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Morning All,


It is rather a gloomy morning here - still, it is effectively a Friday for us with a Bank Holiday tomorrow and a "Bridge day" on Friday.


Good to hear your steering rack is covered under Warranty Tony. I had one replaced on my Zafira and it was anything other than cheap.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Glad to hear Mickey is back - that must have been a big relief, Mick!


Somewhat gloomy outside this morning and looking like rain may yet follow. Oh joy...


Oh well, be back later...

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Morning all,


Some good news then Mick? Yes I did get the bread, it is always worth making a diversion to get there. I wonder what today's travels will bring.....there's one thing that's consistent here is the inconsistency! Stops life from being boring I guess?


Debs, with HRH around, will it be "posh frock" day?



Enjoy your day



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Debs, with HRH around, will it be "posh frock" day?


:yes: Oh yes, one surely must make the effort; my dog`s will be wearing their kerchiefs too! :spruceup:



Morning everyone! :bye:

How delightful to awaken to read news of the prodigal cat.....what an adventure! :good:




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Debs, Surly it will be appropriate to don a fancy hat in honour of HM as well!

Your dogs all look expectant! Are they waiting for something to be thrown for them to chase and retrieve?


Good morning all. clear sky but still cool at 22C

Rain forecast for Friday.


Wow, 6 months away. Did Mickey show any recognition of you or other members of the 'family'?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a bright sunny day but chilly. The cat was not as happy to see us as we were to see him, but once home he hid for a while before coming out for his ears tickled. He will hate us shortly for taking him to the vets but I can live with that. He was found less than half a mile away if he had succeded in losing his collar we would never have got him back.

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Morning all!


Bright and sunny in Edinburgh today and forecast to remain that way for the day. Fingers crossed...!


My plans for the weekend may have been completely thrown up in the air as Mum's not well and doesn't want to pass on what she's picked up to me or Jamie.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It is a very nice morning, sunny but only warm if sheltered from the breeze.

Robbie is enjoying warning me about the window cleaners. He barks when he sees them, I tell him he is a good boy for warning me and he shuts up. However I have to do this for each window that they appear at! He can watch all the recycling being taken later.

I've got to go out later for blood tests, just routine and no fasting required.

Debs I do hope you have a pleasant day today. i think the only time I've ever been in waving distance of the Queen was when I was about 5 and we all had to line up along the school fence and wave as the Royal car passed by, I'm sure we just waved at everything. About thirty years ago we took my parents to London and saw the D of Es motorcade leaving Horse Guards. Dad was a bit miffed at the standard of the salute or whatever it was called!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


a bright start to a busy morning for me .


Great to hear about Mickey , I'm sure he will soon settle back in when he realises that

meal times are a regular thing rather than what he has to catch or cadge .

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


smashing news about Mickey and i hope he settles back in happily, that ear tickling should do the trick (works a treat on Henry who loves it, along with tummy tickling), just right to go with the brighter weather.


Mrs Queen is coming our way sometime this summer - apparently to meet a lot of local so-called 'worthies' (many of whom probably aren't) so we might go out and wave. Many years ago - 1985 to be precise - our daughter Elinor gave her a small bouquet at Paddington before HM got aboard the Royal Train, and Elinor burst into tears when HM kept the flowers (good job said daughter does not read ERs :O , I hope). Daddy was already on the train having been officially invited to travel on it that day and was informally presented to HM and - along with three others - had morning coffee with her and the Duke (and was scared stiff he might end up spilling coffee over her - but didn't, so still has his head).

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Ouch! Just surface burned the fleshy part of my right hand. Drilled a hole, put down the drill and somehow put my hand on top of the drill bit which was still blooming' hot from the friction of drilling into wood.. Power tools can bite back at times.....


Apart from that, all is at peace with the world....

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  • RMweb Gold

My car won't be back today. Land Rover Warranty will only pay half but Land Rover will pay the rest. I don't understand finance but as long as it isn't me paying! Part hasn't arrived anyway!

