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  • RMweb Premium

I thought it was for Gordon's next baseboards.


The fireplace might be an equally likely option, given the mediocre weather at the moment...


Gee, I must have accumulated a greater sleep debt than I thought in recent weeks. Went back in after breakfast and could catch another nap right now... I was actually hoping for it to be somewhat sunny, so that I could check out what little of Leipzig's trams I did not explore yet, but that does not look likely today. Humph...

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all, finally got access to my own computer the three females were sat playing some girlie game before work started on moving DD2's bedroom down stairs into Mrs B's craftroom. Of course the craftroom contents need to move upstairs too. Tardis anyone?


Sounds like Robbie is recovering Tony so I hope that continues, Phil the last time I really hurt my back was flicking the duvet into place, hopefully lifting heavy stuff can be eased by hot showers and baths. When I was lifting heavy stuff regularly I used to wear a back belt not only did I look slimmer but it kept my lower back muscles warmer and more supple, walking off a large bulldozer with 120lbs of cylinderhead was achieved without damage.

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  • RMweb Gold


Chilly here now, we've revived the fire and are literally burning anything we can lay hands on, as we're down to the last couple of logs.



A couple of months back we were getting very near to our last logs so we got another load in - we haven't had to burn a single one of them yet (fortunately) and hopefully they'll still be waiting to be used next winter as our bloke puts his prices up a little every year.

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  • RMweb Premium

Forgot to say that we went for a walk around noon, which took us through part of the wildlife reserve in the south of the city, and where we saw these fellas:





I seem to remember the piglets were born in late November last year. Given the rather imposing size of the adults - one of which was calmly sleeping in the mud - I think the massive fencing is entirely warranted!

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Good to know Robbie is feeling better, it would be handy if our finned, feathered and four footed friends

could tell us "its ok i got out of bed the wrong side" or "ouch I have got tummy ache"

Laurence (who cant spell n cant type today!)

Spoke to soon hope he start to pick up soon poorly pets are so upseting for everyone


Edited by laurenceb
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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all.

Today hasn't turned out quite as expected. Robbie did seem a lot better and seemed keen on going down to the park. However he didn't go far and started showing signs of limping as well. I persuaded him to let me examine him and I thought the swollen part was larger than yesterday. So a phone call to the vet resulted in a trip to the emergency surgery in a nearby town. He immediately perked up when we got there, but couldn't hide the discomfort. The vet decided that surgery was called for and so I left him there. He has had the surgery and is the recovery area on a drip. It wasn't as simple as a normal neutering op as there was apparently a lot of abnormal tissue in the ###### area. Samples etc sent off for analysis but he can come home perhaps on Sunday if he eats. Some of his blood test results like white cells showed abnormal results but there could be all kinds of reasons for that.


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Evening all. Good grief, just realised I didn't check in this morning. Don't laugh, I'm all over the shop at the moment. Moving one of my landmarks (bin day) has totally screwed me. Add to that a Bank Holiday and I'm all over the place, somewhat like jet lag. Perhaps I need to get a job after all. Far too much time on my hands...


Really glad to hear Robbie is more like his old self. I'm a real softie where animals are concerned. They'll be a few tears in our place in the not to distant future. Our dear old puss, Lukey, is starting to go downhill rapidly. He's a special cat to us as he was our first purchase when we moved in her in '95. I suppose 17 years is not a bad age for a cat, but on the basis he gets better fed and looked after than I do, he should live to be a 100..... ;)


Can't believe you think I work fast. Jeez, I'm almost pedestrian and I seem to take forever on every little job. Are you sure your not confusing me with someone else? It's taken me all day to lay some cork trackbed and then lay six yards of track on ET. Not ballasted or wired, just stuck down. Hardly lightning fast.....


Edit: Oh and the log burner is well and truly on.....with logs and not my baseboards, thank you very much

Edited by gordon s
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Oh Tony! :O

I`m so sorry to read about Robbie`s emergency: as you know, 'we' have suffered similarly here at Collie-towers, so understand-fully how you (and he) must be feeling.

Tele-hug of support sent from all we here, to you all there.

Keep your chin up.

Deb and Co(llies)

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all - sorry to hear about the pet worries, hope all goes well with them. I had Cassie, my gorgeous Golden Retriever for 15 years, absolutely broke my heart when her time came. I couldn't go through that again which is why I won't get another four legged friend.


Today went well, one thing about the family when we all get together is we just don't stop laughing, usually at me but heyho. The grandsons are both two now and are so much fun. It was a good day.


Thanks for the good wishes re my back - I'm relieved to say that after overdosing on Diclofenac today it is somewhat easier. I have a booked driving turn on the Mid Hants tomorrow, we have a chronic driver shortage so I'm going to have to do it. Tomorrow night might see me on the Diclofenac and red wine to dull the pain!


Have a good weekend, come on you Saints!

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  • RMweb Gold

The vet said she would ring if any problems presented this evening so no news is good news. Robbie is a tough little dog so should recover well assuming removing the problem bits deals with the problem.. The word that got censored earlier was scrotum. Parts of the body must be rude in some parts of the world!

Thank you for all the kind thoughts and I hope Robbie's biggest recovery problem is how to cope with one of those lampshade things animals have to wear when recovering from surgery.


I liked Dom's boar photo! We were in Germany once and visited a wild boar preservation park. We could get quite close to the animals. Unlike a British wildlife park it was possible to buy a range of wild boar meat products in the gift shop! However when we went out to the car park and got in the car an enormous tusked boar came out of the forest and started licking the insects off the front of the car. I was not inclined to get out!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Looking dreich outside, but I hope to be able to do a little trip after breakfast regardless. I believe Charlie went back to sleep in the meantime, though. It's quite amazing how he can fall asleep on your lap within seconds, as we found out once again last night.


Have a good one, whatever you may be up to - and especially good wishes for Robbie!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather damp and grey here this morning. Originally we had planned to take our visitors somewhere today that involved a gentle coastal walk and a dog friendly pub lunch. I'm not quite sure what will happen now as it depends when Robbie is allowed home.


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Morning all, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Robbie recovers..... There are supposed to be wild boar around here, as well as some very large rats. (aka bush meat) but have not seen any. Not that I 'm on seeing them!.


Any way whatever youre up to , enjoy your day



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Very late in joining the good wishes for Robbie front, but nevertheless heartfelt.


The weather forecast was spot on. Totally clouded over and threatening imminent rain.


Pete, is Easter not recognised anywhere in the States?

I just presumed that it was celebrated everywhere in the 'Christian'/Western world.

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  • RMweb Gold


I just presumed that it was celebrated everywhere in the 'Christian'/Western world.

In the UK Easter contains a couple of Bank Holidays, Good Friday and Easter Monday. Schools have their holidays either side of the Easter weekend. Due to the moveable feast nature of Easter it can cause some timetable problems for schools when it is very early or late. Aditi's college only closes for the bank holidays. When I was young the school half term was the Whitsun week, but that link was removed and replaced by Spring Bank Holiday week.


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