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Yet another death to report, Levon Helm died of throat cancer in Gotham City. Levon the former drummer with The Band (and my favourite singer of The Band) survived diagnosis of throat cancer since 1998, I think.




And another - Bert Weedon has passed on at 91. and is teaching Guitar to the heavenly musicians

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Eric Clapton and George Harrison were driving up the M1 in the late sixties to a gig in Birmingham. They decided to stop off at the Blue Boar for a fry up.

When they got to the register the old dear behind it said to George: "Here, ain't you one of them Beatles, George?". He had to admit he was.

Looking at Eric she said to George: "Well, who's he then?"


Rising to his full height and holding out a hand towards Eric: "This, Madam, is this World's Greatest Electric Guitarist," pause "Bert Weedon!"


Both Eric and George had a copy of Bert's "Play in a Day" stashed at their old homes (as did I), there literally was nothing else available for Rock/Pop guitar in the UK.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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I suppose we can measure our own mortality when those 'stars' we lusted after when we were kids turn up on the TV.

O.N-John seems quite well preserved but many others are not.


Not that I lusted after him but Clint Eastwood is 82!


What inspired these thoughts? Bert Weedon.

I faithfully plucked away to his printed instructions until my fingers were bleeding attaining a proficiency with the guitar only matched by my skill on the trapeze.

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I shall have to dig out my vinyl a double album of The Band, The weight on there sounds a lot grittier and it is not just the needle (stylus I think they call them these days).


Agree the original is best but no video of Levon.......

Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all...


Back from school again and just having a snack... Weather's fairly good right now, though getting cloudier. I think I shall be taking a set of model photos next... ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Not a lot happening today chez 45156, but the work visit on Wednesday got cancelled, due to other commitments - so the attendance manager is coming tomorrow (Saturday???) to see how I'm progressing check up on me. 30747 is off to art class, and at some stage, I'll give her a photo of a Duchess and ask her to do a painting of it - she did me one in embroidery a few years back.


I've added my comments re the passing of Bert Weedon on the separate thread.


Regards to All

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Although the cyber attack appears to be by a bunch of misfits, I was interested in what would happen if knowledge of a terrorist attack crossed my path.

I tried to report the e-mails to the Home Office, feeling that they might be interested to hear about the occupation of Parliament.

Their site was down.

I then tried the New Scotland Yard site and all roads led to 'dial 999 or call at your local Police Station'.

I had little faith in PC Berwyn Hughes's capacity to take on the might of the Far Right, or the Middle East, especially as his time is restricted to three days per week.

My next step was to e-mail my MP who has kindly replied that he will pass the information on to the proper authorities.

I also e-mailed the CIA who appear to be having a lay-in.

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The lack of RMweb meant some determinded modelling - I got all the point motors fitted to Bishopscombe's Quarry Extention, as well as all the droppers - all in an afternnon!

No junk emails here......so far...........



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  • RMweb Gold

The original hack seems to have been initiated by someone living in an alternate reality.

Access to knowledge of how to mess up the internet means that people who would be handing out leaflets or shouting in the High St can irritate lots more people now.

If I had been reporting here for a few days, most of my comments would have included the word "rain". Aditi said it was nice here yesterday but I was delivering Matthew to Leicester where it was raining.

I can't remember how much I'd reported about Robbie. He is now allowed as much exercise as he wants and the final test results (urine test for possible kidney problem) indicated he was fine. All I've got to do is post off the receipts for the treatment to the insurance company now.

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I was asked to remodel the garden - and cut down several dead tree branches.....then we had a Nor'easter blow through with 4" of wind driven rain...unpleasant.


We did rush emergency supplies of Castrol R to Debs - the mere smell of that oil working hard puts anyone back together...


Best, Pete

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.


Just a brief visit as it's wedding anniversary day and that means taking SWMBO out for a meal - plus I think I'd better have a shave and try and get the residue Hydrocal and white glue off my person. The ballasting (some Facebookers will know what I mean) seems to have come out reasonably while today has seen masses of hydrocal going into moulds under the capable hands of Station Cat (as my daughter is sometime known on here) while I've been playing at spilling Humbrol in the dining room (but not on it) and having fun terra-forming with corrugated cardboard. the latter is not helped by dodging between house and 'the room' in this afternoons rain.

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