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  • RMweb Premium

Oops - totally forgot to chime in this morning :mellow: . Hope you all had a good day! Been snowing again over here, but I cannot really tell how much it added to the layer already on the ground.


I hope I'll be able to head out and pick up the new computer which I am planning to get tomorrow! :)

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Good morning all.

No salt, no ice, no porkies.

Overcast (high) but still warm.

Had supper with Godson Tim and Kath last night at our local Italian restaurant, arguably one of the best in town, but none of us ate Itallian. I had a sole menieur. Absolutely delicious! :)

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Morning All,


No new snow this morning. However, there is still quite a lot remaining from the snowstorm yesterday evening. I drove home from work yesterday on completely snow covered roads.


I was somewhat amused to read that the Government in the UK is rationing salt, and they are now predicting gas supplies to run out. I wonder if Germany really does handle cold weather better or whether they just don't scream as hysterically as the British media seem to do these days.


Anyway - better get on. I'm struggling to keep smiling this morning :icon_cry:


Have a good day everyone :icon_wave:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I am having the impression that the daylight's beginning to last noticeably longer these days - so much the better :) . Nothing of importance to report yet, though.



I was somewhat amused to read that the Government in the UK is rationing salt, and they are now predicting gas supplies to run out. I wonder if Germany really does handle cold weather better or whether they just don't scream as hysterically as the British media seem to do these days.


Well, many media here in Germany were, in fact, quite hysteric, if you ask me. But of course I believe the general tendency of cuttings costs at the wrong end also applies to the administration over here - and not only that, but the railways and several other branches as well. I do wonder if there may be any internal calculations according to which it may, for example, be financially acceptable to allow for extensive breakdowns of rolling stock for a few days per year, as opposed to having them designed to actually withstand severe weather... :unsure:

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  • RMweb Gold
now predicting gas supplies to run out


Some politicians were ...... don't forget it's an election year here.


the daylight's beginning to last noticeably longer these days


Yes, only 5 months and the nights start drawing in again.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good Morning.


I'm off to college (not as a mature student, just as driver!) in a moment. Matthew has his Philosophy AS resit examination today. He isn't anxious about the exam just the bus not turning up. I won't have to clear ice off the car windscreen today as it appears that the thaw has continued overnight.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, Definitely less snow this morning but it was still below freezing when I walked the dog. Might even venture into the office today. Once a week is probably enough really.




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  • RMweb Gold

Flippin' 'eck, had enough of this. I'm on call this week and tramping around the Hampshire countryside at 1am looking for bursts in snowy fields is not my idea of what I should be doing at my age.Never mind, all part and parcel of the job I suppose. It's not as though I've got a good weekend to look forward to - I mean helping Dave with Cramdin and meeting up with Gordon, PhilC and GeoffR at the MHR Freight Weekend mini exhibition doesn't sound like fun does it....?

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  • RMweb Gold
helping Dave with Cramdin and meeting up with Gordon, PhilC and GeoffR at the MHR Freight Weekend mini exhibition doesn't sound like fun does it....?


I wish I lived closer then I could choose not to be there. wink.gif

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