I suppose I should take Robbie for a walk, it is getting very cloudy now. I don't think having 10ml of blood removed is sufficient excuse for not doing anything. I didn't even have to walk to the outpatients clinic as a kind neighbour drove me there.


Gordon, I bet if you had been looking for the drill you wouldn't have found it!



This post disappeared! Good job the auto save works!

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Guest Max Stafford

Mick, great news about the MIA coming back in from the wild! It's good to hear a tale like this with a happy ending.

I was on a 12 hour shift last night so not long up; still, last 7-3 tonight. I shall be making a start on the new book that has arrived today, Alastair Moffat's Before Scotland.

Subject of the book as probably suggested is the early story of the habitation of this end of the island (well, this wee bit here was in Scotland for a while so I think I'm OK including it! ;-) ) from the end of the last glaciation up to the consolidation of Scotland in the 9th Century. Moffat's books are a good read if you're interested in a more human form of history and I enjoyed his history of The Borders last year. On the way is another book of his which tries to wave away some of the fog surrounding the legends of Arthur. I'm looking forward to that one!

It was bright and sunny when I went to bed this morning but it appears to have clouded over now. May is generally a pretty settled and pleasant month in the north but this one is indeed pretty strange.

I'm convinced we're at the end of a Milankovich cycle so I'm keeping the snow shovel handy!




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Afternoon all,


I am getting odd looks from my staff today (well, more than usual!) The frames for a Hielan Lassie were delivered on my work break by a friend who was clearing out his shed. He used to build 3 and a half inch gauge locos, bought the frames for this LBSC design and never did anything with it from there. So I've inherited them. They are currently sat on my desk as a handy paperweight!


Not sure what the next stage is, but had a lot of useful advice from a few model engineers I know (much more talented than I can dream of being) so am working though costings for a build. Could turn out to be a really good "mascot" locomotive for the sales of my book. The two big stumbling blocks I forsee are the boiler and cylinder block. I think if I treat this as a "three year" or "five year" project rather than as I try and do with my OO locomotives, rush it through as fast as possible before moving onto the next one, it'll be more manageable. Might get a Youtube video or two out of it as well!


Glad to hear Mickey got back okay - I remember Charlie's kitten going missing two years ago (said so on here actually, the relief when Maddie got back one night safely was palpable!). Glad to hear moggy and owner are reunited :)

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Guest Max Stafford

I'd say you've got a lovely image for a St George's Day greetings card there Tony.



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  • RMweb Gold

I'd say you've got a lovely image for a St George's Day greetings card there Tony.



It is rather a nice church. Bits of this one (St Mary's) are quite old and it is probably on the site of one damaged when Essex defeated Denmark in the 9th century. St Mary's always flys the English flag, the other church nearby which is St George's doesn't seem to!

When we have been on our travels Matthew has noted that England seems to be the least "flagged" country.


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Moffat's books are a good read if you're interested in a more human form of history and I enjoyed his history of The Borders last year. On the way is another book of his which tries to wave away some of the fog surrounding the legends of Arthur. I'm looking forward to that one!


I either have it or bought for Dad a copy of his Reivers book, as we think our family is likely to be descended from the Liddles/Liddels of the Debatable Lands. I might try to get a copy of that Arthur book too as that sounds right up my street.

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Sorry, Mike - not in stock here!


One of our number will be getting a strange package tomorrow.

I'd completely run out of reusable padded envelopes.

No problem - I'd buy a suitable one at the PO when sending the item.

They had none big enough.

For a princely sum they provided a 'make a parcel' kit.

What a mess. The little reel of brown tape came apart in my mouth (I hadn't taken scissors).

Fortunately I'd pre-wrapped the item so no harm done - except to my packing reputation.

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Guest Max Stafford

Mike. Here's the link, I'm intrigued by the legend of the battle at nearby Arthuret. Legend has it that the scale of the carnage distressed Merlin so much he had some kind of breakdown!




with apologies to Dd for linking to a rival!



Edited by Max Stafford
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