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I've got my IMac running again. I thought the hard drive had failed - now I'm convinced that my problems lie with SOPHOS. I'm running the remove program. Second time the first time failed....


Best, Pete.

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I've got my IMac running again. I thought the hard drive had failed - now I'm convinced that my problems lie with SOPHOS. I'm running the remove program. Second time the first time failed....


Best, Pete.


Welcome Mac, Pete! :P


Although, I do originate from the era when a chap mentioning that he has a flashing-mac issue, meant something far-less technical than it does now! :laugh:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


20°C as I'm typing this and slightly breezy, but no rain over night at all. Two more courses at uni today, and tomorrow will see me back at school. Monday will then be another bank holiday, which means a day off for us all.


Have a good one, folks...

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Morning All,


Despite a serious weather warning, we seemed to escape the storms. There was a certain amount of rain yesterday evening, but it didn't do much to cool things down. Yesterday got up to 30°C which is much too hot for my liking.


As Dominik already mentioned, we have a long weekend to look forward to too.


Have a good day everyone...

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Any better, Debs?


Definitely on the road to recovery now!.......bit, my appetite chose to take a slower-route, but I`m sure we`ll get there soon. :friends:


Cloudy and a bit sea-foggy here on the top of the 'Wiggle' this morning.........forecasts are for 'severe-clear' later, so I may drive the dogs to the car park 'almost' on the beach, and let the Clever-Collies run-about to let off steam (and then the car is close at hand if I have a 'turn' and feel a little queer)......they`ve been ever-so good in not pestering me whilst I`ve been indisposed, and they must be so eager for some outside fun. :boast:


What`er your Thursday holds in store; remember to take time to hug those-dear, and show them you care! :tender:

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Hello all,

Still grey and dull looking but that's more to do with the time of day and the season, rather than weather.

Sun has just risen so it hasn't yet brightened a rather cloudy sky. It may brighten up later though weather report says there's a 10% chance of rain. Rain definite for tomorrow but clearing again on Saturday.

It's Friday for those of who who are working stiffs!

Are you still under house arrest Debs?


Dd those wagons and coaches look to be full size, but the railway track is miniature. When I was a kid miniature railways were all STEAM! (Mind you, so were the full size trains!)

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  • RMweb Gold

This time last week we were in winter woolies complaining about the cold.

This morning the car said 17.5oC...... and that was 7:15am.

I wish it would make its mind up.

The weather not the car.

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Guest Max Stafford

Last night after work I collected Abi and we had a trip 'up the hill' since it was such a wonderful evening. North of the tunnel there's some pretty intensive harvesting going on at the moment and the trackbed just south of 'Thor's Twins' is stacked with logs. Somewhere along the way, Abi lost her collar chasing hare and deer of which plenty were in evidence last night. Oh deer, we'll have to go back and find it again today! ;-)

After the walk I hung about our new station for a bit in almost total silence, broken only by singing crickets and birds that for all the world sounded like the same ones who did backing vocals to Peter Handford's V2s - that truly was the only missing component last night but having heard those recordings so often it was only too easy to mentally summon the appropriate sounds.

All our work here is finally starting to pay off - it really is starting to take on the feel of a small wayside station.










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Made it home to Co Durham last night I think it was one of the worst journeys in all the years I've done it Held up onthe A55 for an hour and a half literally 15 miles from home then the M62 from the Pennines to Leeds (will they ever finish that stretch),is it me or are the roads getting busier(must be an age thing).I used to be known as the Harbour Flyer I have done LLandudno to Seaham in 2hrs 40 min last night was over 4 hrs.Still it was worth it.Co Durham is gloroious

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright sunny day again but last night was a disaster DD2's rabbit died Matt's mouse died and DD1 wanted to pack in uni and come home. I now have to organise a cremation for the bunny, MIL's suggestion that we should burn it ourselves was not helpful and resulted in more tears. The dog may have to go back too as she has started hunting our cats and the neighbours and is strong enough to pull Mrs B over. Cue song 'Things can only get better'............

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Must be the date Mick. My DD is a right paddy. Bridesmaids dresses turned up in the wrong colour and a few niggly other errors. Just 8 weeks to go and panic is ensuing.


Me? I think I'll go to the pub for a pint and some lunch. Whatever I say will be wrong, so I'm opting out........

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  • RMweb Gold

'Things can only get better'............

I do hope so.

Doggy stuff. My friend's really well trained border collie suddenly developed an obsession with chasing small dogs with squeaky barks. It did respond to some extra training and the cockerpoo population in the park are safe again.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Another hot one forecast for us although not too bad thus far. Daughter's birthday today but hopefully she'll still be weeding the veg patch and not wasting time on here or elsewhere on the 'net - and out for a meal tonight but not too late as son has to be up to go to work at 04.30.

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Morning all, bright sunny day again but last night was a disaster DD2's rabbit died Matt's mouse died and DD1 wanted to pack in uni and come home. I now have to organise a cremation for the bunny, MIL's suggestion that we should burn it ourselves was not helpful and resulted in more tears. The dog may have to go back too as she has started hunting our cats and the neighbours and is strong enough to pull Mrs B over. Cue song 'Things can only get better'............

I hope that's the neighbours' cats she's hunting, not the neighbours themselves! :scratchhead: Sorry to hear about the pet fatalities...


Morning all! Another glorious day in Edinburgh. Thought I'd hit post earlier but obviously got side-tracked. I know I'm being awkward as I love the warmth and the sunshine but I'm hoping it's just a tiny bit cooler on Saturday morning for the Edinburgh 10K...

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