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  • RMweb Gold

Talking of water supply issues the new hot water tank is installed and commissioned, solar link and all with Mrs Stationmaster duly smiling once again. And a tip for those with an unvented system - check the installation/instruction manual and see what it says about annual servicing, seems that failure to do it can present problems with some types of cylinder (not that it did with ours).


Now does Phil reckon I ought to get a purifying etc plant for my rainwater storage tank - all 5,000 litres of it?

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  • RMweb Gold

I guess I should have forced the issue and talked to my course leader. Mind you, finding a time that you can talk to him is just as hard!

I used to work in a sixth form college and students who left and came back to say hello often commented how uni gave lots less feedback than at college. Matthew must be lucky as the communication and feedback seems rather good (at least in the Geography Dept) at Leicester. Tutors seem to be accessible in person and by email. Though as he lives in a house 5 minutes bike ride away does make it easier to see people. You should discuss (or email at first) any problems with your tutor, but the only advice might be to change your place of residence!


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Evening all. An annoying end to an otherwise ok day. Had a conference at the Botanic Gardens today, which was pretty interesting, all about the refresh of the Scottish Biodiversity Strategy.


This evening I took the car over to the large blue and yellow furniture shop to buy a 2m tall bookcase and a 2m tall cd/dvd tower. The cd/dvd tower was manageable for weight but the bookcase weighs 81 lbs (37kg) so though I was able to unload it whole from the car, I had to take shelves out of it to carry it up the 4 flights to my flat on my own. Unfortunately when I got them up to the flat, I realised I've picked the wrong colour out from the shop, as it doesn't match the existing one. So in the morning I'll have to dismantle the back seats of the car again, reload everything and take it back and go through the whole rigmarole again. Worst of being slightly colour blind and it being several years since I bought the old one!

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  • RMweb Gold


Worst of being slightly colour blind and it being several years since I bought the old one!


Or you could tell anyone who notices that matching units are so old fashioned!

The new sofas we bought before Christmas have visible wood and we spent ages choosing what looked closest to the other furniture items in the lounge. I don't think I've any colour vision problem but Aditi is much better at noticing subtle shade differences when I just see "brown" wood.

I remember the trips to IKEA when we got desks and cupboards. In those days you couldn't take your trolley to the car, so if you were on your own you had to leave your purchases, and bring your car from the car park to the collection area and then struggle to get something off a trolley through a gap smaller than a trolley into the car. Fortunately they changed that system, but by then I'd given up on flat pack. Though I might buy a load of Billy bookcases for the study, not sure which finish though!


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Morning all,


Thanks for your collective concern folks. I do try and keep my head down! Obviously the situation in the North which is several hundred kilometres away from were I am is of concern.


Well another day arises, so best get on..........enjoy yours, Mike I sympathise with the colour problem. Years ago I built some bookcases from what I seem to recall was called "conti-board" Quite pleased with them (and the new SWMBO was impressed !) But could I find the same shade when I was instructed to build more..............of course not!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all...


Looking dull outside and I'm not sure whether I got enough sleep. I guess I'm just programmed for waking up early!


Not sure what'll be on the list for today, but we do need a colour cartridge for our printer.


Cheers everyone!

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Regardless of what time I go to bed or how much sleep I think I need I wake early, every day, like 5:00am. I'm retired so other than on a Sunday when I get a lift to early Church, I need not be up and ready before 8:00.

Can't change a habit of decades.

Still lovely weather. 29C forecast for today and 32C for tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Coffee drank, papers read, bacon sarnie devoured.

Bright sunny day with nothing to spoil.........



List has just been administered.





Oooo...look. I've made all of fifty posts.

Edited by BoD
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Guest Max Stafford

This is pretty early for me too, but we have lots of ballast to drop at Whitrope today and more sleepers to position for the next job. The Mk2 coaches will be arriving soon and we need to get the place ready for them.

Cloud more broken and there are sunbeams in evidence!

Abi's coming up to supervise too!



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Or you could tell anyone who notices that matching units are so old fashioned!

The new sofas we bought before Christmas have visible wood and we spent ages choosing what looked closest to the other furniture items in the lounge. I don't think I've any colour vision problem but Aditi is much better at noticing subtle shade differences when I just see "brown" wood.

I remember the trips to IKEA when we got desks and cupboards. In those days you couldn't take your trolley to the car, so if you were on your own you had to leave your purchases, and bring your car from the car park to the collection area and then struggle to get something off a trolley through a gap smaller than a trolley into the car. Fortunately they changed that system, but by then I'd given up on flat pack. Though I might buy a load of Billy bookcases for the study, not sure which finish though!


Unfortunately that's still the case at the Edinburgh branch. Had to leave my trolley in the care of a pregnant lady while I went to fetch the car. I was certain my existing Billy bookcase was birch effect but these are so much lighter I suspect it must be light oak.


They've now brought out height extensions for Billy bookcases but daftly haven't yet for the Benno cd/DVD towers which match the bookcases.

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  • RMweb Gold

08:30 and im already in london, 06:15 off moor st, got to go back to brum at 09:30 then leamington and back, finished at 13:30 so not bad.


i've got a weeks annual leave then, the bare baseboards in the garage might, no will, be getting cracked on with

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Morning all,


Thanks for your collective concern folks. I do try and keep my head down! Obviously the situation in the North which is several hundred kilometres away from were I am is of concern.


Well another day arises, so best get on..........enjoy yours, Mike I sympathise with the colour problem. Years ago I built some bookcases from what I seem to recall was called "conti-board" Quite pleased with them (and the new SWMBO was impressed !) But could I find the same shade when I was instructed to build more..............of course not!




I've never had to buy conti board but recall my dad having bits for some purpose. Maybe shelves in my bedroom as a kid.


I helped him build a built-in bookcase in an alcove when my parents moved house when I was 20. Unfortunately it's bowing slightly now.


Keep safe out there, Trev.

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How long does typical "Corned Beef" last after de-canning and in the 'fridge?

I'm the only bu@@er that likes it in my family and once opened I have to have it for lunch (in sandwiches with Mustard and Branston Pickle, natch) until it disappears...


Best, Pete.


Current ear worm (for two days, nearly): Alan Price "The House that Jack Built"

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