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  • RMweb Gold

Testing Testing 1 2 3. Video of big engine (not mine!) pulling stuff through my club modules!




The light level varies as people were opening and closing the doors to the club room (chicken shed originally).

Dan (WarbonnetUK) told me it was straight forward to post to YouTube. I just need to learn how to video now!

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all!


So, we're back from Bavaria and a rather nice wedding. Turned out only two guests attended in lederhosen, though :lol: . Been raining for most of the return trip today and the forecast predicts a mixed bag of weather for the next few days.


Oh, and happy birthday, Debs :) .

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  • RMweb Gold

So far today on British mainstream tv the 'Titanic' has sunk three times - albeit with different casts, different stories and different historical inaccuracies. And it's going to do it all again this evening (however tv is far less distracting than RM web when it comes to cutting Plasticard even halwfay accurately).

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Morning All,


It is a rather dreary morning here today - cloudy, wet and yet to get light properly.


I will be back in the office later on, once I have taken the little guy to school.


On the subject of the Titanic, I was pointed in the direction of this BBC World Service programme detailing the radio transmissions that took place that night. It is facinating, and sad stuff.




Have a good day everyone...

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Guest Max Stafford

Good morning folks. Clear and cold here and I'll be shortly off to work. Wish I'd looked in over the weekend then I'd have knownick was on the way up! As it is, I was out when he passed by . Oh well, thanks for the Private Eyes anyway mate!

Do I have to pay you for the petrol? 😉



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, a frosty start this morning but a small price to pay for a clear blue sky. It was a good drive up to Carlisle yesterday plenty of lambs to be seen and only one numpty in 350 miles of driving.

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Same down here Mick. Quite a frost last night but bright and sunny right now. Seemed to have tweaked my back sometime last week and no sign of improvement as yet. Fingers crossed it will all settle down again.


Loads of heavy breathing behind me. I think my dear lady is determined to get into that smaller dress so she's puffing away on the cross trainer...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Clear blue sky, sunny but still cold. No overnight frost here though.

Robbie will be going to the vets today for stitch removal. He was very well behaved yesterday with all the visitors here for MiL's birthday lunch.


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"In the past doing DIY I've banged my head"


I can trump that!

I banged my head while on the computer!

(In our old house the 'support' 'phone was in the next room to the computer so it meant running between the two - under a low stone arch.

Thought I'd broken my skull in half).

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright sunshine here in the Thames Valley but cloud promised for later and a drop of rain overnight, very hard frost earlier judging by the sounds of scraping when Rob started his car at about 04.40ish.


Gordon - if you back doesn't improve I can recommend a very good chiropractor not too far away from you! My second treatment on Friday again involved much application of his elbow but things are definitely now on an improvement curve thank goodness although the muscle is still not 100%. However I'm told that today we will be 'putting back the things we moved for the hall and landing painting work' which will involve some serious bending to get underneath the 'library' bookshelves so care will be the watchword.


Have a good day folks.


PS As far as the 'Titanic' radio signals are concerned the Report of the British Inquiry contains a complete list including Titanic's signal correcting her original position to one almost 12 miles to the east.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Cold today and as 30747 at work, I had planned to have a real early start and get myself up and showered before she left for work (I still need help to climb into the shower) but as soon as she departed, I fell asleep and have only just wakened - so I still need the sleep.


Great to hear that Robbie's on the mend now, and hope Debs had a lovely birthday.


Re Titanic coverage on TV, I still wonder whether there's anything in the conspiracy theory that it was Olymipc that sank, and not Titanic?


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Re Titanic coverage on TV, I still wonder whether there's anything in the conspiracy theory that it was Olymipc that sank, and not Titanic?


Only if someone went to a lot of trouble to alter the appearance of the two - there was a distinct visual difference because on 'Titanic' an upper deck area for'ard was enclosed (due, I think, to spray reaching it on the 'Olympic') but on 'Olympic' it remained un-enclosed beyond the post 'Titanic' sinking refit and even later as it is still in original condition in pictures of 'Olympic' in dazzle camouflage. 'Titanic' was built like that so there was noway the two could have swapped identities without a lot of metalwork being altered on both and I think someone in the shipyard would have noticed that taking place - probably.

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  • RMweb Gold

Back from the vets. Robbie has had his stitches removed. All looks fine. A nurse and I held Robbie while the vet snipped and pulled. Although he wasn't "happy" during the procedure he was back to his normal state of happiness as soon as we let him go! Removed the collar (as instructed) when we got home.

I've got to phone the surgery where he had the operation later to see about the biopsy results.

Once that is sorted I'm off to Halfords to get a new battery for the Clio. I had to charge the old one this morning as standing for a couple of days without its usual 60 mile daily charge has flattened it. It is quite old so I'm not complaining!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all...


Forum woldn't load when I tried to have a look this morning, so just so you know I'm still around... :D Been at school again as well and in my impression, everything went quite well - especially the 5th grade I had in the 3rd and 4th period. Of course, I left a note for their course teacher so that they may receive proper credit.


Cheers everyone...

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Must be a day for animals and vets. Just had a call from the vets with some 50/50 news. Lukey does have a tumour and we've made a decision for him to have surgery on Thursday. Despite all this he is still bright and normally has a good quality of life. The choices were to do nothing and he would die fairly soon or operate and remove the tumour. If it is too bad they will just let him sleep, but if successful he could live another few years. We wouldn't normally agree to surgery for an older animal, but there is chance he could recover. If not, at least he will be well sedated and die peacefully.


Tough call...... :(

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