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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Yesterday was sunnier than predicted and I was in danger of needing sun block from my time in the garden. I seemed to be taking cups of tea out for Aditi while she was digging holes in the ground for plants. Robbie tried to "help" by running off with tools and plants.

I assume I'm still going to collect Matthew today, if he is able to collect his medication from the pharmacy. They just said it would be there "on Monday".

Aditi doesn't get school holidays so will be at work this week, though she will be going in late today as she has a dental appointment this morning,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright and sunny here again but I think a bit nippy earlier as some folk were wearing coats (but they even wear coats when I'm out in my shirtsleeves). Our sleet forecast for tomorrow has now changed to 'heavy rain showers' and it's coming earlier -i it will no doubt change again as the synoptic chart develops.


Today I'm back to the logs. The heavy splitter - a hunk of cast steel you belt with a hammer - I bought on Saturday works a treat and has been a great help on stuff the axe bounces off. A bit more to cut and a lot to stack but at least I've reorganised the drying stack and hopefully the bulk will go there, dunno where the surplus will go as the woodshed is full already; but overall it means we should save a couple of hundred £s if the 2013/14 winter is cold.


Oh and I almost forgot - daughter has got her first published work in hardback. Albeit a chapter in a joint work by several authors with an overall editor but always, I think, a nice buzz when you get into hardback for the first time; she's got a freebie copy which is just as well as even on Amazon the book is £60 :O - serves her right for being into obscure stuff that is only likely to be read by academics and their more advanced students.

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Today I'm back to the logs. The heavy splitter - a hunk of cast steel you belt with a hammer - I bought on Saturday works a treat and has been a great help on stuff the axe bounces off.


Hiya Mike, I`ve often had good/easier results using a splitting-maul: (if you haven`t already got/seen one): they`ve a wide, wedge-shaped heavy-head atop a long, straight handle.....swung like an axe, but the blunter maul-head cleaves; rather than digging-in and getting stuck, like may felling axes.

I`ve split many a cord in my time......sadly, the years have taken a toll: and now I 'cheat', by using hydraulics!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning one and all , bright but chilly down in the Cider land , today will hopefully consist

of re-assembly of the latest loco build , painting went reasonably well yesterday , I seem

to have achieved a weathered look without having to use weathering paints and washes . :scratchhead:


Have a good day all

Edited by Sidecar Racer
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Just managed to get online after going through a very long list of phone calls and actions that I needed to deal with this morning - including my first post-op visit from the community nurse, who was happy with the progress so far - and then spent more time sorting out my bowel and bladder habits than she did in checking the wound and redressing it.


Mike - I'd fully agree with Debs over getting a log maul - a marvellous bit of kit which will tackle many tough logs that a normal axe will just bounce off. From long experience, the best way to use one is to strike the log on its outer edge, and it splits away very nicely - I've had one of these for years, and can testify to its effectiveness.


I'll probably pop back later as sheer knackeredness has set in again and the best place to be is resting up for a couple of hours. Again, thanks to my fellow ERs for the kind messages about my recovery.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning chaps - and chapesses (sp)? stranger in the camp. One weeks holiday thanks to your friendly Scottish Council - typical though, after almost three weeks glorious weather (March in Scotland)! culminating in a phew 24 deg peak, it's now peeing down and snow forecast for the end of the week (Isn't it appropriate that we always get a yellow snow alert :no: ) but do I care - no, I'm on holiday.....! Have a good week whatever.....

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Guest Max Stafford

No 'yellow' snow alert round here today Bob, but there might be one on Wednesday when I take Abi up to Whitrope! :blum:

Welcome to our friendly if occasionally deranged wee gang! Another working day for me - start at 2, today and tomorrow. Just back from the dentist after my 6-month MOT, all clear and no work required! :good:



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  • RMweb Premium

Just back from the dentist after my 6-month MOT, all clear and no work required! :good:


Would "MOT" thus mean something like "Molar Orthodontics Test" in this context? :lol:

Edited by 1216 025
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  • RMweb Gold

Back from Leicester. Fortunately I was able to park in one of the 1 hour parking places opposite Matthew's house. Leicester (or at least in the bit Matthew lives in) drivers are so nice if they see someone trying to cross the road with lots of luggage they stop to let you do so.

It is nice to have him home and he said it was nice to be home too. He even offered to cook but Aditi has arrived home with a lot of Chinese food.

I'm very tired but not planning much now. Car will be MoT tested tomorrow but I've booked a while you wait test at the Land Rover garage. This is rather a smart place so they provide tea/coffee, bikkies and respectable magazines to read! I usually look as if I should be in one more of the more agricultural Land Rover dealerships!

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  • RMweb Gold

"I've booked a while you wait test"


Do you have to take the car?

Only if you want to, however I'm sure they would still charge! The trip up the motorway today should have emptied all the particulate filters so hopefully it will pass the emissions test. I don't think the garage want me to forget. I booked it this morning and so far I've had two text messages, an email and a voice call to remind me.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


I haven't had any garage remind me about an appointment thus far, but then again, I always write such things down immediately. I also found iCal maks it much easier to remember appointments, especially when sharing them across all devices.


Funnily, the weather forecast for the next few days sounds a bit more hopeful than it did yesterday. I'm looking forward to having a few days off in any case!


Cheers everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dry and clear at the moment but rain is forecast later today.

If my car goes for a service, progress texts arrive throughout the day. I'm sure I have various software diary applications but a note on the wall calendar seems the most reliable method for me.



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  • RMweb Premium

If my car goes for a service, progress texts arrive throughout the day.


Now this is interesting - haven't heard about any garages offering this kind of thing over here either.

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  • RMweb Gold

Now this is interesting - haven't heard about any garages offering this kind of thing over here either.

With all the electronic stuff on my car I'm surprised that it doesn't phone home all by itself. This is my first diesel but there seem to be a lot more wires in it than my previous car.

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Morning All,


It looks like it is going to be a another nice day here.


I quite like the idea of progress texts when the car is in for service. I haven't heard of anything like this in Germany either. German customer service is generally getting better - significantly so since I came over here in 1999 - but there is still a way to go!


Have a good day everyone...

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Hello.I think I missed yesterday. The dressing change lady arrived at 7:45 and Timothy shortly therafter. He stayed until lunch time so I didn't get a chance to log on in the morning.

However nothing noteworthy happened so you missed nothing.

The fair weather continues with rain forecast for Saturday.

Happy short week everybody!

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There are still a few shopfronts advertising 'Tattoos while you wait' and similar.

I presume they intended the joke but one can't be sure.


Your car already puts you 'on the grid', Tony.

APR, GPS, Mobile 'phone, CCTV, card purchases of diesel (or anything else), loyalty cards, e-mail etc. etc.

Even your biometric passport can be scanned if it's in your pocket.

Face recognition technology is already used for large crowds (Olympics probably).


It's not Big Brother - it's a whole family watching you.

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New bin day today. Despite umpteen phone calls to the council, still no blue bags, so stuff is out the front in black bags. 'Customer Services' assure me they will take black bags. Bin men have already said they won't. Another gold star for communication of strategy......


Anyone want to place a bet?...

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