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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, It seems to be Monday again, how did that happen? Full set of oktas in these parts but they aren't leaking at the moment. Don't seem to have any meetings or telephone calls in my diary for today, what a shame.




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I was making desultory enquiries about having a place built in Thailand - then the Tidal Wave happened.

Then the South of France beckoned when I saw a house made from warm sandstone - and FiL started his health problems.

The best I can hope for at the moment is a couple of weeks in the sun at Taurito.

Thoroughly sick of the gloom and damp.

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I must admit to slowly becoming thoroughly sick of snow. For the first week or so, it is a bit of a novelty but then the novelty wears off and it just becomes a nuisance.


I am also having a meeting free day today - which is a good thing because having been stuck in so many last week, I am behind on other things.

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  • RMweb Gold

I had to Google Taurito. I've never been to that part of the world.

My first trip to the south of France was horrible and I said I would never go south of the Dordogne again but we went to the Camargue with Matthew 3 years ago and had a very pleasant week. 2010 may very possibly include a trip at Christmas to India. At least that is what my wife is telling the rest of the family as a sort of subtle hint that someone else will need to cook Christmas lunch next December. This is assuming Matthew is by then at university and getting a long enough break to make it worth the trip.



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When I first discovered Taurito Bay it was brilliant.

Only a couple of hotels, quiet, fabulous views etc.

We've stayed at the Mogan Princess a couple of times and it used to be thumbs up.

A suite (2 bathrooms) for not very much money and great food.

Since then they've started taking "All inclusive" families and building concrete hotels as fast as they can.

Still OK but nothing stays the same.


Would still go back there in the absence of another 'find'.

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  • RMweb Premium



I've not been here for a couple of weeks, as I fell on the ice a couple of weeks ago when walking back to the car and landed VERY hard indeed, and now have a nasty fracture to the top of my left humerus which apparently goes into the ball of the bone, rather than the more normal break across the bottom. I was also black and blue from shoulder to ankle. I am on strong pain killers which make me a bit way out, and I also need to sleep sitting up, and to help me with that I need Valium to help me sleep. Today is the first day I've even thought about firing up the computer as it is so very slow now, and my "expert" has gone back to uni before I could get hold of him. I see that there are server problems as well and these are not helping.


I have to type with one hand as my other is immobile in a sling - luckily it was my left side that got it and I'm right handed, otherwise I'd be in an even worse pickle.



I am likely to be off work for the next three weeks at least depending on what the consultant at the fracture clinic has to say - I'm not due back there for another week - my GP, though, checked me out, and said that I seem to be coming on OK provided I take things easy. I've got to say that when I went to A&E after I fell, it was like something out of MASH - more akin to a field hospital with the volume of poor folk who had taken a tumble - all ages, and all walks of life - there was even a copper sitting in uniform waiting to be seen - so my hopes for a pleasant wedding anniversary were shattered, and instead of a quiet night in with a nice meal in front of the fire, I was stuck in a casualty production line waiting for Mrs 45156 to get in on the bus to accompany me home - she (bless her) opted to drive - something that she hasn't done for years (she lost her confidence years ago after we were involved in a very serious accident - and did a sterling job considering she did not know the road layout, and had never driven the present car which has power steering and a very fierce brake servo!


I'm not staying online today now, as it has taken an hour to get the PC working, and to get this post typed.


Regards to all - will try to get on next week again.



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Wow Stewart. That sounds really bad! :( I'm glad you are now able enough to log in.

Hope to see you back on line regularly soon.

Fine weather has returned but I think headlights on coming to work has set in.

Still waiting issue of tickets for my Easter get-a-way! :unsure: Pending that I have not yet paid a deposit for accommodation on the farm or booked my Jo'burg hotel. Still optomistic though. If anything had gone wrong they would surly have contacted me! :icon_what:


P.S. Good morning everybody! :D

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Morning lads...icon_yawn.gif


Made the mistake of having a late night coffee. Great at the time but been awake half the night...


That sounds a pretty bad fall Stewart and very painful. Hope as each day passes it improves and you'll get some relief.


Booking holidays in SA sounds like a torturous process Don, so I hope all comes out right in the end. I still recall the train dropping you off in the middle of nowhere and your tale of standing around for hours in the early hours....


This is just like the old days. I'd forgotten what 5.00am felt like....icon_wink.gif

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Morning All,


I'm feeling a bit on the tired side this morning - I went to the Opera last night to see a friend who was performing and it was fantastic. However, the morning came around rather quickly.


Just to add insult to injury, I managed to reverse into one of my gates this morning - the wretched snow stopped the clip that was holding it back from working, and the door blew shut between me opening it and reversing out. Yes - I was looking where I was going, but reversing on the mirrors and I missed the fact that one gate was shut (due to the shadows created by the street lights) until I hit it and thought "What's that?!?". No damage done to the car (it was a very slow impact) but the gate seems to have been twisted somehow. I managed to get it shut - but it is going to need some investigation in the daylight. Things you don't need! Still, perhaps it is the excuse I need to finally get around to repainting the gates :icon_lol:


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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