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Me too! A very Happy Birthday to you, Stewart.


Hope you have a great day and don't worry, age is all your head. Ignore the fact that your body sags, your teeth fall out and you're never without pain and you'll be fine!

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Luckily I still own all most of my own teeth though they seem in places to be made of amalgam, and I also don't have too many floppy bits, though I do think that my diabetes is an age-related thing, though it came on when I was in my 40s - it was picked up at my over 40 checkup at my then GP surgery.

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"Ignore the fact that your body sags, your teeth fall out and you're never without pain and you'll be fine!" Ha Ha Ha! :laugh:

I must have been old at 29!

Though are we not encouraged to act our shoe size (UK or US not European) rather than our age if we want to look youthful?


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Tony, Sorry mention has been made of your goodself in the thread "HACK" (by me, of course....)


Best, Pete.

That's OK. All publicity etc...

Actually although J for J's PO Box is on Canvey he seems to have been tracked down by the BBC in Kells in Ireland a couple of years ago.



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Evening All,


Sorry about the belated birthday greetings Stewart but today I've been at one of the things you will come across in the future - a bunch of retired folk getting together for a nice lunch (at Somerset CC's ground today) and putting the present day lot to rights but alas they can't hear us.


And on a much brighter note one of those present spoke of her in glowing terms and asked to be remembered to Debs (yes, it was Dennis) and of course I got something of an update on all sorts of bits of railway chatter as some still have occasional/part time involvement with the job. And twice in a week to Taunton - I haven't been there that frequently since I worked there, which was quite a long time ago.

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.........some numpty has put down rat poison and so far two dogs have died and three are critically ill. There are gardens that back onto the lake there and it might be a non thinking resident thats done it to stop rats coming into their garden or it could be a deliberate act of vandalism........


:O Feeling speechless, sickened and very-angry! :ireful:

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And on a much brighter note one of those present spoke of her in glowing terms and asked to be remembered to Debs (yes, it was Dennis)


:imsohappy: That`s absolutely made my day!

How smashing that Dennis remembers me; after all, it`s only been a mere 33 years since we last met! :mosking:


He was almost solely responsible for my enduring love of railways and thus (indirectly) also for my career in engineering.


Even now, I can hear his voice, telling me about fault-conditions caused by ROPS and SOPS in a Brush Sulzer 47.......I`ve always thought; his experiences and knowledge needed bottling! :yes:


Without doubt, a top-link driver and 'character' of "the old school".....some very happy days long-remembered!


........"Oceans of water"........ :friends:

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Morning All,


A belated Happy Birthday Stewart! Hope you had a good day.


It is a nice morning here weather wise - it looks like it will be pretty warm later on.


On a slightly more ranting note - a relative of mine sent an Amazon gift voucher for the little guy's Birthday - trouble is, she got an Amazon.com voucher. I've emailed Amazon and there is no way to convert it - which means I'll either have to bin it, or pay shipping (and probably customs) from the US. Bah!


Anyway - TGIF. Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all.

When Robbie went out it wasn't raining but it has just started again.

We are up a bit earlier today as Aditi has an earlier than usual meeting to attend.

I'm doing things like washing and packing for our weekend away. We will be going to stay with Aditi's brother. He lives near Kettering. Matthew may get the train from Leicester and go there as well. Robbie won't be going but he will go to stay with his pal George so I expect he will also have a fun filled weekend.


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Morning all.....Wide awake as usual in the early hours, but kept myself amused by reading more of the Veet reviews. I had tears rolling down my cheeks...


Sounds like a good weekend in store for all the family (including Robbie!).


Found out a bit more about the poisoning. Seems to point towards a deliberate act, but we'll wait and see...



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Just missed a pic. of more exotica this morning.

Blearily looking out of the sunroom, coffee in hand, I saw a pair of redpolls (never seen them here before).

Of course, as soon as I moved, they left for somewhere else.

Nice experience though.


However, a pair of mallards have nested by the stream so may have 'ickle duckling pics in due course.


Here endeth todays Countryfile.

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Morning all, well that's another week nearly done, DD keep posting the pics please. We have a very pretty king fisher who sits on the balcony railing or the lamp post outside, but is very camera shy......


What ever your'e up to, please enjoy!



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Duck l'orange on the menu soon?


Partly clear and no rain expected, but max temp only 18. Better than it has been.

It's Friday!


Happy weekend modeling?

Edited by DonBradley
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Yes, I'll keep at it, Trev.

You have a whole raft of different Kingfishers over there - a pic would be good.

Just wish my pics were better but I don't have the time, the equipment or the patience to sit in a hide all day.

At the moment 'Hoover' the woodpigeon is cleaning up the seeds dropped by other birds.

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"Veet for Men" should be part of the prize list for any RMWeb competition. Like: Worst in Show etc. My daughter thought I was "Stroking" yesterday when I was reading the reviews on Amazon, UK.


Best, Pete.

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Morning all. Later night than planned last night as Dad phoned.


Grey skies this morning but perhaps a hint of sunshine attempting to break through.


Looks like it might have been an interesting night at the council elections, but we'll not get the Scottish results till later, they don't start the count till 9am. I have a suspicion that the ruling parties in Edinburgh might get an electoral kicking after the last 5 years of tram farce.

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"Veet for Men" should be part of the prize list for any RMWeb competition. Like: Worst in Show etc. My daughter thought I was "Stroking" yesterday when I was reading the reviews on Amazon, UK.


It`s enough to drive a person, hairless! :laugh:

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