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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all ,


bright and sunny here , in fact so bright it woke me up at 7-00 am ,


I finished the loco repaints yesterday , still unsure about getting them dirty though .


I intend to make a start on rebuilding an old K's kit today , broke it down in Nitromores to get

it to bits . It will go back with solder .


Enjoy your day all .

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All


Wot - nobody welcomed 87029 on one of his rare visits to the realms of ERs, up a bit early there, and with a bit of time before going to open up Carlisle's finest model shop.


Don fasted bloods are a nuisance - I need to have them done at least twice a year, and as I'm also on insulin, it can be tricky to keep the blood sugar up.


Debs hope the conference goes well for you - most that I attended were hot-airfests with not a lot of outcome apart from those with the strongest opinions and the most vociferous approach winning the day - probably I've been to the wrong conferences, as many of mine were of a political nature (I was a Trades Union rep in a previous life).


Reliance on automation as your memory is quite commonplace - most youngsters I know don't even TRY to remember important things like phone numbers, and rely instead on storing them on their mobile devices - to the extent that many don't even know their own phone number. At work I have to collect contact details as part of the exercise, and it's astonishing how many people don't know their own mobile number - the usual answer is that they don't phone themselves, but don't they need to give it to their mates, who do phone them?


I'll pop back later, as a pre-op haircut is in order, and perhaps a trip to the model shop as an unexpected bonus from work is burning a hole in my pocket.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

Just a quick hello! :angel: .......then I`m off to a conference for a couple of days; see you on the other side. :locomotive:


Have a nice conference, hope it's decent venue preferably with some trains and seaside to make it interesting. But what about the dogs???


And morning all, a nice sunny day here in the Thames Valley and another tomorrow (which will make the Ally Pally trip a bit on the hot side I suspect). Not sure about the garden today as my assistant has to go to (paid) work this evening and we've got to take Henry back to the vet today as he had a sore place on his tongue so has been on antibiotics for a few days - but otherwise he passed his 'Fit Cat' assessment ok, with due allowance for his advanced years.

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Guest Max Stafford

8 Oktas grey here today but you can see it's a thin layer as the brightness is gradually percolating through. It's a shame I'm off to work this afternoon but somebody's got to do it and mortgages don't pay themselves, do they? I do hope this good weather continues into next week as a trip up to Whitrope will prove irresistible, even with the price of petrol!

Good news on the cat front Mike.

Passwords? They may be a necessary evil, but oh they're a pest. I've had to resort to keeping a code book that wouldn't shame one of HM's submarines because the simple fact is, I've got too many to remember now!




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  • RMweb Gold

(which will make the Ally Pally trip a bit on the hot side I suspect).

Pleasantly warm according to the Google weather forecast. I don't intend to overexert myself walking up the hill from the station though, I shall get a bus. I still haven't decided which of the combination of routes to take from those suggested by TfL. The Overground option does mean I miss out Kings Cross though.

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  • RMweb Gold

Pleasantly warm according to the Google weather forecast. I don't intend to overexert myself walking up the hill from the station though, I shall get a bus. I still haven't decided which of the combination of routes to take from those suggested by TfL. The Overground option does mean I miss out Kings Cross though.

I usually don't walk up but invariably walk back down (although my arthritic knee does not like going downhill nowadays). We're going via KX and GN mainline - which should apparently work for daughter who has the dubious disadvantage of having to buy tickets since she left full-time uni and will be on some sort of Travelcard or whatever they're called - and that's my usual route although I did it by car one year. So we'll get to see KX which should be interesting - probably. Biggest bind with KX is the Circle Line which is atrocious judging by recent expperience.


And Henry has come away from the vet with an 'improved but further antibiotics' conclusion, he was glad to have his lead off when we got home but for once he seemed quite interested on the drive there & back.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'll get a Travelcard Return from Benfleet. That way I can use the bus, DLR, underground or rail. I'll get the free coach from the station if it is there before a bus arrives. I intend to save my energy for wandering round the exhibits. I was hoping that Aditi would take Robbie for a morning walk but she is going out as well (hairdresser, all morning I have been informed).Unfortunately Robbie will have to make do with a walk round some local fields, he would like demonstrating how strong he is dragging me up the Ally P hill. He is quite good (for a cocker spaniel) on the lead but seems to see hills as something to be climbed as fast as possible.


Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Passwords? They may be a necessary evil, but oh they're a pest. I've had to resort to keeping a code book that wouldn't shame one of HM's submarines because the simple fact is, I've got too many to remember now!


I wonder if you could set up some kind of device where you could give admin clearance by simultaneously turning two different keys, just as when authorising an ICBM launch! :lol:


Another day at school done - nothing too taxing today, though. Now looking forward to what will hopefully continue to be a sunny weekend!

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Guest Max Stafford

Well, since I'm on my own now, I no longer require Presidential Authority to access the funds! :sarcastichand:



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  • RMweb Premium

Well, since I'm on my own now, I no longer require Presidential Authority to access the funds! :sarcastichand:


There is something about the point of view once proposed by Louis XIV, is there not? :D

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  • RMweb Gold

Where's BoD?

Lurking but somewhat busy and preoccupied.


I was told my password had to be eight characters long.......




so I chose Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well I'm back again, having been separated from much hair, and with a Bachmann bag with a Midland 3F in it - lovely model, but not in my mainstream of what I planned to collect - what the blazes, it'll be my railway when it gets built, and I'll work out a reason for its appearance on whatever regional layout I finally build. I've got to say that it is a very nice loco, and it seems to be a good runner. Given its many uses, I should be able to put it on anything from a pickup goods to a breakdown working, and they did work the odd passenger service as well.


I should have known what was in prospect for today when 30747 gave me a shopping list the other day which included 10 litres of fence and shed paint in two shades - so yes, I've been out there painting sheds and fences - hey ho. However, as it turned out quite a nice afternoon so a bit of outdoor work was not all that much of a bind as I thought it might be.

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And I think it really is about time you had a look at that spare Nidge.



All sorted now Mike, seventy two sovs later! When it came to putting the good tyre / wheel combo back on the car today though, I had to take it round to the local garage to undo the rock solid wheel nuts as I don't have a long enough bar to get the right amount of grip. Very obliging they were too, a family run business with a soft spot for old motors, quite unusual these days ;)


And I think it really is about time you had a look at that spare Nidge.



All sorted now Mike, seventy two sovs later! When it came to putting the good tyre / wheel combo back on the car today though, I had to take it round to the local garage to undo the rock solid wheel nuts as I don't have a long enough bar to get the right amount of grip. Very obliging they were too, a family run business with a soft spot for old motors, quite unusual these days ;)

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  • RMweb Gold

Aren't you bringing him with you?


No, he isn't tall enough to see the layouts.( He hasn't ever been on a train but I hope we can take him on some train journeys when we go to the Lake District later this year.)

Anyway I'll be easy to spot at Ally P, white hair, nearly 60, can't be many people fitting that description.

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Hoping our paths cross tomorrow Tony. I'm aiming to get there for opening at 9.30 and then a bee line for Lime Street before the crowds get too much. I see there is an RMWeb meet at 1pm, but not sure if my back and knees will hold out that long....

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  • RMweb Gold

I know what you look like Tony! :sungum:

I won't be wearing the sunglasses though!

I must put a more current picture on my facebook and twitter pages though my brother said it is a good likeness, though he may have been referring to myTwitter background ( a hairy pig).


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Evenin all. Once when geting a blood test the nurse took seven tubes, I told her that when we got the vet to take blood off

a cow he only takes one, she sugested I go to the vets next time........!


Edited by laurenceb
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  • RMweb Gold

Hoping our paths cross tomorrow Tony. I'm aiming to get there for opening at 9.30 and then a bee line for Lime Street before the crowds get too much. I see there is an RMWeb meet at 1pm, but not sure if my back and knees will hold out that long....


The only real criticism I have of the Ally Pally event is lack of seating. I'd probably stay longer and spend more if I could sit down occasionally .I don't think I have a back problem, I do seem to be getting a lot more joint pain and I suppose it shows more in backs, legs and fingers. I'm lucky, it isn't constant and if necessary responds to a couple of paracetamol.

I hope I can see Lime Street. The thread is rather splendid. I sent the link showing their bespoke module trolley covers to my club colleagues. Our layout (Essex Belt Lines) is at Ally Pally next year and trolleys we have, but not covers!

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