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The feral cat woke me by jumping on my face at 11.20am!


Could have been worse, I suppose, DD.


I watched the West Ham vs Blackpool game live in New York yesterday, incredible HD quality too- it never ceases to amaze me things like that - now if only I can get them more interested in Cricket...

Since when has Andy Y been the manager of Blackpool?


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium



One reason I steered clear of Bracknell is the current rash of roadworks and Knowl Hill was great fun -



They did'nt cause us any problems Mike , we left here at 8-00 am and were in the car park at 10-00 ,

time for a coffee and sausage and egg sarnie before we walked in .

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  • RMweb Gold

No sign of Dave yet but I can report that the general Carlisle/SW Scotland weather at the moment is glorious wall-to-wall blue skies. Heavenly!


Yes, the good weather meant I didn't get to the Middlesborough exhibition but headed off to the borders and the debateable lands instead. A really enjoyable day out so really I wasn't too bothered about missing the show.


On the way back I stumbled across this:




I'm sure it will be familiar to at least one ER.

Sorry about the poor quality. Next time I head out I must remember to take my cameras and not just my mobile phone.

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Just sat and watched War Horse on DVD and I have to say I'm reminded of something that is said so many times on here. KISS....


Having sat enthralled and ultimately drained by the stage play in London, I have to say Spielberg has completely over egged the story. The simplicity of the play was it's strength. The film has expanded all the scenes so much and in doing so lost some of the simplistic power the stage play excelled at. I felt some of the CGI's were quite poor and the 'Gone with the Wind' lighting in the end scene was cringeworthy. Yes, it's entertaining, but the impact of the stage play was just so much greater.


Oh well, you can't please all the people, all of the time....

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Evenin' all,


Grey and a tad chilly over Loughboroughshire today during the GCR Diesel Gala, but it didn't stop the jolly boys consumption of four hearty FEBs with all the trimmings... we even went back for seconds later on at Loughb'ro station but we were too late, they'd all gone! I know it sounds greedy but blimey, it really was rather good. We staved off the hunger by distracting ourselves in the bookshop for a while and I came away happy with a copy of 'Steam Around Nuneaton' plus a handful of 1960s 'Modern Railways' simply because they had newfangled Diesel Hydraulics and Brush Type 4s on the cover.... I'm such a pushover. Outside, D123, D1705, D5401, D5830 and D8098 kept us entertained with their various EE and Sulzer noises hitting the spot nicely, an enjoyable mini 'transistion era diesel fest' ensued and much railway banter raised a few chuckles.... simple pleasures are often the best ones... ;)



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  • RMweb Gold

Just sat and watched War Horse on DVD and I have to say I'm reminded of something that is said so many times on here. KISS....


Having sat enthralled and ultimately drained by the stage play in London, I have to say Spielberg has completely over egged the story. The simplicity of the play was it's strength. The film has expanded all the scenes so much and in doing so lost some of the simplistic power the stage play excelled at. I felt some of the CGI's were quite poor and the 'Gone with the Wind' lighting in the end scene was cringeworthy. Yes, it's entertaining, but the impact of the stage play was just so much greater.


Oh well, you can't please all the people, all of the time....

I thought Max Hastings comment about it struck a telling note - 'Even less accurate militarily than 'Birdsong', which I didn't think was possible'


One of my grandfathers was in the Berkshire Yeomanry in the Great War and always said that the horses were better treated than the men (and he was a great lover of horses keeping a pair of working horses on the farm for as long as he could, almost up to 1960 I would think). Mind you draught horses in the Great War were very hard used but equally, in the British army at least, they were quite well looked after when at rest.

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Guest Max Stafford

No sign of Dave yet but I can report that the general Carlisle/SW Scotland weather at the moment is glorious wall-to-wall blue skies. Heavenly!


