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  • RMweb Gold

Fingers crossed for Lukey. Always a difficult situation and one we went through several times with a past cat, in the end we let him carry on as long as he was comfortable as he just wouldn't have been able to tolerate any more invasive anything and when it got too much for him we made the final decision.

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  • RMweb Gold

The vet surgery where Robbie had his operation have faxed the biopsy results through to our vet. She is operating at the moment and will phone later. Hopefully while I'm in. Aditi is coming home early today (late afternoon) as she has a diabetic retinopathy test. I'll have to drive her home from the test as she isn't supposed to drive for some time afterwards.

I have done some work on the club module that developed a wiring fault on Saturday. This was an perplexing one that was intermittent. One of the wires was broken inside the outer insulation. Good news is that I've found my multimeter has a "beep" option that I was unaware of for continuity testing.

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"In the past doing DIY I've banged my head"


I can trump that!

I banged my head while on the computer!

(In our old house the 'support' 'phone was in the next room to the computer so it meant running between the two - under a low stone arch.

Thought I'd broken my skull in half).

OUCH (tried to post earlier but it would not let me)

Afternoon all fingers crossed for poorly pets and hope everyones day is going well.


ps and for Jamie (we need a fingers crossed smiley :good: )

Edited by laurenceb
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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, a very impressive bit of jiggerypokery there DD.

Having spent a lot of last week photoshopping wedding photos I know that, depending on how well it is going, it can be both frustrating and enjoyable in equal measure.

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Tough call...... :(


At such times; both the heart and head have to agree......they will (of course), under the guidance of the love and loyalty you and Lukey have shared. :tender:

We`ll all be here: supporting and hoping for the best and happiest of news. :yes:

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The vet surgery where Robbie had his operation have faxed the biopsy results through to our vet. She is operating at the moment and will phone later. Hopefully while I'm in. Aditi is coming home early today (late afternoon) as she has a diabetic retinopathy test. I'll have to drive her home from the test as she isn't supposed to drive for some time afterwards.


I'm not a diabetic but I had that test a couple of weeks ago and they forgot to warn me.....the worst of it was taking the dog out in the bright sunshine afterwards. Maisie is a West Highland terrier and she couldn't understand why I refused to look at her (most painful)..



Robbie is secretly planning and arranging the same operation on you btw, Tony. Maisie got the gen on the caninenet.....


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Vet has just phoned and Robbie's lumps / tissues were not tumorous but probably a result of some infection. Just need to take a urine sample soon to check for kidney infection (just in case, but unlikely) but otherwise he just needs to keep to not too vigorous exercise and no ditch diving for a week or so. Unusually he is fast asleep at the moment, probably happy the big lampshade has gone and he can scratch his ears again!


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Vet has just phoned and Robbie's lumps / tissues were not tumorous but probably a result of some infection. Just need to take a urine sample soon to check for kidney infection (just in case, but unlikely) but otherwise he just needs to keep to not too vigorous exercise and no ditch diving for a week or so. Unusually he is fast asleep at the moment, probably happy the big lampshade has gone and he can scratch his ears again!



Absolutely wonderful news to read! :wub:

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  • RMweb Gold


Robbie is secretly planning and arranging the same operation on you btw, Tony. Maisie got the gen on the caninenet.....


While I was holding Robbie, I was wondering how close the sharp stitch cutter the vet was wielding was to me. I was sitting cross legged (don't know how I did that) on the floor with a head and chest lock on the dog with his tail end on my lap. I did ask the vet if my knee was in the way, but she said it was a good head rest. As she got near his tail he got very wriggly and the nurse arrived to hold his back legs.


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I'm watching (20 miles from New York) the Arsenal vs Wigan game on the box. Great game (it's halftime) I haven't seen Arsenal live in 20 years.


Adverts keep telling me to buy an Arsenal shirt. I can't decide between bin Laden, Alcatraz or Van Bu66er...


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium

I think regret what you did not what you didn't do covers it neatly Gordon, by having the op done you are trying to prolong a life if you do nothing it will end soon. At this point I will mention my BIL's dog that was so bad it was on a drip because she couldn't keep anything down and the xray showed a lump in her stomach blocking the exit. The vet operated and found.... a kitchen sponge she had eaten.

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Thanks Laurence & Don. All ok with Jamie, we've to go away and forget about things for a few months just now, so that's a plus. (Not her PKU, just something else that had cropped up but is now under control)


I got a bit side-tracked last year Don, and rather frustrated with lack of availability of some scenic materials I was looking for - not to mention a bit lost as to what order to do things, so Loch Tay didn't get entered for the challenge in the end - but it will - eventually, in some form or other, be finished off, even if it's just to provide a pretty backdrop for photos of locos! I was never entirely happy with the design, so taking one element out of it that I was particularly unhappy with will help.


Great news for Robbie, glad he's bouncing back!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Glad to hear about Robbie - I'm sure it'll be onwards and upwards for him now :) .


Lovely spring morning today, though on the chilly side. However, I'm sure it'll be nice to be riding the train across the fields in a few...


Be back later then...

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Morning all,


been raining here all night, which will make my trip to the airport this morning interesting! (Flying down to Port Harcourt)............Good to hear Robbies on the mend Tony.


Enjoy your day



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Morning All,


It is a lovely sunny morning here, but rather cold. It was -2°C as I was driving to work - not an expected April temperature!


Great news to hear that Robbie is doing well.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Cold, intermittent rain and quite breezy here today.

I don't seem to have any specific plans today. I did fit the new battery in the Clio yesterday so I assume I won't be outside messing around with cars this morning.

I think I may take Robbie for a walk to the park today. He will have to stay on the lead for a while but at least he will be back on his regular route!


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