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  • RMweb Premium

Sounds to me Phil that it is time to get in the shed and get on with building your own engines. I allways thought steam engine drivers and firemen would be offered tea and toasted teacakes at every stop just to keep them happy..A heritage railway without moving steam loco's will be a closing line.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


I didn't get back yesterday, as 30747's "brief" online course took over four hours to complete - and as I had to help her navigate, I am also now qualified to Level 2 in food hygiene though it's her name on the certificate - I now know that food needs to be cooked to 75oc and that to hold it for serving later, it needs to be maintained at 63oc for a maximum of four hours. She's now off to another course, and left me to deal with sorting out what we now know to be the health hazard in the kitchen known as the fridge freezer, which needs a jolly good defrosting and cleaning.


Debs - belated congratulations to your parents . I lost my dad when he was 62 mainly due to his lifestyle - he was a professional musician, and had a nicotine and alcohol intake which was prodigious.


Phil sorry to hear that you and the MHR are not getting on - I know the feeling, as I too used to be involved with the committee brigade in railway preservation - any more than one person in a room at the same time resulted in an argument - when you got the whole preservation sub committee together, NOTHING got decided, and if it did, it got back to committee to be changed/over-ruled/ignored and in the end, he with the loudest voice got his ideas pushed through regardless of whether they were a majority decision or not, and commin sense often went straight out the window as a solo viewpoint was steamrolleered through. However, seeing the fruits of your labours emerge from a workshop like that must be one of the most satsfying things imaginable - and if you've got the skills and abilities to do that sort of work, then you might be better away from what is clearly becoming a political circus.


Regards to All


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Guest Max Stafford

Sorry to hear about your bother Phil. Nothing like that at our end these days. Fact is, there's enough of that crap to go round in the mainstream world of indentured labour without imbeciles trying to impose it on what is supposed to be a recreation. Any attempt by an individual to start that kind of thing on our railway be met with the most savage resistance by me. I will not have some toss-pot empire builder ruin my Eden!

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  • RMweb Gold

Sorry to hear about your bother Phil. Nothing like that at our end these days. Fact is, there's enough of that crap to go round in the mainstream world of indentured labour without imbeciles trying to impose it on what is supposed to be a recreation. Any attempt by an individual to start that kind of thing on our railway be met with the most savage resistance by me. I will not have some toss-pot empire builder ruin my Eden!

The trouble with railway preservation (not everywhere fortunately) is that you tend to get folk whose ambitions were frustrated in their normal life or career and they often seem to think they can make up for it in their hobby world but claiming some sort of role or power as they think befits their status and amazing abilities. All too often their abilities are indeed amazing - so amazing as to be unbelievable but the problem is the poor beggars who are just out for a nice hobby time suffer from the depredations of these pocket dictators; it wouldn't be so bad if they knew what they were on about.

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Regrettably they exist in the world of work too - I have worked in one or two places with ambitious bosses that would volunteer "their" men for any sh1tty job going, in order to "look good" in the eyes of those in authority over them - dish the orders out, and then bu99er off for the day - possibly returning at gozeomies time!

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from Frating, it wasn't that windy there today.

Not a lot of traffic on the A12 heading to the seaside either, so Frinton is safe for another day.

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  • RMweb Premium

We co$ked up refueling is not force majeure! Well call me a coconut I am so suprised. On the other hand 10kg extra fuel would have cost him 2 tenths perhaps, sending him to the back of the grid was excessive he would have still beaten the rest by 4 tenths.

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  • RMweb Gold

Talking of Carroll Shelby there's a piece about the Cobra in today's 'Telegraph's' Goodwood supplement - the 50th anniversary of the signing of the original deal with Ford to supply the engines that went into the first production Cobras was this February.


And at the moment we have an absolutely clear sky and the temperature starting to fall - just moved the trays of 'soft' small plants into the porch as we are promised a ground frost tonight.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Blue sky and sunshine out here, while temperatures dropped to about 5°. So, I'm just having a brew and enjoying the Sunday morning peace... :)


Hope things are just as peaceful at your places - so, have a good one, everyone...

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I must have been on another planet yesterday as I saw Hamilton get pole, stop on the circuit and then heard no more. It was only BoD's 'Force Majeure' post that made me realise something may have happened.....




Oh well, GP then footie, just the same.


...and it's bright and sunny again. :sungum:

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Morning all,


Quite and peaceful here too, so far this morning. (which makes a change) Arrange a commissioning shut down this morning so we can get a bit more kit connected. Trouble is client wants and is desperate for additional power, then every time I try and arrange a shut down there's some reason why I cant do then. Grrrrrr


Well enjoy your day folks.



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Hamilton will enjoy moving up through the field.

I hope Button has taken his car in for service, too.


Enjoying the sun at the moment - it can't last.


If you want any books, now is the time as I'm taking them off in a few days time:


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


The clan are heading this way this morning then we are off to the Sunderland/Man Utd. game

I think Sunderand will be starting from the back of the grid.

Still ...... keep the faith.

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Happy Sunday all.

Clear blue sky at the moment, but 100% cloud and 30% rain forecast - As reported yesterday all of 1mm.

I went the roast BEEF route last Sunday and it was as tough as leather, so back to Mutton this Sunday.

It was the local Model Engineers Club's open day yesterday (and today). NOTHING new, even less on show

than last year, and the large HO layout not working due to electrical problems.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Clear blue sky and sunny. Probably just about into double figures for temperature.

I'm not planning too much today. I may spend the day sitting in the garden. I could justify it as training Robbie that he really shouldn't run through Aditi's broad bean plantation.


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And a Good Morning from me too!

27C here today on Mother's Day. Unfortunately only have MiL left so the old dra - er, dear will be coming over for BBQ with rest of the Gotham City crowd.

Main dish will be large "London Broil" - which my wife started marinating yesterday afternoon, therefore a wonderful aroma has permeated the house.


Don, I made contact a few years ago with the "New York City Guild of Model Engineers" expecting the highest quality of modelling and was severely disappointed by the actuality.

It also finally ended my last foray into the world of "clubs" - I really don't like them but wanted to give it a go, never again........................I'm not renewing my NMRA membership either this year.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, not done a lot so far just sat in the sun with the dog. Had to listen to next doors cat trying to kill a bird in the bush I had left tall so birds could continue to nest in it. Given the thorns are up to two inches long that is a determined cat.

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Morning All,


The weather appears quite good here this morning. I think a walk is on the cards later, but a quiet Sunday is planned.


Have a good day everyone...

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