The reason I was late in is because I was up at Whitrope for the third day on the trot. Our hearty team of volunteers have succeeded in cementing in all the copers for the platform face in preparation for our passenger season, site tidying was also the order of the day and a special railside base has been constructed for the Popemobile and PW trolley. All the fishplates have been greased and re-tightened and I spent the day shifting ballast and packing sleepers at the southern end of the run. It's a shame you didn't come on another couple of miles, BoD, you could have seen the fruits of the weekend's labours. I'm going up on Wednesday so I'll try and take some more photos for you. The whole set up, although simple, is starting to look pretty professional and the site is almost ready for the Leyland Railbus' arrival.


You can see Tony and Alastair reflecting on a job well done with Abi carrying out her lookout duties which entail barking upon approach of a train. (only joking, ORR!)

I think some our members are being over optimistic in relation to our rolling stock programme though... ;-)






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It's a shame you didn't come on another couple of miles, BoD, you could have seen the fruits of the weekend's labours.


I did pass Dave. I took the B wotsit from Hawick to Newcastleton. I saw 'the crew' but it was about four o'clock and I wasn't alone otherwise I would have stopped.


It's the first time I have been out that way for a long, long time and not far south of the viaduct there is what looks like a signal box (Shankend?). I didn't stop but it looked in remarkably good nick and the windows looked quite new. What is that about, or was I seeing things? Is it allowed (or even possible) to walk along the track bed from the heritage centre to the site of Riccarton Junction?

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Guest Max Stafford

BoD, that was Shankend signal box you saw. It's been converted to a nice holiday chalet although we one day hope it can resume some semblance of its intended function!

Next time you pass by and can visit our site, feel free to do so and you are perfectly able to walk down to Riccarton. There's not too much to see at the moment, but it's a stated near future goal to strike off in that direction.

Remember, you're in Scotland here and your right to roam is enshrined in law provided you exercise common sense and don't walk through peoples' gardens or worry the sheep! ;-)



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s or worry the sheep! ;-)




Oh, Damn!


You're right, Dave. Someone was talking of an Englishman's rights on another thread and I was thinking "if any country needed a full Constitution it's England"....they cannot rely on precedent and the Magna Carta for ever.


Best, Pete.

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Oh, Damn!


You're right, Dave. Someone was talking of an Englishman's rights on another thread and I was thinking "if any country needed a full Constitution it's England"....they cannot rely on precedent and the Magna Carta for ever.


Best, Pete.

The owners would like the status quo to endure another millenium. There is a joke there but I will leave that to someone.......

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Morning all.


Looking like overcast skies outside and while it is quite balmy at about 19°, I do expect rain and thunder some time later. I'll see to stopping by at my GP's in the afternoon to obtain a prescription for something against hayfever.


Have a good one, guys and gals, regardless of it being Monday...

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Morning All,


Monday again! Where did the long weekend go? To be honest, much of it was spent lining my upstairs Dormer window with plasterboard and insulation. I did get some modelling done on Friday - more on that one later.


Have a good day everyone...

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The weekend didn't last long, I had to work on Saturday and I spent most of Sunday in the garden with our new girls.....




Not much modelling done, although I did tweak a couple of CVs on a couple of locos on Sunday night!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, dry but cloudy outside. Not been a good weekend and I am as tired as I was on Friday. I saved £50 by being able to resurrect the mower after it expired in a puff of smoke only to be told I took a long time to mow the lawns.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather overcast but ever the optimist Aditi has put lots of washing out to dry. I'm not too sure what I'm doing today, I may go to the tip. I had a bit of a tidy up in the garage yesterday and I've got a car load of stuff that previously came into the "that could be useful" category,


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Morning all,


Yup weekends seem to be getting shorter, still I did get some very nice chicken yesterday, ........................


Tony, do you have to take I.D with you when you go to the tip? I've seen that various councils are (Including Bristol) are now asking for proof of residency.



Oh well hope the rain keep off today, got a concrete pour to supervise.....



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I see we may be a little premature with 1,000 pages.

I'll drop a line to Her Majesty to let her know it's BoD's fault.


Swallow fluttering outside my Studio window last evening as if asking to come in.

... of course, camera was nowhere to hand.

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