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Guest Max Stafford

Sorry to hear about Lukey, what a magnificent fella. As long as you remember him, he'll still be about so just hold that thought. Amazing how such a small being can have such a big presence. Remember him fondly, he will occupy a special place of his own even if a new little friends comes along to set up shop in your heart.



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Yet another death to report, Levon Helm died of throat cancer in Gotham City. Levon the former drummer with The Band (and my favourite singer of The Band) survived diagnosis of throat cancer since 1998, I think.



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Morning all,


I'm sorry to here of your loss Gordon, I cant add more to what others have said.


Well it's Friday again why is time speeding up (or is it an age thing?). When I was younger the weeks always seemed to drag.......now it seems that once Mondays over, Friday follows in the blink of an eye!



Oh well,


Enjoy your day,



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning.

Sunny and warm but I believe that rain is forecast later today.

I finally managed to obtain a urine sample from Robbie this morning. Chasing a dog round the garden with a container isn't my idea of fun but Robbie seemed to think it was a great new game.



Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, brighter and sunnier outside still plenty of cloud about though. Zara met some ponies last night she was not amused. I have a couple of pictures of my little lap dog and I will put them on when I work out how.

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  • RMweb Gold

. Zara met some ponies last night she was not amused.

From quite an early age Robbie was used to seeing horses with riders but he seemed a bit perplexed by them running around by themselves in Devon when we had a holiday there some years ago.


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Morning all....A new day breaks.


Thanks for all your best wishes. Seems strange being down to two cats and they seem a bit lost this morning as the guv'nor has gone.


Got a minor rucking last night using the kitchen hand towel for wiping my hands after laying ModRoc bandage. Why is it girls can spot the tiniest white mark from a hundred yards whereas it looked fine to me....


Plaster has now been painted, so I could be sowing autumn grass today.

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Morning All,


I tried to get on earlier - but the site was having none of it.


Sorry to hear about Lukey, Gordon.


It is quite a nice morning here - if a little cold. Thomas' tooth is out and apparently it didn't hurt.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Got a minor rucking last night using the kitchen hand towel for wiping my hands ...

We have some tea towels that look rather like hand towels to me. This has caused the occasional comment about wearing glasses. Fortunately the utility room sink (and its robust towels) is handy for any hand washing after anything involving pets, modelling or gardens. Of course if your towels are colour coordinated you could add some appropriately coloured paint to the mod roc water so the white plaster is less obvious when you dry your hands!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Nice and sunny at the moment and the only blot on the horizon is that our son was involved in a multiple shunt on the M25 yesterday evening but fortunately he was able to walk away from it, shaken and stirred but otherwise unhurt and off to the Doc today for a check up; alas his car is not in such unblemished condition and will be going to a coachworks in Slough (why Slough I wonder?) for decision.


My big target for today is to find someone, anyone, within 30-40 miles of here who sells soldering flux as I think my Eames flux has finally done a permanent vanishing act, shame as it was really good stuff both for lowmelt and ordinary soldering temperatures.

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  • RMweb Gold

It's about time we had some good news on ERs.

I enjoyed my toast for breakfast.

I have successfully changed my RMweb password.

My brother phoned to say he is getting married.

Edited by Tony_S
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