got it locked if he hadn't got there first!!). Have a nice day folks - it must be dry somewhere, perhaps?

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Morning all! Grey and drizzly in Edinburgh and I'm back in work after an exhausting weekend!


I forgot to mention that the reason we were late heading to Alnwick on Saturday and got stuck in the traffic was that my Dad's developed a nasty chest infection and had to be taken to Shotley Bridge hospital to get looked at. He's previously had a pneumothorax (collapsed lung) and Legionnaire's Disease so we wanted hime checked out... Thankfully nothing serious but he didn't look at all well...


Stewart, hope Lily's settling in well too.

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Guest Max Stafford

Hope your dad gets over that episode quickly Mike. No connection with the Edinburgh outbreak I hope. Dave.

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Hope your dad gets over that episode quickly Mike. No connection with the Edinburgh outbreak I hope. Dave.

Thanks Dave! No - the Legionnaire's was a long time ago (early '80s, I think) but you never know quite what's going on in a 69-year old lifelong smoker with a previously collapsed lung. Bit of a worry, but hopefully he's on the mend. He's been given steroids and antibiotics. The side effects of the steroids include insomnia, so Saturday night saw him asleep between 1 and 4ish only...


I meant to say, congratulations on getting the first train running for the public at Whitrope. I will pop in at some point. Looking forward to heading through your manor on Friday, off to Dumfries (if the trains are running)...

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  • RMweb Gold

Lily now showing signs of coming awake, so it's off to the pee part of the cycle!


Regards to All



What will Lily be doing?

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Morning all,

And Pete seems to have started the day well - got a thread locked before my contribution could be added (which would no doubt have got it locked if he hadn't got there first!!). Have a nice day folks - it must be dry somewhere, perhaps?


Yep, Luckily it was not Gordon's Eastwood thread.............


Dry here, of course. According to the news we're all going to die of Heat Stroke - worse ways to go, I suppose....


Best, Pete.

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Guess what? I got a big fat like it from Kenton! Yee Haw!


I think everyone should go and like my post - look for Tony Robinson as a title.....I bet his ears are burning too......


Best, Pete.

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Guest Max Stafford

I get your point about showboating Pete but Baldrick's pretty much saying what an awful lot of us are thinking, mate. Something of an achievement getting a like from Kenton mind; you must be as barmy as he is! :P



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I agree with Tony Robinson but was wary as he's a fully paid up member of the Labour Party...that's not to say, of course, that neither of the two major factions can't, on occasion, get it right, but the whole banking system was broken the moment it was deregulated. This pushed through, not just and solely at the doors of the Labour or Conservative parties, but lobbied for by a number of bankers well known in the city for wanting to tear up the rulebook and do what they liked in any event.


My father (ex money market dealer and one time head of the Dollar section across Nat West) said of deregulation in a national newspaper at the time, that it was "making the illegal and criminal more easily hidden and supported".


It is a pity no one listened to him or his staff at Nat West when they were making their protestations at the time. In essence, many of the changes made in those two decades made it easier for RBS (a relatively small bank) to take over a larger bank (Nat West) - a situation which I sincerely doubt would happen in any other trade. This particular takeover, and some of the dealings within it, I dare say, will come to light sooner rather than later...

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  • RMweb Gold

My understanding of economics is probably limited to getting excited about what I can do with my Tesco Clubcard points.


Change of subject! I haven't seen swallows flying around here for years, some martins down at the park, but our local fields do seem to have swallows again. They were flying quite close and going past at head height. Must be summer.


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