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Early Risers.


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Good morning all.

For those of you who remember, Thabo has just been to visit.

He will be 16 on 12 December!

He says he has outgrown the model railway you/we provided for him. His Mother assures me it is still in perfect working order and all present and correct!

As has been usual the last period, the morning has started rather dull and gloomy but promises to brighten up and clear later in the morning.

Anybody going to see the Queens procession down the Thames tomorrow?

I shall definitely watch it on TV.

I saw the full coronation on Cinema in 1953. I was 13 at the time.

I am and have always been a Royalist and protested when we became a Republic

There'l always be an island where England used to be!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all.


Glad to hear that you enjoying your break DD.


Good to hear that Thabo has been in touch Don It's not unexpected that he has outgrown the layout but it's nice to think that he has had pleasure from it in what, from the photos you showed us, must have been a difficult childhood. Great credit goes to you for building it and not forgetting Gordon who coordinated things at this end.

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Morning all,


It seems that the doom-sayers are out again......most I think is just recycled stuff, I seem to recall reading similar "predictions" years ago. But if Yellowstone does blow, aint going to be a whole lot we can do about it,eh?






What really annoys me is when otherwise quite scholarly channels over here regurgitate such crap. Things to happen next week: SuperVolcano blow up, Gamma Burster, Half of Canary Islands to slide into sea, Black Hole inside the Earth etc., etc.


The worst of all has already happened and that is the never ending Ancient Aliens bull with the same three British guys pontificating on it (how they keep a straight face is hard to determine but it is probably due to the vast sums of money they are making out of gullible people. like TV Executives).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

The 'coming together' of the galaxies wasn't presented in a doom predicting way at all but as a scientific discovery, confirmed by the Hubble telescope. Current thinking puts the event about four billion years away so I'm not particularly worried about it (although Gordon may need to work on Eastwood a bit more urgently).

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Not at all sure where the morning went but Tescos seemed to be populated by dimwits who believe the aisles are provided for conversations instead of shopping, just found it far easier to shop in Cornwall by telephone (with KMRC of course). Bit cool here today and heavy rain promised overnight but hopefully it won't rain on the river pageant tomorrow - which we shall be watching on tv.


And yes I also watched the Coronation on telly - my grandparents had electricity installed that year and as grandad loved watching horse racing but was badly arthritic they got a tv set as well and we went to stay with them to watch it. Although I was at the tea in the village hall that afternoon I didn't get a souvenir mug because I wasn't one of the locals and i didn't get one at home because I wasn't here to collect it - not that I realised all that until many years later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Not at all sure where the morning went but Tescos seemed to be populated by dimwits who believe the aisles are provided for conversations instead of shopping, just found it far easier to shop in Cornwall by telephone (with KMRC of course).


I do wish they'll be inventing replicators some time soon, Mike - for much the same kind of reason.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Not long back from a trip to Penrith - most fruitful as I found an outdoor shop with a closing down sale, and managed to get two very cunning "three in one" jackets (waterproof outer, zip in fleece which can be worn as a separate item), and detachable sleeves to make a ody warmer out of the outer as well - not bad for £15 each.


Not a bad day here, but forecast for tomorrow is now for heavy rain, so I'll not be bothering to get up at 5 am to get selling at the car boot sale - there's one on Monday as well, and the forecast for then it much much better with bright sunshine, so the early start has been postponed.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Weather's looking crummy, so I guess I won't be outside much today. Except for a trip to the bakery in a few minutes, that is.


More news as events unfold, so to speak, so - have a good one, everyone...

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Morning all,


Nothing much going on here today, but as the gas network has been shut down for maintenance, I got to go and do & supervise work on two sites........so much for my day of rest!


What ever you're doing, enjoy




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Is there something going on this weekend?

Yes, A traffic jam on and on both sides of the Tames. AVOID. Sit in front of the TV instead.

Unlike the South of the UK, weather here is rainless, bright and clear, though cool. Only 20C

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Morning all grey wet and cooler here in North Wales (well that's what makes it a green and pleasant land)!!?. Going to muck my place out today,that will be fun

(I found the forum slow last night and locking up, seems worse this morning though)

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Currently a rain free interval but probably not for too long. Managed most of the rotavating yesterday - just one small patch left and that might be usable with a spot of digging; some of it was hard work as the ground had been underneath stacked concrete blocks and well trodden by us doing foundations plus the block layer but broken down now to a nice tilth (probably reduced to liquid mud by this morning).


Day by the telly today I think - watching the soggy revellers in London.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, rain and cold rain at that, planned shed empty is now on hold. Trip to Carlisle was uneventfull until we reached the end of the M61 when I felt tired enough to drop off so had to stop for refreshments. That was a first I could have managed without.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


I'm feeling a bit more lively today , must be the nine hours sleep that I had ,


Weather is a bit on the wet side and no interest on the London events so I might as well try to

do something productive with my time . I'll probably venture out to the shed later and do some planning

on the fiddle yard area , I need to sort out how and where I need to add isolating sections for a two train / one line

storage system.


Have a good one all .

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What happened to your foot, Andrew?

Hi Don. I did a lot of damage to it when I was younger. Running in school. The starting block wasn't nailed down properly. Block shot back, track spikes dug in, foot went one way, I went the other. It still sets off some airport security due to the pins and a small plate. Every so often it just seizes up. The quacks at first thought it was gout but the tests were negative. The newest theory is that too much stress on the joints are causing inflammation which is mimicing gout like symptoms. Trouble is usually that by the time I can get to the quack its settled down again and its next to impossible to diagnose.


Icepack and Lemsip is the order of the day. Tempted to break out an ancient card kit I have of the Seattle Space Needle.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All (again - I'm suffering from disappearing post syndrome).


Weather here is good enough to test my new jacket - chucking down, but jacket was good enough to keep my top half dry as a bone.


Got the TV on as 30747 wants to see the royal river pageant, and I've got to say it's impressive and seems to be set to rival anything that any other country could organise - even the staunchest republican has to agree that we're good at this sort of thing.


Regards to All


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