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  • RMweb Gold

I just fell out of a tree I was pruning (Damn Leylandii). Luckily my fall was broken by the old wooden Swingset of my Daughter.


Amazing how restorative a cup of hot PG Tips is. What would we do without tea?

Glad you are OK. PG Tips and in extreme situations a Rich Tea biscuit works wonders.

One of my (very nice) neighbours trimmed a huge eucalyptus tree last year. His wife was really worried about his safety so he climbed down and put a hi-vis waistcoat on. She wasn't amused.


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I'm told it's German... It has a sort of mesh to the chair back and the tabletop.


Probably the same from that description. We bought ours over 10 years ago and apart from storing the cushions, the furniture is left out in all weathers as you can see. They seem to be built to withstand anything that's thrown at them weatherise.


Remember this winter? Sorry I forgot, every winter for you guys is probably like this....



Edited by gordon s
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Hello campers! :bye:


How does the song go: "Blue skies......nothin` but blue skies" :sungum:


I appear to be a year less-young this morning; rather than sit and ponder the (seemingly) ever increasing speed with which each day seems to whizz-by,,,,,,I`m taking my dear-ones (both 2 & 4 legged) out to enjoy this, my 20819th. day. :yes:


Wishing you all, a lovely day. :angel:

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Happy Birthday Debs!


Gordon - yep, definitely the same set, though ours is with the round table rather than the square one.


Morning all, up early this morning (for a Sunday) to watch the F1.


Got a couple of bargains at the nursery yesterday. Picked up a Skimmia and a rhododendron for £10 total, which would have probably cost at least £25 in the garden centre chains.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Happy birthday Debs. Too early for me to do mental arithmetic (days to birthdays!). It is my mother-in-law's birthday today and she is coming here for lunch. House still smells very chocolaty from the cake Aditi made last night.


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Morning all, Many Happy Returns Debs.


Knowing that the font of all knowledge is on here, can somebody with some some geology experience tell me what type of rock this is? (There's a task for Sunday! )


As for PG tea, when I first came out here I carried several week worth of tea bags with me. Then I found I can buy the stuff, and rich tea biscuits here! Though at at least double the UK price......and the bikies are invariably broken............


Enjoy the day





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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, sunny day here still a chill breeze though.Happy birthday Debs trip to Carlisle again I have never managed yet to catch a steamer in the gorge or anywhere else on the WCML for that matter.

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  • RMweb Gold

Trev. I waved the laptop in front of Aditi while she was doing something creative with a potato. A quick glance before I was told to go and buy more potatoes was "Looks like sandstone to me".

So two votes for sandstone from Aditi and Pete!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Happy birthday Debs (I'm too old to do the maths quickly enough to produce a witty response but I hope you had fun working it out in days ;) ). Nice and sunny here with broken cloud but distinctly chilly earlier although no frost - or certainly no sound of car window scraping when laddo took off for work at about 04.45.


major disaster last night - knocked over my main bottle of Mekpak leaving not only a nasty smell in the dining room but very short supply untilI can get some more (which would be either Reading or Alton). And no domestic worry - the spilt stuff went all over by back-injuring modelling board and that could g outside to 'breathe'.

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Happy Birthday Debs.

By my standards, you are still little girl

A bit showery here, but I didn't notice whilst watching the F1. It was only when I went to buy lunch that I noticed the puddles left by the rain.

Happy modelling Sunday.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Lovely bright morning here so far, but quite chilly with it.


Debs slightly late with the good wishes from this end, happy birthday - hope you and the dogs have a good day.

On the dog front, we are almost decided that a puppy will be ariving in the early summer, provided one or two issues can be sorted - all the litters from the breeders are in the South - Dorking and the New Forest (when I last looked both of these destinations were not close to Lancaster) - litters are quite rare, so one has to be prepared to travel to get a Sussex. There's only one breeder in this area, the rest are in the Midlands and the South, and these are the only successful matings that have resulted in litters).


I fully agree about the Grand National - and the attitude of those who see the loss of two horses as being the price of having the race angers me a lot. In this day and age there is no need to have a race which is only unique because of its death toll on the horses (to say nothing about injury to the riders). All that is needed is to modify the jumps which cause the problem so that they result in a safe landing, and to reduce the size of the field. To argue that this would destroy the character of the race is abject rubbish. I haven't watched the National for years, and haven't placed a bet on it for over 30 years now.


Yes, 45156 is a grumpy old man today, but largely because I want to progress faster than my injury wants to heal. I spent a couple of hours yesterday putting up a wall mounted glass fronted cabinet and fitting track to the shelves , only to find that the shelves are 11 3/8 inches long, and my pacific models which were meant to be going in there pending getting somewhere to run them are 11 7/8 inches to 12 1/2 inches. So the display is of the Patriot, a Black 5 and a Fowler 3F tank instead. The main point is that a fit 45156 would have measured both first. Also that little task took just about all the energy I had.


Regards to All


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Trev. I waved the laptop in front of Aditi while she was doing something creative with a potato. A quick glance before I was told to go and buy more potatoes was "Looks like sandstone to me".

So two votes for sandstone from Aditi and Pete!


I don't even remember writing that post to Trev! The combination of incipient Alzheimers and Concussion are catching up with me. What?


Best, er.......

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm just not organised enough for proper train displays. The US stuff is in stock trays as it goes out to the club meetings. Some of my German, Austrian and Swiss locomotives are just sitting on the Russian literature shelves of a bookcase near my PC. The trains will run before the books get read (by me). Aditi plans to re-read them when she retires.



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  • RMweb Gold

I don't even remember writing that post to Trev! The combination of incipient Alzheimers and Concussion are catching up with me. What?


Best, er.......

I probably couldn't ever identify rocks. One of the reasons Aditi encourages my railway hobby is that she is convinced that having such an interest stimulates the brain and wards off dementia. I'm not going to argue! Did you become unconscious as a result of your fall? In the past doing DIY I've banged my head (yes I know I should use a hammer) hard enough to pass out. I didn't know that you are supposed to get checked out if you do so.


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  • RMweb Premium

I'm just not organised enough for proper train displays.

30747 and I reached an agreement about displaying our relative collections - I being a ferroequinologist and she an arctophile. We have several glass fronted cabinets, both floor standing and wall mounted. When I got to about seven locos with a bit of rolling stock, we agreed that I could find a new home for my railway books, and have the space in a large French glass fronted cupboard for my railway items, and she had a couple of the wall cupboards for her teddy bears - that way both of our collections was behind glass, and protected from the dust generated by the wood burner. I have my trains on display on tiered stands (bits of wood covered by green cloth) with a length of track on each, and each track taking a loco with a short rake of appropriate stock. I've got to say, it does attract many admiring glances from visitors. I've now got a surplus of locos, so some were just sitting in a line on one of the stands. So I got this old glass cabinet, put a hinged front on it, fixed the glass in and gave it a good polish, then out the track in, and the locos are sat in there - shame it won't take the Duchess or the A3 - out by about half an inch.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good day all , late again as I watched the Grand Prix on getting up .


Happy B/day Debs , and many more to come .


Nice weather here at the moment ,Mainly sunny but with scattered clouds . A bit weary today having

spent 6 hours at Trainwest yesterday , and several £10 notes too . Buy hey , it's only money and you cant

take it with you . :no:


Mike , you should have taken the tray of spilled Mek down town , I reckon some people would pay good

money to get high on the fumes .


Okay , time for lunch , have a good one folks .

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