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  • RMweb Gold

Tea and toast failed dismally so today passed in a blur of feeling very rough or fast asleep when I did wake up it looks like it was a great day for being out and about.

Plain boiled rice, some plain yoghurt and keep up fluid intake is what I have been recommended for food based illness.

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I was another of the mowers today. Fired up SWMBO's mower for her as she wasn't feeling well. Had to remove piles of cat s*** from the lawn first, rather than spray myself with them as I mowed. I'm going to buy a bag of lion dung manure...

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought the lion dung was to deter foxes not cats!

EDIT Research (!) reveals that it is supposed to deter cats. However some of the ones round here would see it as a challenge not a deterrent!

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


First traces of daylight on the horizon and birdsong outside, which should make getting ready for work a lot easier. As it is, I shall be getting ready now, and will most likely report back some time after 1 pm CEST.


Have a good one everyone!

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Good to read about your Spring weather and gardening and track laying activities. Good for all of you.

Here yesterday was HOT as hades and very enervating. Still hot today though 2 degrees cooler at 29.

Can you please give me directions to Bodge City. I would really like to read it up.

Have a good week all. I hope you are feeling sufficiently better to face your problem pupils today Mick.

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Not sure that quality control is going to pass Dave's track laying.


Strange mist about last evening and this morning.

It has a sort of 'rolling' quality as if it's more solid than it is.

Not seen it here before.

... and I haven't had a drink for a few days.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

It looks like it is going to be another nice day. I've put some washing out to dry and dried the car windscreen.

I'm not planning much today though I expect I'll have a shopping list.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Early start today taking daughter to Reading for the 07h00 'bus to the airport as she's off to New York for a few days. Quite thick fog in places and still the brainless are driving round without any lights on at all - two of them in silvery grey cars, and they don't even turn their lights on when given a dose of flashing headlights and a touch of full beam in their brain dead faces; and people wonder why there are 'accidents' in fog!


Off to Farnham later taking herself to the dentist (I'm glad she's paying and not me) then pop into Alton Model Centre enroute home - can't be helped having to go that way as I can't turn right coming away from the dentiiit's place in Farnham so it's, hmm, 'sensible' to return via Alton (there - I've convinced myself).

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Mike, Decent week to be in New York. Some showers overnight tonight otherwise clear all week.


Today: 70f, Tuesday: 73f, Wednesday: 68f, Thursday: 67f, Friday: 72f but mostly cloudy that day.


Morning everybody!


Best, Pete.

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The worst is yet to come, Martin.


"If I never see sausages with caremelised onion again it will be too soon."


I know we are missing out on some of the finer things in life but we have a rule in our household:

No sausages, mince or any other product the origin of which is not identifiable.

However, a 'good' sausage burned on a BBQ is one of the delights we sacrifice.

(I should explain that SWMBO's family have a chain of Butchers' Shops).

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Morning All,


It is quite a nice morning here. Sunshine and blue sky - hopefully Spring is finally on the way. I am somewhat later posting this morning, on account of having to wait for the chimney sweep to turn up.


I haven't had to start mowing yet, but a word of advice for those suffering cat problems. Buy some curry plants - they work well at deterring cats and are less "pungent" than lion dung. This is unfortunately one of the hazards of house cats. Wild cats will bury their turds.


Yesterday was spent gardening, we cut down three trees and two bushes in the front garden as part of my "front garden improvement plans". I certainly know about it this morning though! I have aches in places I didn't know I had places!


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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I had a major international cattle co-operative client where I learned that abattoir "floor sweepings"

were use to make polony.. It didn't put me off eating polony and sausages of many kinds still form an item on my weekly menu as well as cottage pie, pastry meat pies and other minced meat dishes!

Dd I understand your abstinence, but will not join you.

After all, I'm still alive.

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  • RMweb Premium

Flippin' 'ell, I guess I'll know why I will be dropping into my bed tonight...! Six periods in a row, and all of four courses to watch in the first two. Thankfully, it's 17°C and sunny by now, so the rest of the afternoon should be pleasant.

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  • RMweb Gold

Strange how tiring teaching is is it not.

Should we tell Dom to get some comfortable shoes? It is surprising how far you can walk in a school day! When doing cover, the lessons always seemed to be at the opposite end of the building to wherever you were before!

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