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Having posted my reply and then read Don's I typed four GBP symbols and ended up posting (now deleted) 8 question marks!


Must be something to do with the way the forum is handling its character sets. My browser (Firefox) does show the stars and stripes in the status bar so that may have an overriding influence. (No I'm not getting into a discussion about american domination!)

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I've just come back from giving Robbie a walk. It is still raining here and the ground is slushy but with icy patches under the slush which makes walking (for me not the dog) interesting. So far today I've actually done things I've been meaning to do all week and haven't, order medicine, book car in for service/MOT and (most delayed) paying the paper bill. I've also just phoned to confirm I'll be going to the model rail club this Saturday. I may as well go out as the water company are turning the water off to do repairs on Saturday.



See you there tomorrow. Bring toys. laugh.gif
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It's an attractive thought.

Unfortunately that won't work.

It's a Mac.


And mine's running Linux so I couldn't have talked you through it anyway!!


I concur with BoD; it must be a forum issue, probably quite low down on Andy's ToDo list!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Nice and slushy out! The pound symbol, and a load of others, is a known issue with the forum at present. Seems a right mess generally at the moment. Half the time I can't post responses to threads or answer PMs. Bet Andy is happy with the new software and the hosting company, NOT!




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  • RMweb Gold

See you there tomorrow. Bring toys. laugh.gif


Toys will be packed later this afternoon. I haven't really been able to play trains at home recently as either the dining table was in use or a car was in the garage!




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  • RMweb Gold

Morning All, Nice and slushy out! The pound symbol, and a load of others, is a known issue with the forum at present. Seems a right mess generally at the moment. Half the time I can't post responses to threads or answer PMs. Bet Andy is happy with the new software and the hosting company, NOT!





I was always convinced in my time (long long ago) managing networks that a mysterious hardware fault was likely to occur at some stage during software installation just to create as much work as possible.



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Being a Bear of little brain, I'm struggling to work out which scale it is aimed at, DD; P4, 00, H0! Will have to consult Wol coz I doubt Piglet will know, Rabbit won't be interested and Eeyore'll just treat it as another thing to begrudge! Almost certainly, Tigger will be very excited about it, though!

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Poor Andy really does seem to have a few issues to struggle with at the moment!


I noticed the character set problem a few days ago - the forum appears to be having trouble with anything outside of the standard ASCII character set. So no pound sign, degrees, accents of any kind and this seems to relate to all browsers on all Operating Systems. I'm a Linux user too!


As far as the new product is concerned Dd, I think you are onto a winner. Perhaps add the smell of Diesel clag, but leave out the BO :icon_lol:

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arm is on the mend, but have had to get up, i can't cope with more than 3 hours sitting up to sleep. there was a student radiographer leaning how to operate the equipment, lucky girl will have seen most of the major forms of limb fractures in the course of one day.


one poor chap had sustained breaks on both wrists. but the snow has vanished.

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  • RMweb Premium



Another Saturday beckons...though I still have to see what I'll be putting on the agenda today :) . In a sense, Saturday is my favourite weekday - not quite as busy as Monday till Friday, but not quite as quiet as Sundays either!


Have a good day all! :)

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Morning all,


Thaw well and truly under way - it's pouring with rain! Roll on the floods! :(


Just about to set off to Lancing for the first Saturday running session of the year with the 'local' group of the N Gauge Society, then back to fix the garage door I used to stop my van when I eventually got it back on the drive yesterday! Hey Ho!

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Morning All,


There has been a bit of a thaw here in the past couple of days - but the temperature is down to -1C again this morning, but I don't think we will be seeing any more snow for the moment.


Thomas wants to do some work on his layout this morning - so I am hoping we will be able to make some progress today!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Morning all....Wet and wetter.


Monday evening Channel 5 at 21.00. Paul Merton is going to visit Miniatur Wonderland in Hamburg. Said to be the biggest model railway in the world...


We have a new addition to the family arriving today....smile.gif

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Monday evening Channel 5 at 21.00. Paul Merton is going to visit Miniatur Wonderland in Hamburg. Said to be the biggest model railway in the world...


Hmmm - I must make a note of that!


I went to visit Miniatur Wonderland a few years ago and it is impressive to say the least. Since I went, it has been enlarged still further (they were building the American section when I was there).


I did hope I could visit again last September because I was in Hamburg for a meeting - but unfortunately, I didn't have time.


There is another large layout in an old supermarket down in the Black Forest, but I haven't been to that one.

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  • RMweb Gold


The water has been turned off for essential work (there seems to be a big hole in the High Road now!) today so we can mentally prepare for a hosepipe ban later on. I'm off to give my trains some exercise today in a few minutes.



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