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Morning all, Debs, hope you're soon on the road to recovery.....


As to the rest of you, own up, who pinched my sun shine & heat yesterday? Grey and overcast all day here, with the temperature barely above 19c! Which was in fact quite pleasant as the other day on that site it was 38c in the shade! With a ground temp of 52c.


What ever the weather enjoy your day



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Good heavens Trev - That's pretty chilly for your part of the world. It was warmer than that here!


I forgot to mention earlier. I've updated my layout threads.

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Nice pic, Phil! Note the freight cars heading to Brooklyn across the East River.


Another bridge to give you a rather severe earworm is the 59th Street Bridge.


Still raining here, not a very good week all in all but we need the water. Temps OK though in the 70's.


Best, Pete.


PS My Email is still down................

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Thanks for the scrap yard Peter. i await it's arrival in the post in due course, but you do know that I no longer have a layout to put it on.

Other than the make of truck, what makes it American?

How do you know he broke his arm in a scrap? I bet it was you who broke his arm!

Thanks for the view. It really is tiny isn't it? I presume it is for N gauge.


Still rather dull her but I expect it to brighten up when the Sun gets a bit higher.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright sunny day here. Our lost cat is feeling fit as he is starting to shout about leaving the building...... The dog is obsessed with trying to kill cats unfortunately this is not good for a cat friendly dog which was the basis we took her on. DD1 is having a melt down in Carlisle as she gets to the end of her second year more self doubt than anything else. Hope you are on the road to recovery Debs bad teeth do have a serious effect on overall health in humans as in dogs.

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The building has a boardwalk, Don.

The injured man has a baseball cap on which is written:

"I'm a loyal supporter of the Mets and I eat lots of hamburgers and doughnuts"

The chap he's speaking with has a son at Yale.

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Morning all....Looks like we need a plumber. Pulled back the curtains in the lounge and it seems we have a leak. Some ceiling staining from the bathroom above. I'm not allowed to touch anything domestic that involves water, so I guess a pro is needed.


Other than that, looks like it could be another sunny one....

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all....Looks like we need a plumber. Pulled back the curtains in the lounge and it seems we have a leak. Some ceiling staining from the bathroom above. I'm not allowed to touch anything domestic that involves water, so I guess a pro is needed.


Sure you didn't miss after all that red wine?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Oops - sorry - hit post too soon, and then the whole thing went t*ts up on me.


CAVU this morning - lovely bright sunny morning.


Tony - delivery date for puppy is provisionally the end of June - she's only a couple of weeks old so far.


Regards to All



Honoured to be posting on page 1000

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Morning all. Sitting in bed with a cup of tea this morning as spent rather more of the night awake with stomach ache than I'd planned!


CAV definitely not U here this morning. Haar has rolled in from the Forth overnight.

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  • RMweb Gold


Will you take photo's of the Jubilee Lawn, Mike?


I shall have to do a before and after I think - just to frighten the onlookers (the before is definitely frightening me)!


Anyway - morning all and a bright sunny one here. Today is Tesco then a trip down to Greenham for auction viewing (then another 'day off' on Thursday for the auction so my back might get a chance to recover between exertions but at least the rampant buddleia was dealt with yesterday and I've found somehwere to dispose of most of the pile of rubble that's been on the bottom lawn for a few years - without having to dig a hole to bury it. Roll on Sunday and Railex!

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  • RMweb Gold

Something is blocking the sun here. Although 12C is quite pleasant it doesn't look as if we are going to get the mid twenties predicted.

Today's task is quite easy, wait in for new compost bin. The old broken one went to the tip yesterday. Aditi has ordered a "pretty" one that looks like a big beehive. The wedding anniversary (next month) has been designated "compost" rather than coral or jade.



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  • RMweb Gold

Something is blocking the sun here. Although 12C is quite pleasant it doesn't look as if we are going to get the mid twenties predicted.

Today's task is quite easy, wait in for new compost bin. The old broken one went to the tip yesterday. Aditi has ordered a "pretty" one that looks like a big beehive. The wedding anniversary (next month) has been designated "compost" rather than coral or jade.



Warning about compost bins that look like beehives - the bees seem to know that too, and in our case have moved in.

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  • RMweb Premium

Belated good morning ,


should have been earlier but was getting the ' green worm ' circling and no more .


Another fine and sunny start to the day , had my morning walk to Tescos for the papers ,

now for a cup of coffee and then out to the shed for some more tracklaying and wiring .


A speedy recovery wished to Debs , and hopefully no serious problems for anyone else .

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi may also get her wish of attracting more bees to the garden then.


Definitely the case here Tony - we have plenty of bees around and with the sun out yesterday they were to-ing and fro-ing cheerfully in & out of the compost bin (while I was trying to cut the grass next to it). Also helps to have the right plants - bees seem very fond of borage and we have masses of that around the garden (beware, it spread itself easily but is nice to look at if you like small blue flowers).

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  • RMweb Gold

We have spent some time controlling the blue flowered vinca that spread from one plant!

The compost bin has arrived. It isn't flat pack but it is stackable like a bee hive. The old one sat on a bed of bricks to stop rats tunnelling up into it so I'll see if the new one fits in the same space.

Aditi went to work late this morning as she has a late finish tonight (Duty Principal shift) but had gone by the time the compost bin arrived but was here to take in a (toy) train sized package for me from Cornwall!


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