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Morning All,


Not much thawing going on here Don - it is -3 degrees C and we have still got quite a bit of snow laying around. I've been in Germany ten years, and although I have seen more snow fall, it was gone in a couple of hours. This has been hanging around for days. We are even expecting more today - so I guess I will have to wait and see!


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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Morning all,


Far from thawing out, we had another 1 - 2" of the white stuff overnight, now sitting atop the ice that had previously compacted! Temperature's currently 0C.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Sitting in a nice warm study looking through the window at the fresh whiteness all around. Doesn't look like I will be driving anywhere anytime soon. Does look as though it is trying to rain now so this lot may not last long.


At least we only have snow and not the ground shaking.




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Good morning all!

There were no new mails in my in-box this morning. Usually there are up to two dozen all from RMweb being "New Reply notifications" so I was not surprised that I could not initially log in.As you can see I eventually succeeded.

It got up to 37C yesterday and at 6:30 pm it was still 30 in my lounge. Much cooler this morning with a promise of showers later today.

HAPPY Thursday ALL.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


So, then - my Mac mini is up and running :) . Having a new computer sure is nice - that old PC I had has been struggling even with simple tasks as of lately, as I had not really upgraded it for about four years.


Still wintery over here, but not as bitingly cold as it had been around New Year.


Later ;) .

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Morning All,


Rather unpleasant weather here today, and I am feeling thoroughly depressed too. The temperature is around -1C and there was ice rain coming down when I left home. The roads were already bad, before you added to the mix the people using them!


Still, these are rather small problems compared with those being faced by the people of Haiti. I learned this morning that a colleague of a friend was killed in the collapse of the UN building. She leaves a ten year old son - sometimes life is all too fragile.


Have a good day everyone, and count your blesssings :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Rather unpleasant weather here today, and I am feeling thoroughly depressed too. The temperature is around -1C and there was ice rain coming down when I left home. The roads were already bad, before you added to the mix the people using them!


I can well relate to that - when the weather first turned ugly back in November it hit upon my mood, too :unsure: .



Still, these are rather small problems compared with those being faced by the people of Haiti. I learned this morning that a colleague of a friend was killed in the collapse of the UN building. She leaves a ten year old son - sometimes life is all too fragile.



That is certainly true as well :( . I still remember how, back in the early 90s, there had been two or three very light quakes in the southwestern corner of Germany, which could be felt in this town, too. Even these minor quakes did leave an impression on me, though.

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  • RMweb Gold

Can any one remember when ERs was a happy-go-lucky sort of place?

It must be the January blues.


On a lighter note - it stayed idark and grey all day here yesterday. Had to scrape frozen snow this morning.

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