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This sounds like you would like to convert your bedroom into a fridge, Pete :O .


No, but this is exactly why I invested in a Twin Bi-Level A/C system! The second week of July is often hotter than this (and more humid).


All the best, mate, Pete


PS Hey Don! Get better soon, will be thinking of you. Anti-Biotic drip? Do you know which one? Pete.

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Morning all,


Hope all goes well for you Don.....seems like Petes got some quite warm weather, nearly as warm as here (though it has been dropping to around 25C at night. ) Sound like Deb's going to have a good day. Always enjoyed the local (UK) GOG test track days.

What ever the rest of you are up to, try and enjoy it.




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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, I think you have enough shoes is a line delivered as you leave, permanently. The le boutin shoes over here are as usual pound equals dollar I am reliably informed by one of my younger co-workers. I need to have a deep and meaningful conversation with DD1 before I head up to Carlisle to move rooms. Don be careful and hopefully you will heal up soon.

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Just had a job interview - I know, Saturday, yada yada yada. Turns out they conduct all of their interviews on Saturdays, this particular company. Went pretty badly suffice to say. I am hoping I can jump before being pushed, but it's looking unlikely at the minute. :(

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Guest Max Stafford

Hope things work out, Simon. Best wishes for a short and successful treatment, Don.

I think there's been a tomcat in the lounge overnight. Smells like it. Come to think of it, the carpet needs a professional cleaning too I reckon. Fortunately it's only a 7' x 6' square one that rolls up so hopefully it won't be expensive. Can't stand it really, but MiL would throw a wobbler if I got rid of it so it stays for 'diplomatic reasons'!

I'd best get Abi walked and off up to Whitrope but I'm feeling utterly unmotivated to do anything today.

Have a good one, ladies and gents.



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  • RMweb Gold

Don't remember. Same as last time presumably

Look forward to your posts when you return home. I finally did get to see my nephew who went to South Africa recently. He knows I like wildlife so he sent me his dassie video!


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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi doesn't have a lot of shoes(or handbags). It is just difficult finding something that fits and that she likes. Add in the additional problem of footwear needing to be "sensible" (a word she rather dislikes) due being diabetic. So my logic suggests that when she does find a pair she likes, why not buy more than one pair of that shoe? This is apparently "silly".


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  • RMweb Gold

Take care Don. Hopefully you'll be back on your feet tap dancing soon. :sungum:

Health & Safety requires that this should only be done after a full risk analysis of the dangers of falling in the sink.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


fingers crossed for a short and thorough hospital stay Don - just tell them that it seems to heal quicker if attractive nurses change the dressing regularly etc.


When it comes to shoes and handbags I seem to have got of fairly lightly, Mrs Stationmaster buys a new pair of expensive(ish) shoes about once in a blue moon when there's a 'K' in the month - however she dies seem to be rather fond of handbags shoes.


And this post was brought to you courtesy sunshine(ish) generated electricity of which we have 'generated' exactly 1 kilowatt so far today (no doubt I'll stop counting such things before long and fortunately the inverter is hidden under the eaves so I won't be popping up into the attic and removing the access hatch every five minutes to check the mains voltage and frequency or exactly how many watts are being generated as I look :O ).

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Afternoon All,


Thought I would drop in which I was doing some work on the PC.


Get well soon Don - Sorry to hear about your foot. Hope you are back on your feet again in no time.


The weather is rather humid here this morning. We had a night of thunderstorms - but they don't seem to have done too much in clearing the air.


Have a good day everyone...

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Get well soon Don!


Cloudy and windy here, alternating with welcome bursts of sunshine, but with more ominous clouds ahoy.... good job I've already cleaned and serviced the Mini and covered it back up... hope the weather improves for tomorrow's gathering of BMC's finest at Gaydon...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


After having hoped for one to actually materialise for several days, we did get a t-storm this past night. Forecast for today is for somewhat lower temps, too, which I'm sure will do us well.


I'll be headed for the baker in a while, then.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

A very pleasant morning here,

I think we may be going south of the river today to do some shopping in Bluewater. Today we will be having waffles with maple syrup and (various) berry fruit for breakfast.

If AndrewC is around, Happy Canada Day.



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Morning all......(There used to be a 'yawn' smiley but it's gone).


'Murrayed' out after last nights tennis. Only the Brits could set a time deadline on a match finishing on the grounds of H & S. :O


I was waiting for the lights to go off with just one game to go.


What a farce. No wonder we can't generate champions with that logic.

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Morning all! :bye:

`Enjoyed a delightful yesterday afternoon at the Wirral Gauge-0-Group`s open day.


A good turn-out of members and visitors, provided a nice mix of steam and diseasal haulage on the test track, but we went 'all modern' and took along a 4REP, a 3TC unit, a Class 33-1 (London-Weymouth push-pull) Diesel, and a Tyneside Motor Parcels Van.


The large test track runs extremely well and is a real credit to the Wirral group, all of whom were most hospitable.


I met an old friend from my 1970`s B.R days: the group chairman is a retired relief 'bobby' that I haven`t seen since he made me a brew at Shotwick signal box when the John Summers ore-trips were running, and amazingly, despite the passage of nearly 40 years since; he recognised me immediately.

.....an extended period of reminiscence immediately followed. :friends:

A few pics.:









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V. Interesting, Debs. Thanks. As to your comments about recognition I suppose that 6' tall women, blond haired and also engineers are not too thick on the ground anywhere in the World...I get a rush just knowing one "electronically".


Yesterday we had a "derecho" pass through the Mid-Atlantic States. A fancy name for long duration "Squall" line. This line of T-Storms started just south of Chicago and lasted through crossing one third of the country until passing offshore between Virginia and (south) New Jersey.

The line itself moved at 60mph and plus the forward straight-line thrust of wind produced winds between 80 and 100 mph on the ground bringing misery to millions (4 million without power in temperatures to 104f (42C). Around 20 people were killed by this event (incl. two young children of one family in southern New Jersey crushed by a falling tree whilst out camping with their family).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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